[Dwarf/Earthen-RP] Dwarves of the Morodnir šŸ”

I love the smell of burnt troll in the morninā€™! šŸ¤Œ :fire: :beers:


Had a great time with you guys last night look forward to more.


Hah! Great fun! Glad you enjoyed it!:beers:

And indeed, with our quick and merry visit to Stromgarde- veritable ā€œcalm before the stormā€ ā€¦ Not a bad way to gear up with a visit to the local tavern; with music - ale and soot-spewings aplenty!

Stay tuned - for more! :fire::beers::hammer_and_pick:

It was a great time and as we stopped by in Stromgarde we met alot of other folks that were -also- passing through the area. The rp was glorious and weā€™re hoping we can get alot more wesome stories in the near future.

I am happy to announce that we are working on a few new plotlines including a few particular gems I have been working on for a little while.
-The Horn of Hirtevarr
-The hunt for the Brinsigardur
-Rage and rumours
-A test of character.

Alot of these storylines are in developement right now and will hopefully provide plenty of new adventures to sing and be merry about. If you want to learn more about them or want to join in on the fun. Then stay tuned or hop on a dwarf and tag along!


A wee trek of stomping in snow and cold lead to a more then just that! Our little visit up north was one encountered with orcs aplenty; ending in a broken gyrocopter and a few bruises ā€¦ but nothing us Morosā€™ canā€™t handle! :hammer_and_pick::fire::beers:

What conflict is brewing in the western peaks and valleys of Alterac ā€¦ :mountain_snow::snowflake:


A big shout out to the servers favorite paper, the Lionā€™s roar!

They covered the Festival of the forge, and did a great page on it!



The Dwarves of the Morodnir are on the move! Having received word of Frostwolf troublemakers the hearty hotheads of the Morodnir have come to Alterac to set things right!

Travelling into the heart of a distant valley they faced down a Frostwolf raid leader called ā€˜ā€˜Gurrā€™ā€™ and defeated him! This set in motion a chain of cause and effect that has now put the Morodnir in a perilous position.

Having hunkered down in Gurrā€™s old outpost , affectionately named ā€˜ā€˜The pitā€™ā€™, the Dwarves now find themselves skirmishing with the Primal Pact as each side tries to claim violent vengeance!

Stay tuned for further updates!


Say, I heard your folk are looking for a dwarf wearing black and a bear headdress.
If I see him Iā€™ll let you guys know. :wink:


Good news everyone. We didnā€™t die. We almost did, but not quite there yet.

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The bounty on Vedirā€™s head is still up as long as the dwarf livesā€¦ Or as long as the orc lives. Canā€™t pay up if heā€™s dead.

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A bunch of thanks to the Morodnir lads and lassies for this epic past week of battle. Who knew such a cold area could be filled with hot action like that?


I keep saying how we want to go to ā€˜niceā€™ places to soak up some sunā€¦ :sun_with_face: :desert_island: :matĆ©:

ā€¦so I took everyone on a mad chase through outland, fighting ogres and Gronn, and dropped them in the Netherstorm instead.

I may be turning into one of those ā€œEvilā€ wizards :mage:

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Right. Wizardā€™s dead. Everyone gather around, weā€™re starting the auctions for his hat and staff.
Everyone state your bids and item of choice.

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Long time lurker here and old Rpā€™er (and PvPā€™er) and I have to say I absolutely love your posts. Hats of for Hruroth and his updates with screenshots! :pick: :beers:

Any chance a Wildhammer hound breeder could get involved with you guys while not on AD? :dog:Perhaps through discord or b-net. Iā€™m considering switching but Iā€™d like to try first since I also enjoy having people outside Stormwind to duel (on Ravencrest) :sweat_smile:


^ Meant to post on my main :dog:


Hoh! Look at that! What a great mog/ toon there lad! :beers:

Thatā€™s sounds grand! I would recommend reaching out to Frolbar, our GM for a chat! Always happy to have people be interested! :volcano::beers::fire:

Still, sounds like a neat concept! Not often you see that! :clap:

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Much obliged and most welcome.

Seek Frolbar in game! Heā€™s around most nights, and if heā€™s on an alt just poke any of us! :mage:

Aye, I could do that :beers:


Glad we could get in touch with each other after all!
Anyone is more than welcome to join in and see what weā€™re all about.
On a different note. We have a new tall tales planned for the 14th of febuary. A night for everyone to tell their favorite stories and make new friends.


Stranglethorn? Dwarves? An eccentric human? And no pub in sight?!

Must be another adventure into the unknown! :beers: :tiger2: :skull_and_crossbones: :axe: