Elemental shamans

Ill feed the troll , i understand you are having fun right now. Im just saying the issue aint shammy damage. Even though Even that is through the Roof. The issue is when you come close and personal you still dont do any damage.

If you are calling this A skill or gear issue no chance. Playing this game long enough to see there is a problem here. Its A mage/lock full dps specc with tank Rune. Doesnt help to come close

I can just rank1 frostbolt you at max range while you seethe instead

Should we nerf reincarnate to 24 hr cooldown?

Nah buff it where it has a 2 minute CD and gives you max health and mana back. Clearly all these shamans need it because it’s so hecking easy to counter them.

Surely isnt a skill issue when you have 5 other threads begging for rogue buffs.

If you manage to lose to a Ele sham you are bad

No I get you, it has more to do with the overall BG health buff stacking with the rune. The rune wasnt made in mind with the BG hp buff. In BGs they just have to make it so it doesnt apply. In wpvp its fine since it also has some drawbacks for the shaman by limiting his earthshock range, but in BGs they (can) have 5k+ hp with a full tank setup and gear

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Begging? So you mean the Numbers rogue bring now are viable overall?

Lets see nr 9 on pve meters overall.
And tank is so rng that its A joke. You Dodge/parry 5 attacks and then you go from 100-0 in 2 boss attacks.

Its complete avoidance on damage or you are dead most of the times.

And do you see and raidbuffs rogue bringing along?

let’s hope they get a 50% nerf on lavablast asap , no rune should do such absurd damage.

I play on A pve server so I just meet em i bg or STV event. I dont want to nerf anything to the ground What im saying that in 1vs1 fair enough. But if its multiple ppl vs eachother its almost impossible to do anything with it.

And if you do it feels like you are hitting A wall! Anyway hope they find A balance becouse its not fun atm in pvp ngl

Thats called Class difference you as a rog are usless in grp fights and gotta defend bases ele shaman has to be more tanky since it has a shield on and 0 defensive cooldowns, The logic behind this is stupid should shamans go around asking why paladins can bouble or why rog has evasion?

Dont need def cooldowns when you got A Rune that is better then 90 % of the players cds :rofl:

And what rank were they all p1? You had your turn

Why are you making dumb posts ofc classes wont be balanced the only balancing blizzard can start doing is when we reach lvl 60 It’s literally not possible everything to be balanced before that, what if rog is more broken next phase should we all come on forums and cry about it?

nerf enhance shamans gosh 1.6k - 2k dmg in one global

Uh yeah?
Druids and hunter got nerfed for this exact reason lmao.

What is this argument?

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Had my turn? How many premades in wsg did you see looking for rogues? How many rogue stacks did you see in pve? So stupid. Let me tell you every wsg there is atleast 3 shammys making A trail of totems and running off.

And the logs in pve tell you the whole story allready

argument is " i play shaman myself"

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How many WSG premades did you see looking for elemental shamans LOL

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Argument is don’t play warrior if you don’t have a pocket healer