Elitists are destroying the game!

The addons never done the job for you. You still HAVE TO pay attention or you die DBM or not.

As for other addons, they just help with visibility and improvements that many ppl including me love to play with like elvui.

Weak auras is a great way to put important information on the middle of my screen.
I could in theory ofc put my whole action bar there but that would make it a bit annoying wouldnt it.
Currently my weak auras mostly only appear when im in combat so they dont take up my screen space.

For another example i could say base raid frames for a healer, especially for a resto druid is pretty much unusable. It only shows 3 buffs at any time, when you will have way more than 3 hots up on certain raid members at any one point.

Sure if blizzard will bother to do some improvements maybe it would stop that many ppl from using addons.
Addond are not inaccessible to anyone. Everyone will be once new to the game and someone else will just tell them about it if they dont read of it on their own. Thats how it happened to me and with everyone else in the history of wow who has played the game at any point.

I could also argue that having addons wont make you magically do hard content and that ppl who do use addons doesnt mean they would be bad without them.
Bad ppl can die in bad even with addons working and good ppl can play with almost no addons or nothing at all.

Nice post. I don’t agree with everything, but we’ll get to that in a second.
First I’d like to address something; I think you’re using some terms wrong.

You are using the term ‘elitist’ when you should be using the term ‘elite’ and vice versa.
Now, they’re very similar but they have a very important difference.
Elite is what you described here:

That is totally correct. But an elitist isn’t the same thing.
And elitist is “a person who believes that a society or system should be led by an elite.”

You use the terms interchangeably in your post, which I think is a mistake.


I totally disagree. WoW used to be casually unfriendly; in vanilla, tbc, wotlk.
It has been casual friendly for years now.

Is it really? Could you give an example of this?

Why would this matter to a casual player. I’d think a casual player is happy to get an upgrade by doing the content he/she manages.
This is entirely a thing that matters only to players who care about min/max-ing or who are extremely petty and don’t want to see ‘less skilled’ players get stuff close to their own level.

Which is not casual unfriendly.

You don’t sound like a casual player mate.
You sound like ‘a hardcore player who is playing in a casual manner’. Which is what I am too actually (just not with an elite mindset, like you seem to have).

I LOVE that raids are no longer the go-to, must-do-or-die type of content they have been for years. I LOVE that there’s alternatives now. It’s awesome.

Agreed. But the greedy mindset that a LOT of players have, ruins this; they want rewards that are BETTER than anything ‘below’ them or they’re going to whine and complain.

Why not enjoy content because it’s an activity you ACTUALLY enjoy?!
Who cares if other content also rewards similar things. It shouldn’t matter.

Maybe for some that is true, but for a lot of people it actually IS.
They want to feel better. More powerful. Higher up the food chain.

But that’s the world we live in. Instant gratification is EVERYWHERE.
I’m not saying it’s good, but it is what it is. And a single game isn’t going to change this worldwide attitude.

Also; anyone saying LFR should be removed immediately marks them as an ELITIST* imo. And that’s not a good thing.

  • check the part about those terms again above.

that is such a lame lazy excuse though .

lazy because wow devs are to lazy to take actions in order to get rid o toxic people from game.

look at FF14 for example - it has banned all dps meters from game. and see how many people are praising it mainly about how good community there is.

it is like this exackly because FF devs are not afraid to ban toxic addons and get rid of toxic people from their game.

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they should have take actions years ago. stuff like logs wasnt even popular in wow untill end of mop.

they should have banned logging back then - we wouldnt have ended with abomination of people exclusion that raider io is atm .

but they are to lazy to care about majority of people .

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You should make a difference between elite and elitist. And by definition, elitists don’t accept opinions of those they see as non-elite.
And also there’s a distinction between elitism and meritocracy.

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Casual can mean many things.

The game is casual unfriendly in OP’s view because casuals get a lot of things simply thrown at them only to end up with a Huge wall in their faces called the “No filthy casual zone”

Does wanting to raid make you not casual?
Does playing 4 hours a week make you casual?
Does not doing Mythic dungeons make you a casual?
etc etc.

The game is not casual friendly at all, because it doesn’t seek to make the casual experience last.

You’re Either Casual or not, you either Cross the line and have to play hard, or you don’t and stay casual, which is exactly what casual unfriendly means.

If the game is casual friendly then someone spending 6 hours a week on the game should be slowly but surely progressing, learning and improving, not skip ahead of levels and be stuck at the final stages of the game unable to ever complete them.


this is so true, some do take offence to fast, or have no idea how to defend them self if needed, well exept buy screaming bad words, personaly I just troll the bullies whit stopid questions, that have nothing to do whit wow, it usualy makes them even more angry and it is hilarious to watch, specialy if someone else starts to comment also.

Maby but you kind of missed the point, not all se it as that, many se it as they are elitist who only want high end people in their group, offcourse they do it to get things done faster, but not all se it like that.

A dps meter is not toxic. It is useful tool that helps you improve. Its also a way to identify where issues lie. Addons like details and skada show more than just damage. Just like analysing your logs.


The majority of people is entirely unaffected by logs…

They literally only matter if you apply to a mythic guild or try to improve your performance, they have no other purpose and parses are scuffed without BiS and mostly random secondary stats anyways.

The only way they actually help is to check who in your raid is doing what, who is hitting the right targets and if you have a grey parse you are probably doing something wrong, that is all you can pull from them now.

but they can, as I said in an other post, I have cleard bod hc, whit 2 raid nights, only 4 hours at a time, and between I have at times not even logged in, it is possible but it takes time and some dedication, offcourse if you only pug it can take even longer, and this is where the problem is, but it is an problem you can overcome, but it would not be easy at all, but that doesnt meen you can not do it, becuse you can.

What are you talking about? Dps meters aren’t banned in FFXIV at all.

and guns dont kill people ye ?

yet somehow im glad i was attending school in one of countries in EU instead in land of freedom where week without school shooting is a rare occurance.

That is a ridiculous comparison. About as useful as comparing fighting a war without guns. Is fighting without a dps meter.

See I can make preposterous comparisons too that aren’t related in any way.


A quick look on google tells me “toxicity” (gosh I hate the word toxic) is a thing in FFXIV too. That Mods actively hide it doesn’t mean it is not there.

No logs or damage meters? Sure, everyone has his or her own truth and flame everyone who did it wrong in their eyes :smiley: Great system.

thats simply not true. thats how toxicity spread.

first it was dps meters , then logs , then raider io.

one thing uncontroled led to another and the wider spread of toxic exclusion.

all this because devs were to lazy to take swift fast action

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It’s either raids, m+ or high rated pvp nowdays.

Ofc, someone who does WQs only, should not get equal reward to someone who raids heroic… or higher with a dumb system called titanforge.

See my previous point.

Like getting 400 ilvl stuff from WQs.

Shouldn’t be removed, but it should work like WoD again, you get different looking gear and different trinkets.

  1. That’s a ridiculous comparison.
  2. The only ones who don’t like it seems to be underperforming. :thinking:

If a player is playing like crap and not pulling their own weight, why should they be let in to groups? This whole banning dps meters/addons/rio thing is just stupid.

But you have to admit that there’s a large group of people who, if given the power (DPS meter in this case), will use it to harrass/judge/ridicule someone else with it.

This is the sad reality of our society; most people are scum. :expressionless:
Not all. There’s plenty of decent human beings also, but unfortunately it doesn’t take many bad apples to ruin it for everyone.


Raider io is so popular because people’s ilvl is not a reliable indicator of skill. All raider io does is reflect the experience of the player.

You seem to think that you should be carried in every part of the game. Anything where you can’t get a free ride is labelled toxic.

I wouldn’t expect my raider io score to get me into a +20 anymore than someone with a 200 score should expect to get into a +15.