Dynamic Flight Across All Mounts is a Disgrace!

I always thought handing dynamic flight to players from the jump, instead of keeping it as a goal toward which to aim – a carrot-on-a-stick, if you will – was wrongheaded and straight up poor game design (read this thread to find out why.

I was also very skeptical of making nearly every single mount able to fly dynamically, and felt it should be restricted mostly to dragons and a select few exceptions (for lore reasons and otherwise).

Pre-patch proved me right. Most of the mounts (outside of the Dragons for which the system was designed in the first place) feel terrible to handle in dynamic flight mode. They didn’t even bother to get rid of the flapping of wings SFX, even with mounts that make absolutely no sense to have them, like the Golden Disk, or the X-53 Touring Rocket.

Lazy, sloppy, and short-sighted game development.


And still it was what the majority of the playerbase did ask for. Well except for the “wrong” SFX. And tbh, most mounts I did test handle quite well in dynamic flight mode.

While I can understand what you mean with the golden disk, I also would see that one mostly in static flight only, but the rocket? I mean, that one doesn’t fit to any of those flight modes, so does it really matter? I think not.

I’d agree to a small degree, but mostly I think it is just a big compromise.

I think it’s personal preference/taste when it comes to these things. I am happily slow flapping my way around as I don’t get on with skyriding (makes me feel sick).

Friends have commented how much they enjoy having a far greater variety of mounts and how nice it is to see people on a greater variation out in the world. My friend particularly loves the disc mounts in skyriding mode. Says he feels like he’s surfing the air.

I guess it’s the same old adage. You can’t please everyone.


Skyriding makes no sense on something like a flying disc. The mechanics just don’t fit: they’re momentum-based. For instance, you can’t fly upwards without enough impulse.

Not to mention the completely out-of-place sounds of flapping wings.

Again, just completely lazy, low effort execution of a concept that should have never even been a thing to begin with.


DH class hall Mount dynamic flight is a blast (and every mount of the same model like the Sinfal gravewing)

Pretty much this but it seems the vocal minority are blasting the forums again demanding it be changed while secondly insulting blizzard devs like that’s the correct attitude to have to have it changed instead of submitting a suggestion.


I don’t have much faith that Blizzard will change anything, actually.

Pretty ironic, since you started the thread because of something they did change because of people asking for it.

It’s a low effort change, in terms of design; especially the way it was executed.

Doing it the right way (mount specific flight dynamics and sound effects) would require actual effort.

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Constructive criticism is the best approach IMO.

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