Easiest healer for first time heal

To the main post: Holy priests feel very comfy and straightforward so I’d recommend them.

However feel free to try others too, you might just end up enjoying the more complicated ones if you give them a bit of time to learn. Just take your time, you can do it.

I wonder what the key level should be, if there’s a fear for the safety of the group when chosing between holy priest and paladin. Because no one is playing holy priest at level 15+, and in lower keys you can play without healer sometimes.

It doesn’t make holy paladins harder to play.

I’m playing up to 22 keys as a holy priest but sure, keep imagining things.

It does.

Oh, hello! I’m no one :wave:
Nice to meet you!

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It doesn’t. You don’t need to have a mensa certificate to press holy shocks and words of glory everytime. Sorry, If that is very complex for you, and instead you advising someone to spam greater heal instead.

I think we’re done here.

You claim you play all healers except evoker and then go on to talk about spamming greater heal.

Greater heal is a pvp-only talent with a cd.

You clearly don’t play all healers except evoker. I doubt you even play a healer at all given your statement about greater heal.

My bad for calling an ability ‘Greater Heal’, which it was called since Vanilla (2005) to MoP and renamed to ‘Heal’ in WoD (2014). Sorry for being too old.

Holy priest and shammy
You can basically just aoe heal 90% and single target if someone needs a top up

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Evoker is one of the more difficult one to heal with. It is like Disc in how it is a predictive healers. It is fun though.

I believe that the big old reliable in terms of healing is the Restoration Shaman.
Straightforward single target healing, plenty of AoE healing and imho the best anti disaster cooldown with the Spirit link totem.

Thank you all for the replies
I decided i will try out holy priest since it is the easiest also its available for void elf (my favorite race)

I dont plan to go any high key, +15 or +16 is my maximum since im casual player


and dont even try to heal with holy paladin. its way to complicated and you need tons of skill for it and billion buttons.

I heard about that.
I am sticking to Evoker for now

Holy priest weak? W3ak in AoE yes if you dont know how to play ye

Good luck!

Holy priest is bit weak in aoe when people aren’t properly stacked. Example try a high tyrannical neltharus to heal magmatusk boss when people are spread like 15-20 yards around the boss. YES you can always stack and play mechanics the correct way, but when people are spread apart how you heal heavy incoming damage?

You have 3 things u can do, 1. Serenity a player. 2.nd greater mending - greater heal. 3rd. Power word: life. Or you can: 1st player: guardian spirit + greater heal., 2nd. Serenity, 3rd. Power word life. As holy u have enough abilities to keep the group save. The only thing about power word life is u need to wait untiln the player is under 35% hp

Holy priest is probably the most button bloated heal spec. I’d rather recommend something like paladin or shaman


For me, a lifelong dps player the “easiest” healer to pick up was my fistweaver monk. Tho to be honest none of them were too easy for me to grasp considering that the things you need to pay attention to are completely different between a dps and a healer. However at least on fistweaver I could somewhat heal just doing kung-fu while filling in the gaps with the rest of the toolkit.

MW monk.

Dunno why people harping about priest / pala when that’s an option. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Honestly, when I chose my first healer to try the choice was Holy Priest, it is a very easy to use spec that I would definitely recommend to someone who is learning to play heal, it worked in my case and now I love this spec.