Elemental shamans

Dispelled by only one class in the game atm. Bias, bias is what we smell.

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Restorative Potion
Requires Level 32
Use: Removes 1 magic, curse, poison or disease effect on you every 5 seconds for 30 seconds. (2 Min Cooldown)

skill issue, as so often. sorry bro.

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So yes I was correct you need to push 2 buttons. Sounds extremely hard set up. Stop trying to pretend you need to do some big brain play to get off an ability that has the potential to 1 shot.

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Yeah bro , let everyone go into bgs with full Pots and worldbuffs.

I bet this guy uses rank 4 flame shock to apply them lmao

I hate people getting shafted and neefed. All im saying if the ele shammy wos A glasscanon id be fair. But its not , they just throw on A Rune and shield and they are unkillible.

Before you write skill issue i havent counted all the slows and totems that come with it. And you can call it 5 % or whatever but im getting globaled with 2.5 k on my own gear. Yesterday i got tapped from 100-0 in What i assume is 2-3 buttons.

So if this is fair , no downsides at all since you are all using tanking Rune that is broken

Only if rogues had some sort of way to interupt a spell caster, hmm…

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Dude , just wrote in bgs. How many interrupts do you have when you are 12 dots inn allready? And Yeah , Shadowstep is on GCD

According to the SOD forums every player should always have 100x mana pot, Health pot, FAP, LIP, swiftness pot, restorative pot, sappers, skull of impending doom, grenades, flash bomb, trinket not on CD, spider belt, rocket helm & every other engineering gadget equipped at the same time not on CD. At 60 you should carry 100x flask of petrification or your just a big noob.

On top of that everything should never be on CD and you should have hot keys to swap to every single usable item out of combat in-between casts/abilities then kite for 30 seconds until you can use that item.

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It’s actually really well how good shaman runes synergises with eachother. I wish every class was that strong.

Shaman rune on legs:

While Rockbiter Weapon is active on your main hand weapon, you deal 50% increased threat, gain 30% increased health, take 10% reduced damage, gain 6% reduced chance to be critically hit by melee attacks, and Earth Shock taunts targets to attack you and has a separate cooldown from other Shock spells but has its range reduced to melee range.

Shaman rune on chest:

Each time you Block, you regenerate mana equal to 8% of your maximum mana and you gain Armor equal to 30% of your shield’s armor value, stacking up to 5 times. You also always gain 10% increased chance to Block and 15% increased Block value.

Then they can equip whatever on their gloves.

Don’t people see how this is absolutely insane to play against as a melee?
Every shaman is running these talents in PvP because it’s insane survivability. Meanwhile they’re the best damage dealing tank class in PvE aswell:


Given that rockbiter was also recently buffed… yeah, Shamans as a melee are really unfun to play against.

And if you use those you lose overload, and shamanistic rage? You guys are just making scenarios up in your head

Skill issue if you cope this hard by being unable to kill an ele

Why would that matter if you lose those when your damage is already okay and your survivability is insane?

Wasn’t talking about ele’s bro.

Why do you keep bringing up rank4 flameshock then?

Because it’s fun to see the skillcap from all the fotm rollers compared to people that actually play shaman.

Id rank 1 flameshock you and you’d still whine about it

You’re using rank 4 flameshock then complain you’re going OOM, not me bro.

Not my problem either

I guess not because you can just reincarnate kek