I would like to tryout healing for first time in this game but i dont know which is easier one
I prefer range heal since i used to main bm hunter for many years
So i would like to ask what is easier holy priest or evoker heal or any another healer?
Also any tips appreciated
Probably holy priest
Holy priest has been the premier healing spec and class from the dawn of time . You press healing button after cast is done the guy gets healed with cd that do healing.
You can branch after you get used to that to the other specs whith all of them being different in their own way.
Holy pala is the easiest and the most broken heal right now. You just press Holy Shock on the person who you want to heal, and then word of glory when you get 3 holy power. You don’t even need to be in melee right now for reducing holy shock cooldown.
Lets try to help our friend not give him a bigger headache than ever ,most broken healer right now?maybe it has same hps with pure hps healers. But it aint even remotly as easy to play as you mention.Holy shocks are caped ,they have to be spread to get a higher reset chance and do no heal outside of 3 different indivdual cds that are not lined up ,on top or having to use dps cds to lower the holy shocks cd. Id say its so far out of a new players reach i would never recomend.
Holy Priest or Resto Shaman.
Personally I’d go for the Shaman, because it’s as easy to pick up as HPriest but if you end up liking the spec there’s a lot of depth to it, plus it has more utility in general.
I’m sorry for calling your favourite spec easy, but after the rework it became really easy to play, and even after the nerfs it is the most broken spec right now, atleast in keys. Spam shocks, waste HP on Glory, cast Tyr when you expect the big aoe, and you’re gucci.
Holy priest also isn’t even remotely easy to play as you mention. It sucks in AOE situations, cause everything you have is Sanctify, you never cast aoe prayer in keys, it sucks. So basically all Holy Priest gameplay in keys is like - sanctify, serenity and endless Greater Heal spam. And it isn’t that strong right now like in SL, when Holy Priests had that legendary. So why would you advise someone to play weak Greater Heal spam simulator, when you can do the same, but cast instant Shocks, which are 2 times better healing wise, and also have a lot of surviveability (which all priests lack as hell)?
I think you are just jaded by the fact hpal is now better than the other heal specs and its somehow affecting you without realizing it was bottom feeder pre re work when it had melee wings.
The good thing is you explained yourself why a new healer shouls play hpriest and not hpal,greater heal spam we are talking simplicity hes not doing 20s so performance is equal between healers at low level. I want you to tell me what he has to do as a hpal after pressing 2 holy shock hmm? Its not even 3 holy power to use the combo spell ,it wont heal at all without tyr,daybreak or wings ,having to perna use cds is also a crux of new players.
Easy specs means : spam few buttons alot ,easy to grasp.
Hpal is clearly better if you want the healing power but you are grossly underplaying the amount of decision you take when pressing said buttons. And holy shock still heals almost nothing if you arent geared towards crit fyi.
What you think is easy isn’t what a new player/healer might think is easy. We’re here to try to help, not discuss tier lists and who’s broken. In my opinion a “press button to heal” spec is much easier than a builder-spender spec like holy paladin. Also paladin might have a lot of “oh crap” abilities but that adds to ability bloat.
I think holy priest is the most straight forward and least gimmicky healing spec especially in casual play when starting to learn the ropes. No big reliance on HoTs, no secondary resource just mana, no big reliance on preemptive casts, no abilities that you need to read 4 times to understand what they do etc.
This. I would just go for a simple “cast a spell → heal” sort of spec, which only cares about healing and managing mana. Any healer that has has seccondary resourse is already a big step-uo in difficulty (for veterans it doesn’t matter, but for a new person every little difficulty matters).
It was always very strong, but rarely picked just because there was prot pala domination, and there was no need for 2 paladins in high keys. When Bears and DH started dominating, hpala became n1 heal even before the rework in S2. Many were questioning - why even reworking the spec, which was the meta anyway? But somehow they made them even more broken and easier to play.
Spam great and flash heals? The same thing you’re advising the topic starter. You didn’t even answer my question - why play weak heal spam simulator, when you have a hpala, which can DO THE SAME (it has flash and great heal also), BUT it has 2 instant strong shocks with like 6sec cd and holy power spender?
I dare you to look at holy paladin logs in random fight on warcraftlogs. Let me just pick one: Echo of Neltarion mythic, top1 holy pala: 92 holy shock casts, 95 LoD casts, 8 Holy Light, 4 Tyr’s, 1 LoH and 2 healpots. So yeah, what were you saying about spamming few buttons?
It just feels you have no ideea how pally works and have a problem with the spec being good to play but il respond .
Ok so go do that on paladin,and do 0 healing since those spells havent been part of the rotation of paladin for the last 2 expansion,also oom yourself faster than anything you have ever seen. The gheal spam for thr priest is what they are doing as rotation,do you see the difference ? Its like telling a disc to press renew surely it will heal for the pally.
Again you are looking at people knowing how paladin works ,those hsocks are not on the same target , they are not even on injuredd targets ,are not from holy shock and the fact that you forgot to check the dps rotation tells me how much you know about the class.
CRASH COURSE : Press holy shock on cd,on different targets that need healing to spread glimmer,tyr with double instant hlight on cd,hlight only on tyr buffed target ,hsock on tyr buffed target but low hp but not same target,day break followed by dt ( which cast hsock fyi it just gets added to hsock casts) and cast only on non glimmered but tyr buffed targets ,oh i foegot to mention judge on cd when not cappwd ,oh wait there was also consacration to be maintained oh you also had to light of dawn on no capping hpower .eazy to learn right? Did you also hear of our lord and savior am and wings and bop and sac and loh?
Meanwhile the priest is no where close to this
If you look at the topic it asks for easiest healer for a first timer, not easiest healer to get epic logs. Numerous people already commented how an additional resource and ability bloat can increase the skill floor.
The difference is, greater heal spam is the same, as holy paladin’s, but pala also has a tons of other things he can pull out when the situiation becomes dangerous, whereas holy priest can be like… yeah, i can… do nothing.
Why are we talking about dps rotation? We’re discussing healing part. And that part becomes very clear - holy pala presses 2 healing buttons all this time and get insane healing. Why even arguing?
No one ever asked for that, but thanks. Every spec has the same thing, if you wanna play high level. If you really think holy priest is about spamming greater heal, then:
Someone has no ideea how holy paladin works wink wink,all dps spells a paladin uses are boosting,improving or healing and are part of the healing rotation but dont mind me you clearly have more ideea of how easy paladin is and broken and not a trap for a new player.
No one is talking about epic logs, the thing I’m saying is that holy pala pressed TWO healing buttons this fight. It was just random stuff i came into. I can also pull out grey log, situation will be the same.
Put it through that thick skull that logs show 2 buttons because all the other buttons if presssed properly lets you do that ,and alot of your spell press those buttons multiple time but the logs atrributed the healing and casts to again those 2 spells shocker .
As someone that has played all healers except evoker:
No. Holy priest is the easiest, followed by resto shaman.
As someone that has played all healers including evoker:
No. Holy pala is the easiest and most broken heal right now.
Holy paladins are infinitely more complex to play than a holy priest.
If I see a holy paladin in keys when I’m tanking, I fear for the safety of the group because so many are rerolling to it and have no clue how to play it. It’s the SL season 1 VDH situation all over but with holy paladins, I really don’t trust them at all. Like, just this week I’ve seen plenty of holy paladins use freedom on entangling instead of clearing the barrel on second boss in freehold. That’s just a complete joke. Even outside of this week, barely any holy paladins are clearing the barrel with freedom. And people die because of it.
If I see a holy priest, I don’t fear for the safety of the group because even if they’re not that good, the skill floor for a holy priest is rather low and they will most likely pull through anyways.