Dystopia has arrived

The m+ scaling imo. Once you get into a +12 for pugs it’s a pain. I have gave up trying to push. I’m a fraction off 2900io and I can’t be bothered anymore.

A +11 key is like an old +22 key then a +12 is like an old +25 to +26. The damage scaling is way too much for a lot of people pugging.


I personally find it a bit boring. Ok so I haven’t actually timed a 12 yet, but I really find it dissapointing that everything above a 12 is just the regular M0 but on steroids. I’m not saying it’s not challenging but it’s lame imo. I like mechanics and I feel the old affixes (flawed as they were) were the more interesting and fun approach.

Oh and I am split on the 4 new affixes we have. The gather orbs one is atrocious, the kill the mob one is abit bland but serviceable, the cleanse one would have been all right if all specs/classes had a way to deal with it, and the mass cc one is good.

I wonder if they went outside just to vent into chat without the party seeing so they wouldn’t get punished for toxicity. I like to imagine another player waiting at the entrance for their group just to see a DK scream every profanity known to man then walk back in.

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well there are other venues if you want to get daily dose of toxicity each day

So what you’re saying is people expressed themselves in an assertive manner without name calling and being toxic?

That none of you know how to learn to assert yourself in a non toxic manner is not my problem. You can learn this through an online course.

I’m actually surprised that this thing worked.

I agree. It’s just the same every week 12+

They can make affixes that don’t suck and aren’t unfun and add variety.

Xalataths guile is a none affix, it’s just extra fortified/tyrannical.

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This sentence is proof that wow community has very short memory

It is possible they went outside to change a talent or a piece of gear like a trinket.

No. I just think you witnessed normal behavior in M+.

Its just that you fell into the hype of the bans and try to tie in relationships when there are none.

In the past, you had many more runs like that one. Its just that you dont remember them because you only remember the bad ones. Like 99% of the people here.

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How so?

We had a number of affixes in previous expacs that “changed feeling of the game”, so much so much that people couldn’t shut up about affixes should be either non existent or change dungeon minimally, current affixes are not even CLOSE to level of annoyance that were afflicted/spiteful/sanguine, in fact i very much adore that current affix just adds an additional mob sometimes to the pack, and doesn’t force me to run around catching balls or start casting aoe stun or praying to my grandma that my team has heals and dispells on their bar.

Reaping was awesome.

Can as in “they have the potential to”

I know most of them were bad.

I mean, current affixes are leagues better than everything we had before, because not only they are “balanced” in annoyance compared to AFFLICTED, they reward you for completing them with power, if you didn’t notice each affix for completing it’s mechanic rewards you a secondary stat buff

Yes and a lot of them had been very poorly thought out. Like idk man I think that affixes that require personal responsibility but your tool kit does not allow you to actually do anything about it or “1 person deals with the affix” type are poorly designed.

And you are we were those people? Amazing thing, different people have different opinions. I personally never advocated for the simplification of dungeon mechanics (minimal affixes), and I do not remember Dehraward doing that either. What I do remember is that I was very much against the removal of affixes.

Out of the 4 new actual affixes we got 1 is good, 1 is ok, 1 is iffy and 1 is terrible and that is it. So you listed 3 that were annoying, I can add necrotic and quacking to the list so 5 at least. Now how many affixes in total have we had over the years, how many we had active at the same time and then compare that to now. Do not count stuff like fort and tyrra because those are just stat %, I am talking about actual mechanics.

Afflicted was a joke, but the average player is a clown. SO many classes can dispel it, simple mouseover and its done.

But i’ll circle back to what i always do, entitled lazy dps that think their job is just to mash their damage buttons as hard as they can and do nothing else. Tanks have to do tank stuff or the group fails, healers have to do healer stuff or the group fails. Dps can refuse to do anything but dps and there isn’t always punishment.

I want an affix that can only be solved by dps players and if they fail it cuts their dps by 50% for 10 seconds. (on a personal level, not a group punishment)

The m+ scaling and challengers peril. The new xal affixes are kinda cool otherwise. Nice change from the legion affixes

No, people themselves should focus on that, although it’s probably their entitlement that is causing that. Can’t rely on Blizzard to correct sucky behaviour. That’s all on you.

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Stop being ridiculous, if you foster a toxic environment people are going to be toxic.

FF online is nothing like WoW in terms of toxicity yet it’s the same people playing. Unless people are literal psycho/sociopaths they just want to play the game and have fun. Not ruin other peoples fun.

Being toxic is a reaction.

But enjoy people leaving your keys i guess, since you prefer to not solve it at the source. Blizzard aren’t going to ban normal leavers, it’s not griefing. Only intentional griefing. AKA join and then leave instantly or probably like leave 20+ in a day.

But you can console yourself by saying people should be less sucky, everytime it happpens :joy:

You could always look in a mirror and berate yourself in as toxic a manner as you deem appropriate.

Don’t worry, toxicity will rise again soon when folk start to realise that nothing will happen. There aren’t moderators enough to change anything.

Bliz talking about banning griefers is like Putin talking about Nukes. It’s done for effect not because it is actually what will happen.