Earn to play without gold

You can play the game and any activity will drop wow tokens you can trade it for blizzard balance or game time so basically you can get expansions by playing the game for free

You basically can farm wow tokens In the game for blizzard balance for new expansions and other games from blizzard

Earn to play system wow tokens will have 3 days and 7 days and will stack up to 30 days and you can trade it for blizzard balance

you can do that by earning gold in game and paying for a wow token.


What the guy above me said


The gold system is out dated and you should be a able to earn wow tokens through game progression instead of farming gold

So you can farm mobs do raids do dungeons any activity but wow tokens will have RNG

its basically the same thing, but if would be nice if they made 7/14/21 day tokens with different gold prices

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The gold system is rubbish I would rather farm raids or dungeons and wow tokens drop from mobs and farming spots

You don’t have to spend gold you earn them through playing the game

Also good luck with bots then, that would just skyrocket


Wow is getting a anti cheat system so the bots will be bots free

Hahahahah. No.

WoW has Warden Anti-Cheat and it’s done very little to curb the excessive botting.


“Oh cool this boss dropped game time, thats the first one I’ve seen in 2 weeks of playing”

10 minutes has been added to your subscription


Earn to play without using gold is smart idea

Not really. You’re suggesting replacing one economy with another, and I can’t think of a single other MMO that lets you earn gametime in this way by playing it.


Microsoft and Blizzard can work it out

You know the idea is cool and could work

Would you want to pay real money for a game time

Earn to play is the future

You are dreaming. What you suggest is they stop earning profit on the most profitable IP they own.

I don’t think the idea is cool. You haven’t explained how it would work either.

Yes. It’s cheaper than a Netflix subscription and far more engaging as far as entertainment goes.


Is already here with gold as others have said.

If you like to “earnplay” like minimally 7 days but likely way more of your playtime to farm enough gold together for a token vs one hour of wage* on a subscription then be my guest.

*This following the average German hourly minimum wage.

Blizzard will not likely institute lower gametime amounts akin to the Asian territories (see China, Korea.)


Gold is out of date and earning game time by doing in-game activities is the future

This whole gold thing is rubbish and out of date maybe 20 years ago in mmorpg world

Microsoft and Blizzard could have there own version of earn to play

Gold like real currency is out of date

Every token they sell they make £17, more than a months sub price. So i highly doubt they would give free game time drops. Your bascially removing the need for anyone to have a sub at all, apart from maybe a small few who don’t play much. That would be a massive drop in profits.

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The game might be going free to play

We are having wow plus subscription with few perks for 14 your local currency a month

I don’t se the fun in that.

So you want blizz to pay you to play?

We’re reaching peak awfulness with ideas.