Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

it is just that people are telling it is 40 euros difference … and simply u have 40 to 60 and u have there free level up to 70 and some other stuff and than u have from 60 to 80 and even there u are getting game time which u will use for sure so maximum is 10 euros what u need add and if u do 15 euros game time that is 5 euros and in some places u cant even drink coffee for 5 euros

I thought we were talking about rich people, not the ultra-rich people.

Your post is utter drivel.

He cleary said at any lvl.

Learn to read properly.

I know how to read properly, thank you for your concern, maybe it’s you who don’t know to write properly?

Like Tolstoi said

Epic edition = pretty much expansion launch
Non epic = delayed access

BuT RaIdS and M+ ArE nOt aVaIaBle

Well, they never were at launch. Therefore not a valid argument.


I quoted the relevant part - it couldn’t be clearer. Instead of writing rubbish and then following it up with zingers that are even worse, think then post.

You seem angry, u okay m8?

True, and I would want to avoid further development of the microtransaction and attention-economy additions to the WoW as I think that these practices are not healthy neither for the playerbase, nor for the quality of the game. Hence, my posts here expressing condemnation of these additions to the game.

People find different aspects of the game interesting and desirable outside of the pvp/pve endgame and so can be anxious about missing timely experiencing those aspects. In my view, capitalizing on this anxiety is unethical because it can be harmful for the individuals who experience it and act on it.

Maybe its because instead of just saying “yea, fair point” you spent the last 2 hours gaslighting and posting as if you were a chatbot that had banged its head.

Are u that desperate for attention? :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Not to mention you pay that and they cant even manage to have servers that manage the AH load, its a joke

well… i dont know. but i do know this, its a shame we cant experience the launch together.

the hype if there ever was any, is gone. fizzled out. the way i see it, this is just another patch and not an expansion launch.

oh well


I’ve seen earthen players so you might be able to.

I don’t know what you did see, somebody in the US forum said there is a toy that let’s you look like an earthen, but it is confirmed, that you can not unlock earthen. You need to play the max level campaign, which is not doable during early access.

Here is the blue post:

Hovering over the player says that their race is earthen. Wouldn’t it say their actual race? Even if a toy was used.

I can only tell you we have already several blue posts telling you couldn’t unlock it during EA. You need teh max level campaign for it…we even have a new blue post telling you can’t unlock them before september 4th, when part 4 of the max level campaign starts.

It is simply not possible.

I don’t understand. You say the early access was useless because of no M+ and arena, yet you are upset it only lasted 3 days?

WoW isn’t a AAA game

Don’t worry about him…he’s either sarcastic or…well…I better don’t spell it out.
But my guess would be sarcastic.