Early Access for an AAA game is unacceptable

You cast out a net and you made a great haul.

I get you though - I see those posts a lot and have no idea why people feel the need to announce their departure. When I decide to stop playing a game, I just silently move on without needing approval from people that don’t matter.


Some good classics right there.

Problems are part of the experience imo. I remember all the issues of past expansion launches; not always fun at the time, but memorable nonetheless. :blush:

This post you’ve made, is whining. By the way.
Just thought you might want to know.

But also, if people want to complain on the forums, that’s totally okay. It can be a good way to vent frustrations as well as find other people who agree with them.

But complaining about people who are complaining, is just a bit toxic. Doesn’t go down both streets I’m afraid.
Complaining about a game: That’s okay, the game doesn’t have feelings.
Complaining about people: Toxic.


I couldn’t care less. If next year they give us early access a week prior to expansion release with all major content available and it costs 40€ more again, I’m still just gonna not buy it. And I will still accomplish more than 99% of the playerbase.

If you don’t like it, you don’t have to buy it. Nobody is forcing you.


It’s a bit of a premature post, Just wait and see how it goes.

I think most people are aware that launches (early or not) are sometimes rocky. But when they were access and stability problems, they also got addressed quickly. That’s not true for some other bugs, but if people can’t play at all, then they act quickly.

The “launch test” in beta went really well even with tons of people in Dalaran and in the first zone.

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As per title: And yet many, many AAA games have it and they’re doing fine. I guess a lot of people find it acceptable enough.

Why think and worry about something that won’t matter in a week ?

Just relax and enjoy something else until the official release and than enjoy the game like we all do.

You’re entitled to your opinion.

I’m entitled to disregard it.

If you want to take a stand, cancel your subscription and move on. That is how you take a stand. Playing three or four days later, but still buying the expansion at the price you’d have bought it for anyway, doesn’t make a dent. You’d have paid the same either way and it doesn’t send a message.

My view on this is that while I don’t like this trend and don’t feel it is a good direction for the gaming industry, I don’t feel strongly enough about it to skip an amazing weekend playing and chatting with WoW friends I’ve made as far back as almost twenty years. The first few days are the socially most intense and exciting, and if that costs me 40 euros (I have no interest in any of the cosmetics), then so be it.

I also don’t like having an extensive cash shop in a subscription based game, or real life promotions for expensive hardware that comes with in-game rewards, or Twitch promotions. But I still play, and so do you. Of everything I feel is wrong with this game’s management, the gaming industry as a whole, and the world in general, the inclusion of early access (with many things disabled for several days) in a 90 euros edition ranks pretty low.


I am entitled to go buy a burger. And to protect Mulan

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They should just get an extra expansion just for them! For the special snowflakes! And then they can have their own MDI and their own RWF and AWC.

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Moan at the original post and say he’s whining by whining about the whiners, but his core message is actually correct. If you have paid for early access then essentially you are paying extra money to help Blizzard test their product. It’s genius marketing.

The only thing the original poster neglected to mention is the fact that some people don’t care about doing that. They really don’t mind - even though they know this. They accept it because they like to be starting early.

There’s really nothing wrong with that, if you ask me. It’s their money after all. It’s not like this is some new concept that Blizzard has just come up with. Game publishers have been doing it for years now.

What the original poster is also saying is that there are also the entitled brigade who don’t realise this, or do but just choose to ignore it. The people who believe everything and everyone should revolve around them. These are the ones who lock onto things like early access for all the wrong reasons. Everything is about being ahead of someone else. Either it’s their competitive streak coming out, or they generally feel they should be first in the line for all the new stuff.

These guys are the ones who will be screaming “Get a GM on NOW! This doesn’t work. I PAID FOR THIS!” and all that rubbish.

For the average person who just paid for early access because they maybe can’t play for a while beyond this weekend, like to get a head start and don’t mind that it’s going to possibly be problematic at launch, and those who have the money and did it just for the mounts, good luck to them.

I’ve not paid for access but I’m seriously considering doing it as a friend has, and I’ll have a bit of time at the weekend to make use of it. If things go screwy then they go screwy. We all should remember that it’s just a game at the end of the day.

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Unless proffesions are completely disabled it certainly gives people an advantage when it does release. Same with being able to get reputation early and getting acces to certain recipes or patterns wich will sell crazy when the game does release

I would say it doesnt matter in a single player rpg or some fps game where everyone is on the same level. But this is an mmo rpg with a player driven economy

Also you’d think we already pay enough for the game to not have to pay extra to play the game early. If they are going to pull this stuff they need to get rid of subscriptions

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I know this is usually a bit of a cringe thing to say, but in this case, quite literally, who asked?

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forums would be boring if no one rants about how they spent more money than the rest of us only to not able to play the game as it should.

I understand my post is triggering to the QQ community, otherwise, you wouldn’t have been affected by it in an emotional way.

All I request is that you consolidate your QQ’s to a single thread, perhaps even create a Guild, join a Discord and QQ together there as much as you want, but keep the forums nice and tidy, rather than filled with redundant and generic complaints we see and hear on nearly all EA/launch days.



started to notice a lot of pay to play early access games lately.

it´s becoming a new norm even if the game isn´t competitive. dude, even Stormgate had early access and that’s a competitive RTS genre.

To be fair we have been paying for expansions for years and launches always are problematic. So problems during the EA is to be expected. Or did you think you are somehow special because you throw money at blizz when they paygate the game like this

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The one thing you don’t seem to understand is, that whatever whining comes out of early access is the same whining we had at every single launch since BC. There are always problems and there are always people whining about then. Only this time we have 2 chances for it. At EA and at the regular launch. Even though the chances for regular launch are a bit better for not being a problem this time, because of EA.

All you do with that post is “weee weee, I couldn’t even the few €€€ for the upgrade, so I need to show some hate to those who did buy it so I don’t start crying about it…weeee weeee”. Sorry, but all it does is making me laugh. Not because you couldn’t afford it, but because of your this pathetic behavior. :smiley:

Oh and I was there at nearly every launch at 00:00 and never cried. ^^

Handled like a pro.

Round 'em up like cattle and keep the whining confined.

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