[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir šŸ”

ā€™Ello! Lass! We usually muck about all over, out on adventures, hunts or telling of tales!

Right now though we are out on a little quest! Where Frolbar is putting us hot on the tail of old words, words that speak of things most forgotten :eyes:

So I would say the best bet is to reach out to us while online, Frolbar preferably so you can sort out a time for a chat!

But if you catch any of us online we are happy to chat/or RP! :beers::hammer_and_pick:


Everytime Frolbar says we need to find something important we end up in combat situations. Every. Single. Time.

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All fun and games for the Stouthearted kin a while back, as the Dwarves honed their hunting skills in Kul Tiras:

This past week the Morodnir began another of our grand adventures in search of The Tapestry of Kings, seeking out the first clue took the intrepid fellowship to Stormsong Valley where they did battle with remnant Trolls, a witch, fire elementals-- and some bees Grimner promptly befriended?

Meanwhile several of our Artists have created a few more wondersā€¦

First up was paladin of the silver hand, Eadwald Fairhair by Morgrim:

And Bavira also by Morgrim:

Meanwhile Grimner has created two epic images of Dark iron Forgeguards:


Yup, we did things. Remember, when close to intense heat for prolonged amounts of time there appears the risk of losing your head. The witch learned it the hard way.

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Would love to mingle with yā€™all fine bushy bearded folk during some downtime and learn more about Dwarf RP.


Of course you want to. All the dwarves want to hangout with the cool kids. :sunglasses:
All you have to do is see when weā€™re online and throw us a whisper then we will see when we have something that you can tag along for.


Give Frolbar a poke too, he can likely add your name to some of the events on our calendar!

We more than love walk up rp!

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I have been very busy of late so have not had the time to tend to the forums personally as some of you might have noted.

So here is a little update from me personally.

The Morodnirā€™s started their second major overarching plot. The hunt for the tapestry of kings. A hunt for a mythical treasure of the anvilmars that will take us far from home.

Right now we have traveled to Stormsong valley to follow the trail of Yerol the Brave. Yerol was an advisor of the court of the anvilmars. Who is rumoured to have taken one of the pieces of the treasure with him into his long exile.

Sadly right now things have not really gone as planned as weā€™ve run into some Horde renegades with a dastardly plan of their own. One that might put the entire valley in jeopardy.


Our resident Dark Iron artist Grimner honoured the guild with a beautiful piece of art, and weā€™re simply gob smacked! :heart:


What an absolutely wholesome and stout-bodied guild - best of luck with your next story arc and the artwork be slayinā€™. :heart:


Of course it be slayinā€™, have you seen the amount of weaponry present in there?


We are getting alarmingly well armed :thinking:

The perks of Dwarven crafting I suppose!


When ya next story night, me expect a personal invitation!


Awesome stuff.


Soon to once again have 100% more Wizard

:man_mage: :metal:

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Pfah wizard. We donā€™t need a wizard.

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You say that now, wait until you get a midnight craving for muffins.


Thereā€™s an in joke about conjured muffins among the Morod that would give them good cause to avoid such deliciously dangerous goodsā€¦

:cupcake: :skull_and_crossbones: :man_mage:


Nah, Iā€™m good. Would not eat any muffins conjured by Hruroth anyway.


Blink twice if you all need a food inspection team to drop by :face_with_raised_eyebrow: