[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir 🏔

HEH! Les’ go SNOOEH’!

Starts to pour up multiple tankards

No but seriously, will be fun to have you back man :+1::beers:

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Morg-- MORG!!

When and where is the next tall tales!? :beers: :books:

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ACH! Throws himself to the side, diving away- from the question

Haha! No but soon! :beers::wink:

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Hah a fair question and one I should have given an answer to some time ago. The next tall tales will be on the eight of November. in the city of Boralus! A thread will be posted with the ic announcement and as a means to answer questions about the event.

Another updated about our situation is that we are filling up our calender with new stories.
First on this list is a hunting trip to Loch Modan. After that more adventure awaits us with new stories being brought to the fore. The mystery of the stone of stories. The dangers that lurk in the shadows of the Borean tundra and the search for a mythical necklace said to have been blessed by Freya herself.

Care to learn more about these stories? Come by and ask me all about them. Or feel free to leave a question or a comment here.


Ooft! perfect! :musical_note: :beer: :open_book:

And that’s just music to my hairy-dwarf-ears! Cheers Frol-lad! :heart:

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I’ll try and swing by for this Tall Tales, enjoyed the ones I’ve managed to attend in the past!

Just an all round grand group of Dwarves, miss the RP interaction with you folks!


Och! Thane Wildeh’ ’imself?!? Wher’ be yer flying’ chicken’?

No but very kind words! Always a pleasure Thror!

Looking forward to it! :beers::grin:


Can you stop calling our gryphons flying chickens?


Galloping budgerigar :leg: :poultry_leg: :parrot: :lion:

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HEH! . . . Neveh.

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:mountain: :snowflake: :ram: :mage: :beers:


I see, you left the best for last in your list of names.
I can say I am very pleased by this.


Heh - he 
 but he started with the hot-head! :fire: Hahah! Ahh - ehh 

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We’ve been having a grand last few days.
First we set off to Dalaran to piece together an old tale with the help of a magical gemstone that we have lovingly come to call the stone of stories.
With each thread of the tale put in it’s proper place this stone of stories was imbued with arcane power rejuvenating some of it’s lost splendour and preserving the tale of Tulin for any who’d wish to hear it.

Afterwards we set out to Tiragarde to delve for Stormsilver in the Northern mountains.
While encountering a band of troggs and a particularly nasty lizard the Morodnir managed to get a fair few chunks of Stormsilver out of the trip.

Now our sights are set on the tall tales to come but we have a few more small adventures coming up before we shall focus on more grandiose outings once again.


A shout-out to our local artist and forgemaster Morgrim Coalhammer!

Not only is he the absolute best at blacksmith RP, but he’s made us a few rather lovely avatars for some of our characters!

Frolbar Boldbeard

Eadwald Kragfoot

Hruroth Runebraid

Harv Honeybraid


Hruroth made me bump this thread. He is an evil wizard.

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In other news, we have a full calendar of events and plenty to do over the coming weeks!

And a big surprise planned for the whole community in January :wink:


Thanks to everyone who attended tonight’s event in Valiance keep! We had a great time with Frolbar’s DM’ing, clearing a wave of uppity cult of the damned and their undead minions from the Fortress. In usual form, he inspired us with wise words before we departed from Boralus

And as soon as we arrived we had no end of action as we had to push the undead and their masters away from the docks and the tavern that the wounded had been using as a refuge. Thrak as usual led the charge (He likes to cleave things, with spikes and loud words)

Before ending up in the keep to fend off the garrisons inhabitants from a Nerubian attack! Some of us withstood the dark magic onslaught better than others

In the end the Morodnir stood triumphant, side by side with some unexpected allies and newfound friends, having fended off the immediate siege

But much remains to be done to fend off the threat and contain the menace of the resurgent cult! :skull:

We’ll be in Borean tundra for the next week should any Dwarves or friends wish to lend axe and spell! :crossed_swords:


I remember a time when I was the only Wildhammer in the Morodnir and I was special. Now more are joining and I lost my special place.

I blame only Hruroth for this.


To be honest, I was dubious when being asked to come back to WoW. However! We found these guys (previous exchanges when I was on Horde and they were top notch, one of the best to have done RP PvP with!) and tbh, they’re keeping me here.

This is a message for help to anyone out there, they won’t let me leave again!
(But for real, events so far have been great and the guys are a fantastic laugh too!)

We need more Dwarves!!