[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir 🏔

The Morodnir have been very busy dealing with the aftermath of the start of the second major chapter. A chapter we have now dubbed ‘‘The revenge of the sorrowful chasm’’.
As mentioned previously this plotline delves into what makes a dwarf a dwarf and explores what one must be willing to do to set right a wrong.

Furthermore we’ve also been working on plenty of new activities! A new date for tall tales has been determined aswell this shall take place on THURSDAY THE 29TH OF JULY in ASTRANAAR. We hope particularly those in the Kalimdor community will join us in a little bit of fun and revelry while we perform a great quest in the area.

We will also indulge in some hunting while we are so far from home. If you are interested in joining our hunting trips and your character is in the ashenvale area you are more than welcome to tag along and share in the thrills.

Lastly. There are other great activities in the works that we hope will really bring out the beauty, love and soul of Dwarven life and Dwarven crafts. More will follow on this soon.


Och - findin’ an’ smithin’ wit a wee bi’ o’ tha’ good ol forgin’ - novl’ methods fer eet’ - an a som’ o tha’ materils’ fer eet … WHA COULD GOO Wron?!?


Last night we spent our time pursueing the Shroomtaker Troggs. A bunch of savages who cultivate mushrooms that enhance their combat abilities. It’s been an interesting challenge to deal with. Furthermore we also thank beastmaster Vedir from stopping a corehound before it could turn us into teeny tiny dwarf flakes.


Looking forward to our return to the Eastern Kingsoms after some time in the West!


We spent some time in Kalimdor to prepare for a new project of ours. The forging of titansteel! Having entrusted Morgrim with the essences of fire, earth and shadow the Morodnir now prepares an expedition to gather a shipment of Titanium. Once this is done we will be prepared to craft some gear that will truly be worthy of myth and legend.

And that gear will likely soon be needed as will soon be revealed in the next chapter of our Trogg storyline ‘‘The Sorrowful chasm’’ will be fully unveiled.


"Makings of songs"

Och, we have been busy! Traveling across the world, collecting both knowledge and material to craft that of legends and old songs. Elemental essences from far and wide, titanium from the very peaks of Northrend, and tools to make forge them into something grand!

On our travels we have befriended night elves in Kalimdor, fought and bested elementals and satyrs alike. Along with the occasional bandit camp along the way - which was no match for Dwarven might!

Now - Morgrim tends to his forge: looking to prove the worth of him and his clan, that HE indeed, is a master of his forging!

Although rumblings have been noted, this calm crafting peace will not be long … evil lurks in the depths of the world …



Glad to see Morg’s efforts coming to fruitition! And the Morodnir keeping busy!

Hoping to be back with you all and raiding dungeons, exploring mountains and bashing troggs in no time flat!

:mountain: :mage: :hammer_and_pick: :beers:


Had little time to update these forums of late. Unexpected irl circumstances. But here goes.

Recently we have been busy dealing with the Guild’s major storyline. The end of the reign of Parglak of the sorrowful abyss. This ancient Trogg has given us no shortage of grief, but after managing to break his vanguard in a bonestrewn valley of Dun Morogh the Morodnir have bravely followed him into his lair. A great subterranean lair carved into jagged rocks!

Updates on what will happen next will be posted on the regular so stay tuned!


Did ya’ get him!? Is that vile prot-Trogg dubbed Parglak dead!? :skull:

I gots to know! :mage: :exploding_head:

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Parglak’s a whole lot deeper than six feet under.
Well what’s left of him.

And with the would be Trogg King’s demise the Morodnir have returned to Stormwind for a time to get themselves some well earned relaxation!
But we don’t like to sit idly even when trying to unwind so next Friday the 17th we will be hosting a new tall tales time in the Golden Keg. Everyone is free to join in and marvel at tales of glory and adventure.


I give these hairy halflings two thumbs up.

Winks at Frolbar.


After the defeat of the foul Parglak the Morodnir has taken ample time to celebrate. But adventure burns in their blood and an oppurtunity to get revenge on a foe that has wronged them in the past makes itself known.

The Morodnir shall soon journey back to Kul Tiras and the cursed woods of Drustvar but this time they seek no other treausre than the head of Melga the woodswitch placed on a spike.

A great new adventure awaits us in drustvar. One with some difficult choices along the way.
Care to find out more? Feel free to get in touch with Eadwald or myself to have all your questions answered.


MELGA!? :broom: :frog: :woman_mage: :skull:


I envy you all, the last encounter was so fun, and Hruroth had a score to settle. Blast the hag for me, lads!


Last night Vedir almost chopped her head off while Frolbar distracted her with some insults being thrown between witch and dwarf.

Unfortunately she has the woods on her side and managed to magic her way out just before she could’ve met Vedir’s blade.

So close to add another trophy to his title, as currently he is known as Parglak’s Bane, being the one delivering the blow that beheaded the trogg king.


Come on lad, you can’t have every kill, can you? :axe:


Can you-…!? :fearful:

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I hate double posting, but…


Time for another update now that time allows it!
Been a bunch of busy bees with plenty of adventures! We sought out the witch Melga in Drustvar. With fury in our hearts we brought down her profane stickmen and made her pay for befouling dwarven artifacts.

Of late we have returned to doing what we do best. Travelling the lands and trying to inspire honest dwarves to be the best we can be.

In the near future there will be new grand adventures that delve not just into the past but also dig abit deeper into what it will take to build a better future!

Lastly we are planning a new tall tales. A new night of adventure and song that we hope to share with each and every one of you. But stay tuned for this so that you might also get the chance to share a story.



Sad to of missed out on that particular Witch hunt, but she had it coming to her.

Got plans myself upon my return! Involving giants, flooded temples and a return-return-visit to Dalaran!

Morgrim! Get the beers ready, the Wizards on his way home! :beers: :mountain: :hammer_and_pick:

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