[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir 🏔

The Morodnir arrived at Kamagua, a Tuskarr village in the howling fjord. Here they sought out clues about the story of Anbrilda and her involvement with the enigmatic “Tapestry of kings”.

After being offered shelter by the people of Kamagua the Morodnir endeavoured to help them in return.
After gathering their things the Dwarves set out to hunt down the great Orca Toyeshla.

This led to a great battle on some ice sheets off the shores of Kamague itself (Really glad none of the sods drowned tbh).

With their debt paid the Morodnir’ll travel North to the Argent tournament grounds. Hope to see you there.


Looking good Hruroth, have fun at the tournament :+1:

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These lads n’ lasses are an absolute joy to RP with, I’m saddened to not have the time personally to interact with them of late!

Wholeheartedly recommend these guys to any Dwarf who’s got that itch for adventure :+1:t2:


Tonight we’ve made our way to the Argent tournament grounds in anticipation for the grand tournament that is to be held there. Additionally the Morodnir’s been looking for a Tuskarr in the area that might hold the key to finding the next piece of the Tapestry of kings. Stay tuneed for more on that as the week goes on.


Was a wee’ bit’ fun running into you guys at the Argent Tournament.


You folks look like a happy bunch! How do you stand on players new to RP and who are not able to come online that often due work and family obligations? I am interested on joining in the future :slight_smile:


Our most important mantra is IRL first. That means that if ypu are Morodnir you are Morodnir unless you are removed.

Removal is generally done only after months of unexplained absence or acting inappropriately. Both things being exceptionally rare from what I have seen.

New rpers are welcome with open arms provided they are willing to learn where necessary. We all started somewhere after all.


By Magni’s beard. Where’s my daily dose of Hruroth’s magical images?!


They are still hidden is his magical hat!
He needs to dig deep in that thing to pull stuff magically out hah! XD


Soon… Soon… :man_mage:


We interrupt your usual Morod viewing with this urgent (double) post, it appears unexpected shenanigans called us away from Northrend and our current plot last night in order to aid an unusual bunch of allies… :handshake:

The Ren’Dorei of the Duskrunners called in the Morodnir, Howl of Thoradan AND some Blood elves out for artifacts in order to defeat the mind controlled forces of an Ethereal and save their Void elf sister from his dastardly clutches… So we prepared! :shield:

Naturally, having set our defenses and an ambush, things promptly went wrong as the Ethereals forces attacked multiple locations beyond, including Thelsemar! So naturally we rushed off… :dash: :athletic_shoe:

Arriving in the Dwarven town we found many of the populace had been mind controlled, and quickly set to freeing them and even ourselves from the grip of the Etherals voidy mind tendrils (with tactical boops to the noggin). :face_with_head_bandage:

With Thelsemar safe we rushed back to the badlands to find the fortress under heavy attack, so naturally we all hit youtube and started playing the Ride of the Rohirrim … :ram:

The rush of rams saw us into the fortress as we quickly set to overwhelming the controlled Elf, and finishing off the final few who remained mind-snared … :squid: :brain:

With the situation calmed and the crisis averted, we returned to Thelsemar to share a few flagons, and work out just how many more miles, leagues and portals we’d have to leap to get back on track with finding a portion of the Tapestry of Kings! :crown:

Thanks to the Duskrunners, Howl of Thoradan and our other blood elf ‘Allies’ for the event, we had a blast! :man_mage:


If you look closely in the last screenshot, you can clearly see the two most murderous dwarves in the group keeping their distance from the elves, with Frolbar in between just in case.
That is no coincidence, it is a safety measure.


Got to prove once and for all a Bronzebeard is better than two Dark Irons! Blast one with the Light, use your sword to wrestle the other into a fence post! Thwack! Night-night!

All fair play when yer mates are mind controlled by void magic!

But yeah! Good time to rp a Dwarf, better to be in the Morodnir!


Opfh, not great when your mind is filled with visions of the past, recalling once’s hundred years of servitude to the fire lord… where then crimes were attempted before a gallant paladin “en-lightened” this poor iron.

Was a bash! Great event surrounded by great folks! :boom::volcano::hammer_and_pick::beers:


The real question is, how many folk got murbulated during the tourny?!


HEH! I got two fantastic duels with fun opponents … but then … I went and tried to use “my head” … which was not allowed.

I walked out of the tourney with a grin, knowing I stayed true to my Iron nature of cheats and evil-doings! >:)

(Was a blast, but I forgot the rules haha, NO AIMING FOR THE HEAD! GAH!)


So! The Tapestry of Kings… :crown: Where did we leave off? Ahh! We had just been to visit the Tuskar of Kamagua, and after assisting them with a giant zombie Orca problem (it was ridiculous), we made our way to the Grand world tournament. :shield: :whale:

With the tournament over we took the guidance and information given by the Tuskar elder and headed to Sholazar basin! apparently the Dwarf elder that held the piece, favored the place for its fine hunting! :bow_and_arrow: :leopard:

Though first we had to cross the bitterly cold and woefully deadly ice fields of the Dragonblight… :dragon: :ice_cube: :snowflake:

The plains held many dangerous, from Magnataur to stray Frost-Wyrm, but to our surprise and consternation, it was a foe from below that struck us! :worm: A Jormungar!

Thrashing its way between the group and dismounting many, it managed to separate and disorientate the Morod. Thankfully our resident Berserkers and hunt masters managed to carve into it like butter and take it down before any Dwarf was maimed or worse.

With that peril out of the way we took a rest at the Kaldorei of Star’s rest before setting off west again the next day :star2: Working our way across rickety, and frankly dangerously neglected ice coated bridges :bridge_at_night: We soon traversed the Broean tundra and arrived at our destination.

Following the hundred and fifty year old rumors’ of a long dead Dwarf spoken by a Tuskar proved tricky, but after prodding around some Titan ruins, having a heated encounter with some Wolvar… we then had to wade through thick mangrove swamp…

Finally fording a river that Morgrim absolutely refused to get wet because of, we came to the ‘:x:’ marks the spot we sought, digging up the illustriously crafted contents - a portion of the tapestry! :moneybag:

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks for the Morodnir. Battling undead monsters, competing in a super tournament, aiding new allies in the Badlands, rushing back to Icecrown and finding the item we sought…

…We could all do with a pint! :beers:




After how they treated and cheered on my Gnome Paladin, I will certainly consider these buds when I ever RP a dwarf. <3


WE WANTED VIOLENCE! We - WERE SATISFIED!Lovely character that gnome of your! A treat to RP with hah! So right back at yee :beers: And thanks for the kind words! :volcano::hammer_and_pick::fire: