Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

I literally don’t understand, why not have more days of early access

The 3 days of early access cost 40 euros, I expected to have at least 14 days of access and now I see 3 days, and the mm+ and arena will not be available.

what a scandal !


I’m just curious if it will be smoother than other expansion releases due to less players.


You had ample time to figure out what to make out of those 3 days before buying it. You get to play earlier which is already enough imo. It’s not much for the payment (if you only want the days from it), obviously. But you make the conscious decision of whether or not you get it.


Yeah i think u should atleast have had like a month of pre play :o
Like what is going on?!

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Scandal? You get 3 days early access and 30 days game time + other stuff in that price.
Dont like it? Dont buy it!


It couldn’t have come as a surprise to you, it was clearly announced here:


As well as on the shop page that you would get these:

|Beta Access to The War Within|||X|
|3 Days Early Access to The War Within |||X|
|30 Days of Game Time|||X|
|Squally, the Storm Hatchling pet|||X|
|Sandbox Storm Gryphon toy|||X|
|Deepdweller’s Earthen Hearthstone effect|||X|


†Beta Access and Early Access dates subject to change. Early Access duration is 3 days. Limited time only. Play time subject to possible outages and time zone differences. Certain endgame features, including Mythic dungeons and weekly quests, not available during Early Access. Click for more details.


Df was not a bad launch, if u say so u didnt experienced warlords of dreanors launch that was terrible, df wasnt perfect because of the zeppelin bug but it was fixed in 1 - 2 hours.

So i expect this one to be relative smooth with some hiccups but nothing too big.


I just wanted to play day on like every xpac, and with 40 euros I thought I would have 14 days minimum, not 3 days (which will be useless since the mm+, raid, pvp will not be available)

I don’t understand what the 3 days are for if we have no advance

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3 days are enough…u will be done really fast, if you dont level multiple alts


yeah for 40 euro

I feel like I’m buying a burger without a steak

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As was pointed out above, the “40 euro” is not solely for early access, so to keep saying EA costs 40 euro is completely disingenuous.

Of course, there will be those people who do buy the Epic edition just for EA and that decision is obviously on them. That decision still does not mean EA costs 40 euro - it doesn’t.

Aside from that… many people kinda lost their minds over 3 just days, had it been longer, I can only imagine the level of hysterical crying.

Personally I don’t particularly agree with anyone getting early access (though I do have it as a consequence of buying Epic edition), the release date should be the same for everyone IMO. That said, most content that could give any meaningful advantage is locked until the main release date or later, so EA is pretty meaningless in the grand scheme of things (IMO).


People forget that Dalaran is a lagfest when it becomes populated (and thats where we will be at the start) so a staggered release would not be such a bad idea. 3 days is more than enough time to get you out of there ready for the standard release players.


I agree, it should be 3 months early access at the very least!

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You had that information before you bought.

It was your choice to buy that, so if you were not happy with the proposition why buy?

Overall 0/10. Too obvious of a troll.


they have been advertising since the epic edition went on pre order that it will be 3 days of early access . i dont see how it is a scandal when the same thing has been mentioned since beginning


its okay players like you will buy it anyways no matter what :joy: :joy:


Except early access isn’t 40 euros.

Are people here just terminally bad at maths? It’s part of a bundle of things that you get for an extra 40 bucks, including a months sub.

Swing and a miss from the beginning.


I’ve been involved in a lot of early access/launch day releases i.e. WoW expansions, Starfield, New World, and many others, but there’s something that really gets under my skin…the incessant whining/sky is falling/tears/people reverting back to their 4 yr old selves as full grown adults, throwing themselves to the grocery store floor, because mom doesn’t buy them that candy.

I don’t know what it is that people think will have an impact by flooding the forums with QQ threads, one after another…

My personal favorite;

  • “OMG, a multi-gazillion dollar company and can’t even get their game to work!!!”

Mr. Generic poster’s favorite line:

  • “I played money to play this game, I want my money back or fix your game now!!!”

Mr. Regret/dramatic;

  • "I will never buy another insert game publisher here again! this is the last time I waste my money! never again!*

And the list goes on and on…

First of all, nobody cares about your feelings. The people on the forums apologizing for the inconvenience are low paid, punching bags, their community people who have no ability to change the situation.

Secondly, if you want to vent, take it out on someone in real life. Yell at the dog, the squirrel outside that just stole one of your nuts, the sky, or any inanimate object will do and have exactly the same outcome.

Launch day is a big, huge day for the company. Stock holders/corporate guys that sit in meetings, far disconnected from the underlings putting in the hard work to make you happy. For them, it’s a business, it’s money, it’s about “how successful and how much money will we make on this launch”. They’re not reading your replies and they certainly don’t care about your feelings.

Lastly, EA/launch day doesn’t usually go without a hitch. Depending on the type of game, but especially with popular games with lots of people trying to login at the same time to the servers. Sometimes the servers are down, quests bugged, this or that thing not working, but here’s the thing if you are paying for EA, YOU ARE A GLORIFIED BETA-TESTER.

Not only do they get to avoid paying a low wage soul to sit around in a dark room all day somewhere in their office testing things, they have YOU, who pays for that pleasure and complains/reports the bugs for them to fix. It’s a win-win for them, with no losses. You’re a work force that PAYS for the opportunity, because you think you’re being gifted with something special.

If you don’t want to do that/be that guy, then simply don’t buy EA or wait until after launch and reviews are. No amount of whining/tantrums is going to change that. They will fix the problems as soon as they can, not because of your tears, but because they want good reviews and a successful launch, but it’s mostly the guys working hard that you never met or hear about that are doing the work, not the guys at the top who are solely focused on how much of your money you’re willing to pay and put up with to use their product.



/10 char


Mate , the fact is there are no excuses , and yea truth is people have expectations because they buy this product seems very natural to me to qq if something goes wrong .
Tolerance only breeds more abuses .