Elitists are destroying the game!

But why should they merge it?

By merging you mean making it the same difficulty as current normal or lfr difficulty?

I personally don;t really mind the 4 difficulties, some other people do not like lfr at all but honestly i couldn’t care less myself.

I’d consider myself a casual, I’m a raid logger two days per week at this point. If anything I play a bit extra the first two weeks of every patch/season but that’s it.

I think a better solution is to make raids have a difficulty curve with the bosses inside.

As in bosses get harder the more you progress in a much better representation of what we currently have.

It would make learning and advancing much more enjoyable.

Also a raid would be cooler if it wasn’t actually a 3 hour stomp for pugs, and there were systems implemented to help players start from X or Y boss.

LFR serves no purpose as it stands other than be a theme park for sightseeing and completing quests for raids.

It would go a long way if LFR was abit more rewarding and less mindless and at the same time " Less punishing for mistakes "

The ‘Elitist’ group in any game is not the actual elite players pushing the boundaries of the game (top 100 guilds/pushing 24/25/26 keys). the ‘Elitism’ group are the people who THINK they are at that level and believe that everybody who doesn’t do timed 20’s or raid mythic (even if they themselves aren’t at this level) is garbage, shouldn’t be playing and feel its their duty to belittle anyone they think is below them (this makes them garbage humans). Its not just a WOW problem its prevalent in every single multiplayer game.

Blizzard specifically put different levels in to appeal to different abilities of player. Some people WANT to log on and just do a LFR wing to chill after a stressful day of work or school. Some want to log and clear mythic bod on another alt. Some are physically or mentally unable to mythic raid or push higher keys due to illness or something else. Why should any of these people, in any demographic, be denied their fun from a paid service because one person or set of people (the minority) demand it because they feel it hurts them (when it really doesn’t). YOU CANNOT AIM A GAME AT ONE DEMOGRAPHIC or you would end up exactly where Wildstar is: On the scrapheap. Hence the multiple difficulties of content and multiple ways of gearing this is the only way to appeal to an exceptionally wide range of tastes and abilities.

While I agree the catchup mechanics are abit too quick to catch you up (if you hit the timing right with hitting 120 when the warfront Is on etc) the idea that ‘you ding 120 and you instantly 400 ilvl’ is wrong. It still takes time and effort. You’ll be very hard pushed to fully 400ilvl gear a char JUST from WQ or warfronts without significant time to do so.

People need to realise gaming in general isn’t what it was 10 years ago or even 5 years ago. The age of ‘instant gratification’ is here (fortnight/league of legends are kings at the moment with potentially hundreds of millions of worldwide players coz you can just log on and jump in) and has been for a while. The MMO genre is an ever shrinking one due to this swing in attitudes. You ignore this worldwide gaming trend and you’ll fade into insignificance.

It’s their group, they can demand whatever they wish. If they want such experienced players it’s their right to only take them.

Casuals: Elitists ruin the game
Elitists: Casuals ruin the game
Blizzard: We are ruining the game for both, but they blame eachother, our plan is working!! Rubbing of hands


Ooop! You probably should tuck that in sweetie, your ignorance is showing

It does amuse me that people can’t just embrace that there are different types of players who play the game. There is no need to blame one side or the other.

It’s wrong to base the entire game around a part only a small percentage takes part in. It’s equally wrong to remove harder content to make it more casual friendly. There is room for all of it.


I have raided mythic HFC in Wod without addons it wasn’t any different than with addons i literaly got to learn the abilities by heart and i was better at reacting to them than people with addons because those would “de-sync” sometimes and i was so angry cause they can’t just take a visual que and have to be brain-sticked to addons.

Wow without addons might be extremely hard on some end mythic bosses but it’s doable that’s all i can add to this,don’t think you cannot raid mythic or get CE without addons, it’s just extra information you have to retain if you are not good at it then addons will help you for sure.

Literally got all of my Ce’s with the basic Ui , i always use the classic ui . As a side fun note i had to install an addon to retun back the classic classic ui cause i didn’t like the new classic one.

So this statement can’t be further away from truth.

In your opinion, I also think the default UI sucks.

It’s not in my opinion that the statement can’t be further away from truth . It’s just a fact he said you can’t raid mythic with classic UI, i got CE with it . It’s simple as that no opinion.

The only opinion thing related is that i use The classic Ui and i like it and you guys don’t that’s the only thing that’s opinion related.

The default is also not working at all. I started in legion, tried to get better and thought proven grounds was a good idea. Then you get flamed by a dps ‘dispel faster’ and you have no idea what they talk about. Nothing is visible in the default UI. Then I installed elvUI and instant unit frames got blue.

Also I have to install an addon to actually see that there is something purgable on a mob in dungeons.


On the default UI everything that is dispelable shows up but it does not neseraily mean it shows up on Elvui. This is a really big misconception that people believe the classic ui doesn’t show everything and ELvui does it’s in fact the other way.

My brother used Elvui and i remember an occurence in legion where i kept telling him to dispell but elvui didn’t show it on the frames but i could clearly see it on the normal UI.
The classic UI literally shows everything your class is capable of dispelling perfectly. Elvui might get it wrong sometimes or might be mimicking it.

What elvui is brining and i honestly believe should be on the base ui is buffs on enemies when you can Purge . Im reffering if you a blood elf/shaman/priest etc. to show you hey this can be purged the same way they show dispells.

Also on another note the dispells appear only for healers when you are in prot/ret(in my case) the ui doesn’t highlight all the diseases/poisons i can dispell just the general ones.

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Sorry for my personal experience. It was not a misconception.

I’m curios then what debuf that is dispelable by a healer didn’t show up on the classic ui?

The one in proven grounds that I entered as resto shaman in the legion order hall. In legion. When legion was current. When I just started wow and hitted max level 110. When I wanted to do dungeons but wanted to prepare myself for doing them for the first time. When I had 0, zero, none, addons because I was completely new in the game.

If we are reffering to the debuff that explodes if not dispelled ,i did the proving grounds in Legion to get all the achievments for healer and dps. And it always showed on the base ui so it might be a bug if you accesed it in Bfa.

Also sorry for deralingi the thread op.

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well I never said they cant do what ever they want whit their, group, but look at it from someone elses side, to try and find a group for a low key, and you se in finder, people saying they look at rio or what ever other achivment for things that you do not need anything high for, for many this is an indication that the leader is an elitisit person.

there is room for all, but unfortunately people also rember the bad things more often than the good things.


someone bullies you in a dungeon becuse you are new, or you might not have same gear as him/her.

you get declined from groups, becuse you do not have same score or achivment than the leader, for things you already did.

you get kicked becuse you did one mistake, even if the boss did die, and everythign is ok.

people rember this, even if it is just smal percentage that do behave badly, way more due to this will get stampped as being elitists to, and one huge reason this is happening is due to we let it slide most of the time, or have no chance to defend our self against the bullies out there.


No, it is an indication that the individual wanna do things fast and get them over with