[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir šŸ”

Woo! Tall-Tales in Stormwind tonight, canā€™t wait! :mage:

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Had a wonderful time in Stormwind hosting the tall tales time! With over however we shall focus on the fifth tomb of the Craftkin. The tomb of Nolwunda the brewmaiden.
Stay tuned for more updates.


Quite the mountain hike was undertaken last night as our ā€˜Craftkinā€™ plot continues.

Seeking entry to the ancient brewery of Clan Fiercewinter, the Morodnir undertook a little bit of helpful bandit thwarting in order to gain some favor. This led to some rather unusual shenanigans including a localised lightning storm, a blizzard tornado, some documents of plot and intrigue and a rather unfortunate case of Arson .
:cloud_with_lightning: :fire: :tornado: :male_detective: :fire:


The Morodnir have had a bit of a stop and a break after last venture - by having a grand time in Boralus! :beers: A request for dwarven crafting later - they headed off for the isle capital of Kultiras!

Starting of with a rest - along with a tavern-crawl through the city ā€¦. Ending with loud cheering as they were given a reduced price for a whole barrel of Olā€™Ironforge! :clap::beers::fire: Ending their first night on the tops of mountains in spirit!

The visit, where initially due to Morgrim being requested by a few locals to aid in demonstrating smithing! :hammer_and_pick: :fire:

Although as luck would have it, Eadwald got to display his own family craft by selling homemade brews and ales a plenty! :beers: Capping of the market evening with smiles and laughs with old and new faces - and lots of brews!

Now, the fellowship sets their sights on the wilderness outside the city - catch a bit of hunting to end their grand time on the isles!

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Been a fun little week for the Morodnir!

First we had a little visit to Boralus for the market, but had to build up to that with a pre-emptive Dwarven pub crawl, that somehow ended up on a boat. Oh well, I suppose when in Kul Tirasā€¦ :anchor:

This was followed by the market itself where, where our own Morgā€™ gave a lesson on Blacksmithing, while Eadwald Kragfoot opened the official ā€˜Kragfoot breweries stallā€™, apparently his ale went down quite the treat. (No, really, we sold out, we canā€™t brew it fast enoughā€¦) :beers:

After that we ventured into the wilds of Tirigarde for a hunt! seeking furry critters, big and small! :rabbit2: :fox_face: :eagle:

It was really just an excuse for Hruroth to put on another hatā€¦ But we did manage to bag one mighty stag! :deer: :dart:

Next up, back to Khaz modan for our 6th part in the ā€˜Craftkinā€™ plot! :hammer_and_pick:


Tonight we have a really fun time fighting the Hand of Zul. The Morodnir valiantly tried to wipe the foul trolls and their fouler intentions of the map and the Hand of Zul did what they could to defend their kind from Dwarven attempts to wipe out their Frostmane brothers and sisters.

Applause all around for our Hand of Zul counterparts we had a lovely time and there will hopefully be alot more of this.

We are also approaching the end of our Craftkin plot, the search for lost knowledge has reached itā€™s end stage. With only two keys remaining soon we will be able to bring new wonders to the crafters of today.

Keep in touch to learn more about our adventures and join in on our Tall tales nights when a new date is set.


Mostly here for the free beer.


Great lads and lasses to fight against! You donā€™t wanna mess with these bad boys, trust me.


Awww, shucks, that means a lot. We had a great time too!

As you can imagine, itā€™s been a busy week for the Morodnirā€¦ Not only did we face off against a Troll insurgency in the hills of Dun morogh (Alongside our noble allies, the Covenant of Lordaeron), risking life limb and most importantlyā€¦ Beard. :bearded_person: :hammer_and_pick:

But we also took on the challenge of seeking out the tomb of the sixth of the Craftkin, that of the Rune-master Famolae. out-witting dangerous floor traps, massive armored golems and a contentious riddle door, we at last retrieved her key and a great deal of foreboding information about her and the fate of her own kinā€¦

Oh andā€¦ Morgrim somehow did thisā€¦

The Ram and Aircraft rental companies were not amused.


Thoootā€™ yeeā€™ ā€˜ought toā€™ knoā€™.


Good to see another band of dwarves about!

If you could do the spirit of a dead mountain king a favourā€¦

ā€¦Kill the orcs.


This week has been a busy one for the Morodnirā€¦

First, our resident Dark Iron Master-smith Morgrim took us on a venture to below Blackrock mountain and its many dangerous tunnels, in search of pure Dark iron ore! Battling the deadly heat, and a voracious Fire-elemental, we managed to get what we came forā€¦ :hammer_and_pick:

Though For some, the ā€˜Heatā€™ was just too muchā€¦ :fire: :volcano:

Then onto Boralus where we partook in holding our personal favorite event, the ā€˜Tall-Talesā€™ . Many storyā€™s and songs were shared, and we were quite pleased with the Dwarven turnout! :beers:

Then it was off into the hills of Drustvar, to seek the final of seven keys of the fabled ā€˜Craftkinā€™, this one in Bahrods tomb. Legend has it that Bahrod travelled the world but found himself stricken on an unknown island, where he was overcome by local savages before being slainā€¦ which explains why his tomb was riddled with Drust. :ghost:

Eventually freeing and gaining an ally in a Stone-giant that had been enslaved by a Drust Witch, the Morodnir made their way to the tomb to do battle with the Witch. Eventually overcoming her magic, we forced her to flee-- but not before we reclaimed our prize! :key:

More Adventures await, but tonight, we head to the Boralus market to sell fine Dwarven wares, drink ales and show off our smithing skills! :hammer::beer::anchor:


I had the pleasure of joining in on this lotā€™s latest venture in Kul Tiras. Canā€™t recommend them enough! Looking forward to more adventures with you guys! :smiley:


Hallo! Iā€™d love to get in contact about possibly joining, whatā€™s the preferred way of contact? Whisper, or bnet chat, or discord? ^^


Grab us via whispers in game! Always someone on, during the evening! :slight_smile:

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Been a while since our last update and what a time itā€™s been!

The Morodnir have gathered together all the keys in their possession and at long last unlocked the tomb of the craftkin but there was more than ancient secrets that awaited them inside and the Morodnir inadvertently set loose an ancient menace so cruel and cunning that even the Dwarves of old feared itā€™s power.

This chapter marks the end of the ''Vault of the Craftkin ā€˜ā€™ Storyline and paves the way into a new chapter for the Morodnir. A chapter in which they will have to cling to what makes a true dwarf or risk losing it all.


Alas, disaster has struck. In our search for knowledge and our lost heritage, the Dwarves of the Morodnir have unleashed one of the oldest enemies of their kind. An ancient Trogg, locked within the vault, and bound there by the Craftkin, has been unleashed onto the world. Alas, it is not just the beastā€™s size, but itā€™s intelligence, after years locked within the vault with the comprehensive knowledge of our greatests craftsmen.


"Failure and recovery"

Aā€™ manehā€™ oā€™ me kin anā€™ fellosā€™ be sayinā€™ - OPPSEHā€™!

Now with the ā€œmistakeā€ of opening the vault looming over our heads, we have been recovering from the defeat at the hands of our new and dangerous foe. With both armor and bodies hurt and in need of mending, us , The Morodnir! Have been hard at work doing just that!

Having to ā€œforgeā€ not only new armors and weapons for potential battles ahead ā€¦ but new bonds with allies as well! :hammer_and_pick:

As yesterday - we spent a night with the Lionblades, drinking laughing and the occasional round of ā€œDworkstoneā€! :beers: Crazies - were indeed - had! HAH!

SO! The future is never too grim for a kin of the MOROSā€™!
Stay tuned for more Dorfing around! :bearded_person:


Yer ale was good, the laughs many and company even better.
These lads and lasses are sure sturdy, solid and trustworthy.



Yooo, is that more dwarf RP I see? Everyone get in here!