Earn to play without gold

They said a long time ago that WoW would only go free to play when they decided it was near the end and they were not going to develop any more expansions. With three expansions planned that won’t be anytime soon.

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If you r raider and m+ player focusing only on that part of game there is no way u can have gold that enough to pay gt etc because everything costs.

It’s not even close to end atm, they earn loads from us. :slight_smile:

But they lose alot of players becouse pvp is a fiesta atm to bad, they could easy fix premade problem and stuff while making it play with both factions together.

Epic bgs is a huge problem with premades atm just go to bg forum and u se.

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The earn to play system will be great for PvP and PvE instead of paying for the game you have a choice earn game time by playing if your a fool use your hard earned cash buy game time Gold is out of control and need to be deflationed to a regular amount the wow economy is awfull aswell Will be having mounts in game what cost 20 million

Do you know how deflation works?

On one hand you think the wow token gold price should go down, on the other hand you think it is outrageous of Blizzard to add another gold sink to actually remove gold to combat inflation.


I can see it now.

Microsoft Board “So whats this new big idea then?”
Wow Devs “Well, we are going to give all players free game time, that they earn by doing what they are doing now!!!”
Microsoft Board “Cool, so what are we doing to replace the lost income from subs and token sales??”
Wow Devs “Er… Nothing…really…we just give away all the stuff and pay for the servers, maintainence, new content dev costs etc ourselves”
Microsoft Board"???"
Wow Devs “So, what do you think?”
Microsoft Board pulls out shotgun


People dont get it that Blizzard is company and as every company they want money… Imagine to want money how dare they :rofl:
Most insane is people thinks games should be cheap as is not luxury… Imagine luxury being cheap xD

I think all this theories comes from people who dont have any touch with reality and social life. I know it can sound harsh but is true.

Haha true words i prefer paying to play wow as long as the quality does not drop like what happens to free to play games

Actually if you are really good with M+ and raiding, you can earn tons of gold by boosting.

if u want to swim in that waters yes but after Blizzard banned
community i really dont want todo that.

I have an even better idea! Let’s have our machines automatically run a crypto miner for Blizzard and Microsoft. The more crypto harvested for them, the more playtime given.

In case it wasn’t obvious, I am sarcastic.

Not in ActiMicroBlizzard interest.

Money is root to all things evil

The world will change were you can earn money by anything and everything the same with gaming

Yeah and who’s gonna pay the bills for blizz with a model like that? Santa Claus? Even blizzard balance? LOL. Get a job.


Elder scrolls online is doing well to be honest

Microsoft will help them out by the way

Microsoft don’t do paywall behind subs Blizzard will learn from zenimax earn to play by Microsoft would be cool idea

Blizzard will announce it Microsoft will allow wow to be buy to play just like elder scrolls online

The huge announcement in 2025 by blizzard for world of warcraft

ESO’s sub is optional but it has a way bigger in game shop with way more services, that also includes lootboxes. Also ESO provides actual benefits for subbing to ESO Plus while WoW doesn’t, which makes subbing more attractive. It also offers free months every now and then.
You could also look at GW2 which is F2P by default (base game) and you can even buy premium currency with enough gold. But then, it also features skins and “lootboxes”.
Since WoW is very limited in that regard, they have to rely on sub money. Could they do the same like ESO? They could, but why do it when it worked for 20ish years now?

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20 years is the past blizzard are thinking big with low risk evergreen content cost more money to maintain and upkeep we need to take ideas from other mmorpg are have our twist to them guild wars 2 got there first with player housing blizzard can make playhousing… bigger and better I know why guild wars 2 got there first with that feature to put pressure on blizzard player housing in world of warcraft will be hard to maintain every major warcraft dlc release the cost evergreen is huge I’m glad blizzard didn’t put price of sub up :grin: but Microsoft have huge domes of cash to splash out big and I mean huge Xbox are now looking at world of warcraft port to consoles blizzard will pile the pressure on evergreen it cost huge amounts money to upkeep and update the cost of expansions could go up just like everything else

Is not wow and there is no game as wow so far.

Microsoft is now the father of warcraft

They buy Activision because they saw potential of geting that sweet cake and not get slices from it.