Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

Whining and WoW players - name a more iconic duo.

That includes whining about potential future whining.


False, your expectations mean nothing, they’re not obligated to fulfill any of your expectations, you already paid them money and agreed to it. You already gave up your strongest card, your money, anything after that doesn’t really matter.

Action is 1000x more effective and efficient than words. As long as you keep doing/tolerating the thing you’re complaining about, they’ll never change it.

Backlash has to be a collective movement, like when Sony wanted Helldivers 2 players to sign/create an account on PSN, regardless of whether they had a PSN account and it was part of their terms/conditions, they could enforce it. But it got review bombed and there were strong enough voices within the company that knew it was a bad idea, so they back down, for now.

That’s far different than a day or 2 worth of whining until the thing is fixed and then you’re playing happily after that. That’s just a customer satisfaction issue though, they already got your money.

Making a thread and whine about whiners. I have this feeling that you are one of those people.


At the very least it will spread the load of people trying to do the same quests at the same time, so I dont see how that is a bad thing.

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IMO too many smaller developers rely on EA too much already, often abandoning their games before they’re finished and running off with the money. At the very least one could make an argument that the smaller developers need it in order for their goal to come to fruition, but AAA EA is just corporate greed. It is simply unacceptable, period.

If you don’t take a stand against this now then worse things will happen in the future. I have near unlimited gold and I will still not get it. You shouldn’t either. I know we’re all addicted here but have some restraint and a sliver of self respect.


Why would I pay for early access when it kicks off midnight on a work day? Genuinely an odd choice for a release date.

See you in the weekend TWW!

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It’s either Friday or Monday.

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Nah, suits me great! See you tonight in EA :sparkling_heart:


I was just gonna say this. Sigh. Chill out bruh :sweat_smile:


The only one who cares about “our” feelings seems to be you :joy:

I think you need to chill, bro. Just enjoy the game and don’t tell people how to feel and react

U forgot that extra cosmetics that collectors pay for, early acces is just a bonus.

I think its good value for money… i bought normal version then upgraded to epic for £35… 30 days game time is £10…so i look at it like i got 6 mogs (i think) mount, toys and early access for £25. Just look at the wow store and mounts are £19, and mogs are like £17.
I cant grumble about the cost really

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Whining about whiners, what a champ.

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and how are the complaints and facts different from any normal expansion start?

I don’t think a fixed three days EA for the tenth expansion of a highly successful franchise is comparable to developers releasing something unfinished in early access without a fixed release date. Those are completely different things.

I’m not a fan either, it’s just corporate greed, baiting more people into buying the more expensive version who otherwise would not have.

But it worked for Diablo 4 and it worked now so they’ll do it again because it makes more money.


Early access is not something new. It is the norm for a long time now. WoW is late to the party. I think Anet does it since their 1st expansion 10 years ago.
I don’t have a problem with it. I have the choice to buy it or not to buy it.

I fully expect both EA and launch day to be a bug/lag fest.


Why are you so pressed, my guy?


are you expecting a promotion by blizz if you brownnose hard enough ?

its literaly multi billion dolalr company so as customers we have every right to demand smooth launch

historicaly - if you play on mid/low pop server you will experience it :slight_smile:

if you play on Draenor- EU like me ? yeah - you can just go to sleep and log in early in morning :slight_smile:

Clearly what we need is a QQ Megathread to keep all the inevitable whining in one place!