Dying realms

You know whats funny about that? It was all on players demand, all of it, players with their stupid demands are ruining this game.

Thats why the nochanges was great idea, ruined by players


You are talking about gameplay here. No changes was a good idea. However server transfer is a technical aspect that affects gameplay, on which Blizzard has total control. It has nothing to do with no changes.

And frankly, changes would have been fine too. Some specs on vanilla were a joke. Worldbuffs were too overpowered and gave a significant advantage to everyone and created a whole other set of dynamics. They allowed tactics to be completely ignored by sheer overpowering of the bosses.

But that’s not the topic. Blizzard, do something about the dying servers.

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This is the key moment while option to leave is there from the beginning.
It is players who decide to leave and in case of Flamelash, it is other faction who pushed them to leave, not big bad wolf B.

One faction which is more organized and more aggressive, more pvp oriented pushes other faction from the server.
Sure, you can call leaving faction cowards and whatnot, fact is they didnt want to play in those conditions and left.
Therefore, it is players induced problem.
If there was no way out (transfer), they would quit or reroll on other server.

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It do be like that

Blizzard enabled this choice, thus it’ll be Blizzard’s fault.

So it goes down to chicken or the egg?

He just wants to blame blizzard for something that is players fault

Hey guys. Remember when the Germans invaded Poland? And now they can’t continue living as they did? Well it’s Poland’s fault because they didn’t transfer countries before they came.

Remember when the Germans invaded France? And now they can’t continue living as they did? Well it’s Frances fault because they should have seen what happened in Poland and they should have transferred to a mega country instead.

Remember when the taliban retook Afghanistan when the allies left? And now they can’t continue living as they did? Well it’s the Afghan people’s fault because they should have transferred earlier.

Can’t believe the amount of blizzard shills in this thread. “Player created issue” is the biggest copout ever. Blizzard provided the tools to destroy servers and that’s what happened.


Blizzard provided the option to the players and did not intervene once the realms started dying.
They still haven’t even spoke about them.

Just because the players that paid ruined their realm, doesn’t mean that the remainder of that dying realm should be forced to pay to play the game.
That is literally Blizzard’s responsibility.

I really don’t see why rewarding Blizzard with EXTRA cash for something they allowed to continue is the best option lmao.

This is the worst argument I have ever seen on any forum lol. There is no correlation between any of those.

imagine defending blizzard on this topic. funny enough nobody of them had the problem of habing to xfer realm to continue playing and probably are just trolling

Let’s face it, wow team is incompetent compared to other teams e.g. FF14 where you don’t have to wait to fix things for 1+ year, you don’t have to pay for beta testing and you don’t have to pay for transfers from single player servers (WOW is MMO… yea right, look at all the dead servers)

+1, need blue post to see if blizzard is gonna let the servers die or not

There is at least 7 dead realms are people there paying are the real idiots here.

I am one of them. Dreadmist is completely dead.

These only 300 active people on the entire server…

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No need for blue post, it is known they have character transfer service available.

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If they make it unlimited transfer(you can transfer your char 10 times if you like), than its solution.

25 euro to transfer 1 character from a dead realm?

Well, once populated realms became dead when hundreds/thousands players paid 25 euro and transferred.

I love the duality of people.

Everyone who is defending blizzard not giving free transfers (specially hordes) by saying
“Blizzard are only supposed to provide functionig servers, to store your info and be able to log in the game 24/7” i ask you this -


Wasn’t blizzard supposed to provide only what i said above for the subscription fee back then also? Why was the game unplayable? Where you able to log in to the server 24/7? That was all that blizzard is supposed to provide ain’t it?

REVERSE HVH BGS OR GIVE US FREE TRANSFERS - if i can play the game even tho i can’t find players with whom to PvE content with, they can also play the game even if they can’t players to play PvP against.

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I am truly amazed seeing people desperate about dead realms months into an expansion which has virtually no content. There is literally just a couple of relevant raids to do, and then you have absolutely no reason to login ever (outside farming a bit, why not).

So, why is it surprising that realms are dying? It’s just so natural to me.