Elitists are destroying the game!

I like alcohol :grin: not to say I am an alcoholic but a few beers with friends on the weekends is always good way to relief stress from wow and online community sometimes :wink:.

And I’ve seen so many bad things come from alcohol in my lifetime that I made the decision quite early in life that I was never going to start drinking.
Glad that you’re having a good time with it though. I hope you keep it under control. :kissing_heart:

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Everytime I read the term elitist I immediately assume its someone trying to push their opinions on me and trying to set me up against people, not ideas, people.

If your arguement is good, you dont need to call people elitist to have it resonate with people, it has degenerated into a buzzword that’s used to shame people into silence

Radical terminology has leaked from politics into other things, its very reminiscant of Antifa calling random bystanders fascists just so they can justify themselves assaulting them

Well it is true there are those bad people that alcohol affects them in agressive manner usually those that have alot of problems in life and drink,some of them usually are cretens and alcohol just makes them naturally agressive while me I like to sing like a sailor and have a laugh with bros and flirt alot with people while making sexual innuendo jokes but that’s just me it affects everyone differently :joy:.Sorry for the the off topic convo a bit just wanted to explain some things.Basically buy me a few :beers: and some delicious steak or pork and I will like you forever :grin:.

Oh Ja das ist gut meine freunde.

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Competitions can be “toxic” but competativeness by itself is only “toxic” when it manifests unhealthily

Good sportsmanship for example can only exist within competitiveness, yet it is the antithesis to this behaviour in competativeness, therefor competativeness isnt “toxic” through and through. Succesfull teamwork is another example

This immediately proves my hatred of this vile substance.
Society celebrates excess. It celebrates getting so drunk you can’t even stand on your own 2 feet as if it’s some kind of achievement. People boast about ‘how drunk they were’.


Again you met some bad ppl that’s all don’t judge a book by it’s cover and it’s natural for us to compete in one way or another even back in barbarian times we competed who had the most strength and who had the most strong children,tribe and even then we were feasting and drinking after a successful raid and plunder.

I’d consider myself a casual, yet doing heroic raids or mythic+ is my normal


dps meter or any addons showing scores etc… could be good, but people abuse it, to the extent it becomes unhealty to have them. this is the sad truth.

oh btw those who say FF14 got a good atmosphere and people are friendly, have not leveled a char from scratch now, oh god the idiots you meet now, though I have a feeling most of them are former wow players lol, but it is horrible now, I even have a friend who quite FF14 due to how toxic some people are and doing dungeons can be horryfying now.

But what is ‘unhealthy’ is dicated by our society’s rules and standards.
And I can’t say I always agree with those rules and standards (see my opinions on alcohol and how its use is perceived/judged).

Competitiveness in itself is a strive of individuals to compare accomplishments and determine who’s better/quicker/stronger/faster/smarter etc.
That imo is not healthy behaviour. But that’s not what society overal thinks. :man_shrugging: Seems I’m out of luck. Thankfully I can ignore most of it (I don’t watch sports for instance).

To be fair it’s a competition to carry as many as possible.

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I got that. But I don’t think that was its intention in your post?

Eh Eh eh eh guys…
Heoric raid = anyone with normal sanity and certain degree of dedication shoud and can do it.
M10 = its not hard at all.

So tell me why those fake elitist demand papers, checking r. io like members of their group goin to take first human mission to Jupiter and beyond? Why this why this oh fake elitist of the sea… because of them wow become 2 hour wait 1 hour play, cannot be more lame. And agree logging need to be cut to the root, its source of all evils.

I did look for a gif passing one beer but I found that one first and found it a funnier response :slight_smile::beer:

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Who defined this job?
When was LFR to learn? It was always a way easier version (I haven’t played it in Cataclysm, but I did some in MoP and it was really easy back then). It was to show people how the Raid instance looks and how the Bosses are designed, I don’t think it was ever intended to be like normal raids.

I agree this is an issue. I would highly prefer if Blizzard implemented distinct audio queues (or visual ones) themselves instead of balancing around timers that get shown by boss mods.

Of course boss mods make playing a lot easier. But as you said, this is due to Blizzard having them in mind and balancing (higher level content, not LFR) around it.
I would like Blizzard giving better queues (I am sorry, I don’t notice, when the boss raises his eyebrows, while there are 3 different ground effects to dodge and the raid starts dropping like crazy).
Why are you bashing on people using addons Blizzard has in mind, when designing bosses? If these addons weren’t a thing, those bosses wouldn’t be a thing. So there is no point in telling people they lack the skill to kill those bosses without the addon, if the boss wouldn’t exist in the first place without the addon. And obviously you do not kill those bosses outside of LFR either.

I don’t think so.
You are a heroic raider and both are below your level, to you they are both easy, but they are miles apart in difficulty.
I didn’t wipe a single time against Jaina, while I had not seen the boss on normal before. The evening I tried Jaina with my group, we did not finish her on normal (while she died a few tries into the second evening). The difficulty on fights like this is miles apart, if you do not have a group that just rolls over both.

Normal is intended to be easy compared to heroic, if normal would be close to heroic, there would be no point for a differentiation.
I would not mind, if there would be only 3 difficulties, but everyone suggesting, that LFR would go is out of his mind.
There would be a queable (and therefore LFR level) difficulty to show the instance.
There would be a rather easy but mildly challenging level for very casual groups (I guess it would be only slighlty above current normal in terms of a challenge).
And there would be a difficult one. I guess the difficult one would be an issue, because one the one side you would want something challenging for the best on the other side you don’t want to frustrate the ones, that want to have a challenge but are not the top end raiders. This is the reason there are 4 difficulties currently because there are heroic raiders that seek the challenge but don’t want to play on the top end difficulty.

I agree here.

But think this conclusion is utter BS.
The encounters are designed with those mods and a custom UI in mind. Players raiding at the top would have learned a different playstyle if those mods would not exist and encounters would be different if they would not exist, but I am pretty confident, a huge part of the current best players would still be at the top.

I get it. But that does prove my claim. More = funnier. More = better. More = cool.
But it’s really not. More = death. More = violence. More = more lives ruined.

Yeah I know. My view on alcohol is extreme and very negative. But I have never been given a reason to think otherwise. Experiences mould the personality, right?

Anyway, getting way off topic here. Let’s talk about elitists! :crazy_face:

People are all different, to me drinking is something that is social and fun and not done to excess.

Alcoholism is something extreme and very different. Waking up and needing a fix because you’re shaking is very different from the average Joe Bloggs having fun.

But I agree, back on topic :slight_smile:


I’d rather see Alcohol banned than a lot of things, it’s pretty much the destroyer of lives.

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