Dying realms

Price tag is a matter of perspective, Blizzard use this price to discourage people from transferring, but it obviously is not expensive enough to discourage masses who used it already.

If I dont like the game, it would be expensive for me, since it is not worth it. But, if I like the game, that price is well worth it, even double would be ok. Same goes for subscription.

Also, dont forget, Blizzard didnt raise services and sub price since begining. Considering inflation, sub price should be around 21€.


Your logic is honestly so dumb LOL.
If my guild was to transfer, it’d cost £3600+ for all of us combined.
Why should we have to pay out that much in order to play the game?

Want me to do the math if each of my 40-50 member guild had to pay out ÂŁ18 per character of theirs?
They roughly have 4-5 alts each.
40x4 = 160 characters
160 x 18 = ÂŁ2880
18x4 = ÂŁ72 per person.

I doubt many people would mind paying this… provided we actually get the support we deserve.
GMs/Bugs actually being fixed.

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Nothing dumb about logic.
It would be if you were paying for whole guild from your own pocket.
You are just trying to get free lunch while everybody else paid for it.
All this does not mean I am against free transfer, but only on the same terms for everyone.

Nobody should’ve paid for it, that’s the point.
ÂŁ72 per person in order to play the game on a populated realm is something that players should not have to pay.
What if somebody transferred to a realm that was populated and then a load of others transferred off a few months later and thus causing that one to also die?
Is it the players responsibility to pay another further ÂŁ72 to join ANOTHER realm?
No, it’s Blizzard’s responsibility to handle this.

Just because you paid.(Thus helping destroy realm populations)
Doesn’t mean everyone should have to, when it’s Blizzard’s fault.

Then again, what do I expect from somebody who justifies the clone price as well? LOL.

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alright, actually low effort bait right there.
so because you paid for a transfer like thousands of other people which directly destroyed the server you migrated away from, everyone else should be forced to fork out money in order to play the game properly (as in, on a populated server that they are now forced to migrate to because people like you decided to transfer to what you saw as greener pastures).

its like if i migrate away from Gulag Russia using my personal fortune, the people left behind, poor or not, should be forced to do the same if they want a brighter future all because i could personally afford it and was willing to pay for it. DESPITE the ruthless leader of my country either directly or indirectly creating the conditions of my country that basically forced people to leave in the first place - the guy who will receive said money as well.

fleeing a dead, broken and oppressive country should cost money dammit!


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How is it Blizzard fault if 50:50 balanced realm suddenly goes imbalanced? Same happened in the past, that is how warmode is born.
Players want to be dominant faction, so they transfer to be majority on new realm. Totally player caused issue.

Sorry, I dont believe it is always someone elses fault and dont believe in free lunch.


because they allow people to transfer to whichever server they so please regardless of population for a price . duh.

Yes, and you’re here saying “that’s a good thing”.

That’s not always the case. some people just want an enemy to fight, hence underdog realms.

that’s called tug tailing and running. aka surrender.

you seem to not understand that when 90 out of your 100 soldiers leave, the 100 soldiers on the opposing side will butcher the last 10 of your men, which causes a rout - people running away to preserve what little they have left of their lives.

Alright master capitalist, i bet your mom appreciates you abusing her credit card.
honestly, every word that comes out of you reminds me of those videos of 12 year old kids making youtube videos naming the prices for their clothes in a sort of competition of who has the most expensive “gear” irl.
everyone knows none of those brats paid for a single piece of the clothes on their body as they stand in front of the camera acting all smug and rich, yet they pretend that they earned it all.

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How is it not Blizzard’s fault?
They’re allowing you to transfer off.
That is quite literally Blizzard’s fault.

True xd.

It’s a Blizzard induced fault.
They enabled transfers off realms and allowed them to further destablise other realms.
What’s so hard about understanding that?

Transfers were always open, they dont want to keep people hostage on server they dont like anymore, that is why transfers exist.
It would be big uproar if suddenly they remove transfers. Transfers are freedom, people dont like your party anymore and you would lock them inside so they cant leave? Eastern block tried that and Berlin wall happened
Is it hard to understand that point of view?


Cant you have civil discussion without going personal and totally wrong assumptions?

Transfers were and was always used to escape a faction dominated realm.
People transfer from that realm > to X realm > Then People from other faction from x realm transfer from that realm > to Y realm > Repeat progress.

This was Blizzard’s fault.
Simple as that.
Being a blind fanboy and supporting the cost of ÂŁ72 to change your realm is honestly dumb lmao.
How much is Blizzard paying you?

Imagine wow classic without transfers, it doesn’t sound too bad for me honestly, it’s almost as if ‘player choice matters’ a phrase that anti-dual spec advocators like to use often on these forums. Why would you need to change realm provided your realm has enough people for you to find a place. It’s perceived from you as ‘good’ because blizz introduced it early in the game as it brings PROFIT but that doesn’t mean it’s a healthy feature for an mmo. You are asking for people to see your point of view but you are reluctant to see other people’s view. Paid transfers have a domino effect, which means if many players leave then the rest are kinda forced to move eventually to better their gaming experience. I don’t see great freedom in that regard. And also you can’t assume all people have the same maximum amount their willing to pay.

The best part is that after they collect the profit from the transfers and their domino effects, they can just introduce merge or something and have the left out people resub. A cunning scheme! Gg blizz

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The transfer fee is, in essence, the price you pay for keeping your progress. In a that way, it is similar to the boost. If your realm becomes unplayable for you, you move to another, either by re-rolling, or paying to “keep your stuff”. Do you really think the transfers would just keep playing on their old realms if the option wasn’t there? Some would, but vast majority would either quit or reroll. In either case, keeping them under lock hoping most won’t quit is a despicible, evil thing to do.
If you can’t see the paralell with eastern bloc and the secure border to keep people in, well, then I guess we’ll just disagree.

i don’t recall people needing to pay money to get out of the eastern block when the wall fell… that’s kind of an important detail you neglect in your argument.

Actually, I am paying to Blizzard, not the other way around.
Having opportunity to leave is good thing for me, for you it isnt. Case closed.

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Case is not closed. If there is a company violating their mission statement, it should be held accountable. If promises are not being delivered, we have a right to complain.

Are you seriously happy about developers sending blue posts to the stupidest shhit and not important topics like this? Don’t just argue for the sake of argument.


How do you plan on “holding them accountable”? The only thing you can really do is stop paying your subscription.

Then you reqlly dont know how migration works

This is exactly the problem.
But apparently they don’t see the issue with this.

So how much are they paying you to support paid transfers for a Blizzard caused issue? lol.
Tell me, what should I do if I pay to transfer 4 of my characters to a realm and then that realm also gets migrants from even more alliance and turns it into an alliance dominated realm?
Horde are then going to all having to transfer off due to being unplayable… and thus they’ll transfer to that realm and then cause even more alliance to transfer off.

This is just easy money for Blizzard.
Here’s a simplified version.

One realm starts to die(Flamelash) due to people having the option to leave > all alliance transfer off to Earthshaker for example > Now Earthshaker 80A-20H > Horde have struggle doing stuff in world now / no horde will transfer there due to alliance majority > Now they transfer off to Razorgore for example > Now razorgore is 30A-70H > Now no alliance is going to transfer to Razorgore, only horde players would > rinse and repeat.

These are an example, though the population is roughly accurate.
It causes a chain reaction.
If you still don’t get why it’s Blizzard’s fault by allowing mass transfers, I can’t help you :slight_smile:

Burn game to ground.

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