[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir šŸ”

To clarify for all, she means that she decided to stay out of her own choice and is not being held hostage in any means.

Unlike what she did in our last battle, healing one of our most heated spiky beyblade warrior without his consent.



I thought you were the first half dwarfā€¦


I sense a pattern formingā€¦ :mage:

In other news we had an absolute blast at our latest event, routing the resurgent scourge from the area outside Valiance keep. We began by setting out the plan, Which Thrak Firehammer contributed to with his usual nuanceā€¦

Before long we was rushing up the beach and crushing our Nerubian foes under the weight of Dwarven might!

And when all was said and done, we returned to base for a good olā€™ cup of Joe.

The adventure continues and we soon strike out to finish the cult of the damned threat, before a quick tour of Khaz-Modan, then onto Pandaria and the Broken isles!

Adventure! Fellowship! Kinship!

Morodnir! Morodnir! :hammer_and_pick:


It bounced at him. Okay!!! Bavira had no control over it!


Och, I be sayinā€™ lass; Donā€™ uus eet lightleh!


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Ya may have gotten rid of me in game, but dis troll is still haunting ye forum post :smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Iā€™ll be back thoā€¦eternal hunger wants some dwarf meat!


Well, thatā€™s not foreboding, thatā€™s not foreboding at all :fearful:



Time for a wee update on our current dealings!

The Morodnir has been invited to a wedding and thus are hard at work finding proper wedding gifts! But before they can revel with some newfound friends they have some other matters to attend to!

The first of these matters concerns rumours of ancient treasure and a plot reeking of treacherous intent and bloody disaster!

The second shall take us to the heart of Pandaria where the Morodnir shall seek out new adventures and perhaps even learn something from these tranquil shores along the way!

Updates will follow in due time with hopefully some nice screenshots to share!

Interested in good cheer and even better company? Feel free to contact me if you ever wish to join in our adventures!


Amazing lads! Didnā€™t think Iā€™d get into dwarf RP, Blizzardā€™s writing represents them rather shallowly, but these guys really know how to find depth and make it something special and unique!


Oh, we managed to finish off those cultists!

Sneaking about in Naga ruins, the filthy fiends.

Was a fun event with a climactic race to stop an undead dragon and flotilla of zombie laden barges! :dragon: :skull:

Looking forward to our jaunt in Pandaria!

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Yes, I am the only half dwarf-half dwarf lad in Morodnir.


Och - Bronzehs beinā€™ all firehā€™ ā€¦ huh; who knew thaā€™ they coulā€™ be such HOT-EADS?! Cackles

Jokes aside, with traveling adventuring, and bantering aside; good times have been had!

As with a recent adventure of aiding Pandaria along with a selling of wares at the Boralus market, itā€™s nice to have a relaxing Friday :beers: Perhaps a tankard of ale or two will be consumed ā€¦ who know? :woozy_face:


Hung out with these dwarves on my vertically challenged Alliance character once at one of their Tall Tales nights and they really are a lovely and extremely welcoming bunch. Almost made me feel like I was part of their guild for the night. Thoroughly recommended :pray:


Become a dwarf and you can feel youā€™re part of the guild forever.


This past week the Morodnir took up a call for aid from the Jade forest, which was suffering from rampant attacks by a savage, brutal, Bear-eating onyx wind serpent! :dragon:

Gathering in Dawns blossom after a long sea journey we considered our options and potential stratagems-- :world_map: :bow_and_arrow: :axe:

ā€¦ā€“But without warning screams from the north and pillars of smoke indicated that our foe, the deadly Shiu-Xai had struck again before we could prepare! Rushing to the scene we were immediately confronted by the serpent!

Aiding the escaping villagers and rallying as best as we could, we drove the Serpent off, wounding her and taking many injuries ourselves. :axe: :dragon_face: :adhesive_bandage:

A few days later we tracked her to her lair before using some cleverly constructed, portable lightning rods to defuse her overwhelming electrical power. :cloud_with_lightning:

Delivering numerous amazing blows, Shiu-Xai was soon slain! Another epic adventure complete!

This coming week from the 13th to the 19th the Morodnir will be in Dalaran, exploring the Broken isles in search of valuable metals and assisting a wily explorer on a mad errand.

What could go wrong?


Iā€™ve always loved the concept of wayfaring dwarves, perhaps one day, anyhow; love and appreciate all the thought and effort that goes behind this stuff, very genuine :ok_hand:


Thank you! We try our very best to capture a genuine air adventure!

Most the time itā€™s just Morgrim and Hruroth getting blow up or struck by lightning, but stillā€¦

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Thatā€™s why you have to git gud

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Youā€™re out of line, but youā€™re rightā€¦ :pensive:


Iā€™m always right. Apart from the times Iā€™m not.