[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir 🏔

I hope we fight alongside each other one day. Dwarf RP is always amazing and I wish you the best.


After a hardy journey across Khaz-Modan and into the Badlands, the Morodnir arrived at an Explorers league camp where they prepared for the trials ahead. :hammer_and_pick:

They also took a moment to observe the destruction of Deathwing… :dragon_face:

With exploration and adventure abound, I can’t wait to explore the area some more.


The Morodnir keep on going with their adventures.
After learning about the keys to the mythical vault of the Craftkin, the hearty dwarves set out to find the seven keys needed to unlock it! The first one has now been found. After clearing out the tomb of mastersmith Uhnglang the Morodnir managed to come out the other end with the key to the vault firmly in their possession.

Their work in the Badlands is now complete and the dwarves now make for home to safeguard their treasure and tell of the tales they have garnered.

A wonderful series of events and an absolute honor to share in this tale with such dedicated dwarf rpers. Now the next thing to look forward to is tall tales night which shall take place on the 18th. Any and all are welcoming in the halls of Ironforge to share in a tale or listen to the stories of both the past and the present.


It’s not all just adventure with us, but also pleasant pastimes to be enjoyed by all Dwarf folk! Last night, lead by Morgrim Coalhammer, we set out on a hunting expedition under the stars, and brought back two fine boars to eat around the camp fire with cheese, bread, whiskey and ale!

The Morodnir can also be found in their favourite club in the Great Forge District, Ironforge, where they tell tales of the past and present, and drink heartily to heroism!

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Sounds like a good concept and something I would be interested in


We have an event tonight at Thelsamar, if people are interested in seeing how we do things!


Heh - although, having hosted the hunt itself … while completely failing to actually successfully hunt something himself … very comical for Morgrim to say the least haha!

Lucky we got some old Bronzeh lads who knew their way around the mountains! As they managed to snag two boars, leaving the hunt with an end filled with some good grub - drinks and laughs!

Lovely time! Will definitely be more of that in the future! Stay tuned for more dorf stories!


Had a great night tonight, out on the second leg of our ‘Craftkin’ plot. We found and searched the ancient tomb of the Armour-smith ‘Hornig’. Battling dangerous Golems, out-witting clever moon locks and sniping titan built laser-traps! :hammer_and_pick:

The return leg saw us arrive back in Ironforge, ready to scour the snowy slopes of Dun Morogh for the third tomb!



The Dwarves of the Morodnir set out on the third chapter of the Craftkin storyline where we hunted down the key of the Gemcutter Azarfi. But getting there was no small feat and the group had to really rely on each other to get the job done in the end.

A wonderful chapter and therre will be alot more to come in the remaining 4 chapters and beyond!

With the help of Hruroth we managed to return to Ironforge and we are now preparing to join in the revelry at the Bareknuckle brawl!


Having an Absolute blast at Thundermar’s Bare-Knuckle Brawl tonight! Many thanks to Throrgàr, the Stormhearts and the Wildhammers in general for hosting! :fist_right::fist_left:

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Tonight was tall tales night and we had an absolute blast! Strangers and friends alike revelling in story and song. What a time to be alive!


After a brief time relaxing in our mountain home and sojourning briefly in Stormwind when the desire takes us, the Morodnir now turn their eyes further afield, an invitation from a mysterious stranger, to undertake more acts of stunning bravery and skill.

But first, we must travel by the treacherous waters of the sea without vomitting over the side the whole way.


Dwarves? on ships?!

OCH-- no… I’d rather Keep our feet on the ground


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O’by tha anvil … why did eet’ hav’ ta be across tha’ sea … :cold_sweat:

We’ve ‘rocked up’ (and very nearly didn’t fall down a mountain on the way) to Greywatch in Stormheim as our mysteries adventure begins, summoned by an unknown benefactor with an offer of a quest and glory!

Not suspicious at all.

We rounded the night off with some fine mead :beers:, better stories and good company around the fire.


After arriving in Stormheim the Morodnir set out to answer the call of a mysterious stranger.
Accepting the stranger’s quest the group scaled Thorim’s peak and brought battle to the storm dragon Morvakor. After battling him from the foot of the mountain to it’s very peak the Morodnir managed to not only take a horn as proof of their deed but also claimed the dragon’s skull as a trophy. With their jouney to stormheim now complete and a great new tale to tell the Morodnir now refocuses on finding the remaining tombs of the mythical craftkin.


But first! A little bit of hunting in the stormy hills.

:cow: :eagle: :wolf: :bow_and_arrow: :gun:

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Tonight we’re going to delve into the archives of Shadowforge to find clues on our next target. The tomb of Astri, Lady of stoneshaping. But I have some doubts that those secrets are going to be laid bare with any degree of ease.

Furthermore a new date for the next tall tales time has been decided. It shall be held on Monday the 14th of June near the slaughtered lamb in Stormwind.


“Just a trip to a Library” he said. :books:


“It’ll be fine, what’s the worst that could happen?” He said. :volcano:


Neglected to mention said library was in the heart of Shadowforge, guarded by a fine selection of ancient traps, Dark-iron portcullis gates, verbally abusive Golems and an ancient trap that summons illusions born of the book that is opened…


Should be glad we picked ‘archaeological tools’ :pick: and not ‘History of Ragnaros’. :fire::boom::skull:

The adventure continues as we are now on part four of our amazing Craftkin plot, searching for the tomb of the fourth of the legendary crafters, Astari the Stonemason! :european_castle:


OCH?!? how was I supposed to know?!??

It’s not like my kin to have a library, built inside a volcano, guarded with traps, and golems, curses, both words and in runes, information granted to only those wielding Magic’s- oh …


That does sound like what my kin would do, heh. Ooppseh’! Suppose’ “Trial by fire,” aye? Shrug :fire: