[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir šŸ”

Itā€™s out there, somewhereā€¦

ā€¦Watching, waiting!

Biding its time

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Weā€™re over in Pandaria, causing a ruckus and charming the locals. 10/10 beautiful sights and great people, good vibes all around


Itā€™s not called causing a ruckus, itā€™s called bringing up the vibes.


So, where to beginā€¦

Weā€™re on the hunt for two keys, to gain access to an Earthern vault far below the Stonetalon mountains. And the hunt for one has taken an interesting turn in the Jade Forest!

Our journey took us across the sea to Pawā€™don village where we quickly made headway inland. We even had time to meet our good friends in the Celestial Circle and share some food and a few tales!

:beers: :panda_face: :ramen: :camping:





Eventually we discovered that near the Jinyu village of Pearlfin, a siege was being conducted by a strange gaggle of Hozen tribes intent on stealing ā€˜slickysā€™ and earning big hats with venture Co. slogans on them! Our rivals, a gang of plundering goblins had riled up the Hozen to try and steal the Key from the Jinyu!

With the gift of seeing in the waters the Jinyu guided us to some ā€˜softā€™ targets to create chaos in the Hozen camps, breaking their food supplies and creating mistrust among the tribes as we slipped between their various camps in the wilds.



But it wasnā€™t long before we took the fight to the Hozen propper. And boy did we! Aided by Jinyu warriors, we broke into the Slingtail pits in hopes of hunting down the Goblin Inciting the chaos.

And boy was it chaotic! We had fire bombs, Dook flinging, lightning strikes, in-fighting hozen, a very big (giant) Wizard, a rocket-launching shredder, and absolute chaos!

:bamboo: :monkey: :poop: :firecracker: :fire: :man_mage: :cloud_with_lightning: :carpentry_saw:




I did not get out of this battle in an all together good stateā€¦ :fire: :boom: :exploding_head:


With victory won, the Goblin inciter slain and the Artifact handed over by the Jinyu weā€™re taking a day or two to recover!


But before long weā€™ll be heading to Boralus and then the Trollbane Tournament!

We hope to see many of you there!

:beers: :+1: :man_mage:


See the fourth last pic for live footage of Drinul hitting himself in the shin.

Thatā€™s what I said! Sorta, anywayā€¦

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Weā€™ve got a weekend of fun to look forward to!

The Morodnir have split our focus, half our number are attending the Trollbane Tournament and even competing! :crossed_swords:

While the other half have dashed to Ashenvale to see our Kaldorei friends and partake in Jurinaā€™tore! :deer:

A weekend of fun for all and I recommend others to attend either or both! The hosts are absolute legends!


I donā€™t know how the Morodnir survived the first ever Bragdfunder, considering the liver breaking amounts of beer, axe throwing, hot coals walking, brawling and bad jokesā€¦

But we did!

Weā€™re now soon on our way to Boralus to seek the second key to unlock the Earthern Foundry!

:key: :mountain_snow: :anchor:


Turns out the key weā€™re looking for is from Hrurothā€™s house, he got so drunk he lost them again.


Itā€™s been a curious week in Boralus! :anchor:

Weā€™ve had to contend with the worlds maritime underbelly, as we tussled with the vicious backstreet gang known only as ā€˜The Bullsharksā€™. :shark:

Eventually we discovered the Titan key we was looking for was going up for auction as a prize item on the Black market, so this demanded some shifty shenanigans involving saving a terror stricken pub owner, and combing through the shifty characters that made home in the local fish marketā€¦ and bribing the local drunk :fish: :beer: :coin:



Once we knew the time and place of the Auction we had to hatch a plan to buy or steal it from its nefarious holders - opting for purchase (at first). But first we had to get by the Doorman AND blend inā€¦ :coin: :door: :eye: :face_with_peeking_eye:





Having slipped under the Bullsharkā€™s goons notice (barely) we even managed to buy and free two slaves before our chosen lot came up! And bought itā€“

Oh boy did we buy it, we even had our own Dwarves trying to outbid each other, and angering a local Tide priest-- who upon defeat went crazy and called in his void tendrils wielding pals! :squid: :octopus: :imp:

We swiftly made a quick exit by a short range group teleport-- but not before locking the doors from the inside and starting a fire (-cough-)ā€¦


With the key secure we thought it best to lay low before heading back to Stormwindā€¦ promptly taking to the hills for a quick hunting trip in the Foxhollow woods!

:bow_and_arrow: :boar: :deer: :camping:

Iā€™m pleased to say we had a great old time sharing storyā€™s by the fire and taking turns to hunt, where Bharek managed to plant a bolt in one stag and Frolbar managed to-- STEAL MY BOAR KILL. Seriously, Iā€™d been after it all night ā€¦



With our adventures in Tirigarde finished (for now) we return to Stormwind to honor a friend and her ascent to the position of a High-priestess!

After that, who knows? The keys beckon us to open the Earthern vault below Stonetalon and the new expansion is right around the corner!

Adventure is abound!


:mountain_snow: :man_mage: :hammer_and_pick: :eagle: :shield: :muscle:


The Morodnir have finally recovered the secrets hidden within the foundry of the earthen. Weā€™ll arrange for a screenshot post about that soon.

Having delved into the ancient tunnels the Morodnir was confronted by a shadow of the past, a doomguard of the burning legion, trapped in those ancient halls for over ten thousand years it would surely prove to be a mighty opponent.

Slaying the monstrosity the Dwarves were able to recover a copy of ancient earthen teachings stored on a strange platinum disk.

Now we too are preparing for the launch of the war within. Now that our foundry storyline is completed the Morodnir will return to Khaz Modan to focus on small local issues and tell their stories around the many hearths found within its borders!

If you want to share in our stories or go on epic adventures? Feel free to get in touch with me whenever it suits you.


The Morodnir are preparing their pickaxes for TWW. Nothing to do with Earthen being made of stone and having precious gems embed into them. :zipper_mouth_face:

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What have we been up to lately?

Well first off, we finally got into the foundry vault! The Earthern facility far below the Stonetalon mountains!





We unfortunately had to reroute power to the key console, which involved dodging demonic remnants from the war of the ancients and trying not to get lost! But eventually we got the doors to the vault proper open!



Once inside, a Hologram informed us we had to take several titan gems to something called the ā€˜Archiveā€™.

:open_book: :key: :old_key: :gem:

While our adventure was a success, this left us with more questions than answers!

With that over, we quickly found on our return home an eastern kingdoms alive and afire with the stirrings of the void!

We battled corruptive Kā€™thir and Skadryn on the slopes of Grim Batol alongside our Dwarven allies!




Uncovered the secrets of a shadow addled cult of Kobolds led by a void corrupted gnoll in Loch Modan!



And last we fought even MORE Skadryn, led by their reptilian skinned leaderā€¦ the prophet! In the Wetlands!





The world is wracked by Chaos of the void sort right now, but you can bet your last copper the Morodnir are ready to face it!


Three Years? Blimey, has it been that long? Well, I suppose I should say something.

Who are the Dwarves of the Morodnir?
We are a band of Dwarves from all three clans united by a single drive: to inspire the spirit of our people. After times of great strife for the Alliance, and with the coming of peace, many returning soldiers, beleaguered monster hunters, budding new adventurers, and many aā€¦ unique character has found kinship with this band of Dwarves. We are lead by Frolbar Boldbeard, who first formed the Morodnir in the wake of the Fourth War to find new purpose for himself and others similarly without purpose.

Who is Welcome?
Any Dwarf, within reason. We take many Dwarven archetypes, and many more unique styles of Dwarf, from Knights to Bards, Mountain Kings to Warbrands, Golemancers and Mages, it takes all sorts to make a people, it takes all sorts to make the Morodnir.

Will Earthen be welcome?
This will remain to be seen, as weā€™ve not had a chance to interact with any yet, however the common culture between the Earthen of the Isle of Dorn and the Dwarves of Khaz Modan may lead to some joining our ranks!

Why should I join?
If you love adventure, and small scale storytelling, and being part of what is essentially Thorinā€™s Company without the desperation of the quest for Erebor. Indeed, for the Morodnir, the only thing a quest preludes is another quest to test oneā€™s might and set oneā€™s heart soaring.

Thatā€™s nice, who the hell are you?
I am Sir Eadwald Kragfoot, Huscarl to Frolbar Boldbeard, one of the guild officers and one of many Dwarves you may adventure with as we move into this new chapter in Dwarven history. For now is come a chance for the Dwarves to reconnect with their heritage once moreā€¦ and a chance for a Prince to prove himself a King for all Dwarves! (Dagran, not Frolbar. Frolbar has enough ego as is!)

With the launch of the war within finally upon us there are some topics to talk about regarding the Morodnir.

A question that has been asked alot, internally and externally is whether or not weā€™d accept Earthen into the fold.

It has been a question that has taken more thought than one must initially assume.
We are very concious of the fact that the Earthen of Khaz Algar are very disctint from their Khaz Modanian cousins. With their own beliefs, customs and traditions.

But as we pondered the question ourselves we came to the conclusion that despite the differences, there is much more that unites us. A shared legacy of craft and courage that cannot be ignored.

Therefore we have decided to open our doors to accepting Earthen into the Morodnir.
Recruitment of said Earthen will roll out as we explore the lands of Khaz Argal.
Standards will be high as we want to ensure that those who seek to join as Earthen are a good fit for the company and we are a good fit for them!

In regards to the faction situation regarding earthen. The Earthen of Khaz Argal are in a unique situation with their loyalty not necessarily bound to either the Alliance or the Horde. We fully appreciate anyone wanting to rp an Earthen who adventures with the heroes of the Horde. However due to some OOC faction constraints THE MORODNIR WILL ONLY ACCEPTED ALLIANCE ALIGNED EARTHEN.

Anyone is welcome to inquire more about this subject with myself in this thread or in game.

In other news!
With the launch of the expansion we have decided to give our members a few weeks to explore, quest, level and enjoy the expansion. Therefore rp events will halted until the 15th of SEPTEMBER where we will prepare for our journey to the isle of dorn and the rest of Khaz Algar below.


Long-time admirer here who might just reach out on my Earthen when the time comes for you to roll up at Dorn :eyes:

After a long absence to enjoy the beauty and adventure of the expansion we have returned to rp.

Tonight the Morodnir rallied together to hear of the fall of Dalaran and of the rise of the dark Harbinger Xalā€™atath.
Having lost numerous friends in the chaos of Dalaranā€™s fall the Morodnirā€™s course was set from the start.

Now the Dwarves prepare to travel to this far of land of Khaz Algar to take the fight to Xalā€™atath and discover what happened to their friends.


As someone thatā€™s spent a week or so working on this Earthen, Iā€™m excited to see that youā€™ll be accepting Earthen! Iā€™ll be excited to reach out to you in the coming days, looking forward to see our Dwarven kin arrive!

Time for another update!

The Morodnir braved the stormy seas, journeying to far off Khaz Algar! Making a brief pitstop on an island in the South Seas. Here the Dwarves intended to gather some much needed supplies. But instead they stumbled upon a tribe of void worshipping trolls who had captured some Alliance explorers.

Faced with a painful choice the Dwarves took on the jungle dwelling cultists and saved the explorers but in doing so forfeited any chance to secure the supplies they so desperately needed.

With now even more mouths to feed the last leg of the Journey to Khaz Algar proved incredibly harrowing with the crew close to starving as a result of the dwindling provisions.

Their luck soon turned however as the Morodnir made landfall on the Isle of Dorn and made contact with Bealen Frostforge, whom the Dwarves had thought killed in Dalaranā€™s calamitous crash! Alongside Bealen the group also made contact with some new unexpected allies in the form of the unbound of Freywold village.

While relations were initially uncertain the Dwarves soon proved their intent by helping to find and rescue the unbound ā€˜ā€˜Yulmarā€™ā€™ from the depths of the Orecreg. An abandoned pit now swarmed by Fungarians.

With the confidence in the Morodnirā€™s intentions now secure the Dwarves have taken to dwelling in Freywold village for a time from where they plan their move.

Danger still looms around every corner however as the Nerubians of Azj Kahet still assail the Earthen at every turn.

The Morodnirā€™s dwelling in Freywold village for a time as we prepare for more outings into the rest of the isle of dorn. More screenshots of our adventures will no doubt soon follow.

Stay tuned for more.

If you want to get into the action yourself and want to bring hope, honour and glory to both Khaz Modan and Khaz Algar? Get in touch. Weā€™re more than happy to welcome you along!


The evening within the village of Freywold was as it always was, with earthen going about their business, the tavern rowdy as usual and of course the new inhabitants wondering through.

Once such inhabitant was a Wildhammer known as Kaiā€™awk, he spent much time on the southwest coast of the Isle of Dorn aiding in the Dalaran clean up operation but his time in Freywold was spent trying to convince his loyal Wolfhawk Relgar to feed.

Since they made landfall the wolfhawk refused to eat the plentiful fish and other local bountiful meats offered to him. It was by chance Kai looked up and saw the band of Dwarfā€™s that had rescued him from the Orecreg mine a few days ago. He walked over and nodded to the Morodnir, the leader known as Frolbar was atop a rock holding a parchment asking his Kin to join him on a venture to a nearby mine where the earthen miners have disappeared and work has strangley ground to a halt. Listening to the Thane, Kaiā€™awk was inspired to lend aid. Afterall whats the worse that could happen!

The Dwarves of the Morodnir and Kaiā€™awk ventured northwards to the mine, once there they would find nerubian overseers, webbed wrapped earthen and of course adventure!.

Had a blast with the Morodnir last night with some excellent DMā€™ing from Frolbar and of course simply awesome responses from those Dwarves/Earthen that attended the event. Iā€™ve not RPā€™d in wow properly for some time and these stout hearted, rock skinned, tattooā€™ed people that play their characters so well accepted me into the event with a warm welcome.

(This is where Iā€™d link a pic of the eventā€¦butā€¦well canā€™t so there)