Elitists are destroying the game!

Ahem… FBI OPEN UP :grimacing:

He is claiming that he wants certain people in the game to be like GODS AMONG MEN to the dirty commoners. That IS elitist.

I’m not asking for free gear. I’m not expecting the same reward.
All I’m asking for is the ability to have character progression doing the content I like. And I don’t mind doing something for them; grinding, saving up over time etc… Whatever. But we got TF. And I’ll take it, thank you very much.

That’s not entitled. Not even close.

So nothing is falling apart by you suddenly yelling something.
I based my claim on what he said. Simple as that. You’re just ‘saying something because you can’. Without reason, without cause, without substance.

Yet my claims make sense. Yours don’t. At all.

Where ? Please qoute me. I want gear equal to the amount of effort and dedication you put in, but nice trying to bend my words. =)

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Ok I’ll use your literal words:

“should be a huge gap between a raider, Normal, Heroic, or Mythic, versus someone who jus tdoes world content.”
“should be a huge gap”
“huge gap”


I’m afraid of the direction it is taking !

Actually they make sense. It just look like you don’t want to listen to their claim. Holy never claimed to be a god amongst men.


Yes, it should, does that mean I want,nin your words, raiders to be literal gods to dirty peasants… No. And I never said so.

Besides, I don’t evenraid and I hold these views, so please tell me again how I am elitist.

Where is the quote where I’m asking for anything entitled?

Being able to simply enjoy the game doing the content I like is being entitled?
Then we’re ALL entitled.

Exactly what we want too :slight_smile: Progressing normal raid to heroic to maybe some mythic :slight_smile:

You don’t have to be ‘elite’ to be an ‘elitist’.

And yeah, a HUGE GAP is what I view as a BIG power differential between the two. So yeah that basically means being like a god among men.
I might have used some hyperbole there, but that’s what ‘a huge gap’ sounds like to me.

And you still can. The fact that there’s other ways out there to get gear is NOT stopping you from doing it the old fashioned way.
Why do you feel the need to force the whole playerbase into this rigid old way of doing it? Why is that okay?

They make sense to you, not to me.

Mine make sense to me, not to you.

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A huge gap is that WQ rewards for example, only should go to 375-380, Normal raid loot 385-390, Heroic 395-400, Mythic 410-415.

Right now it’s Normal 385, Heroic/WQ 400, and mythic 410 ish. And that is not okay.

I haven’t mentioned anything about oil, so I should be quite safe from your pitiful little band of friends.

That’s nonsense.
He said words that LITERALLY mean elitist things.

I didn’t say any words that LITERALLY mean I’m entitled.

So you’re just being silly and stubborn here tbh.

this is, why they should either limit or better, get rid of titanforging… rewards should be appropriate to the content you are doing, so you have to learn your way up, because you won’t overgear it anymore…

this is completely false… you should say SOME casuals, because this is not true for all of them… if it is true for YOU, you should say, that YOU are happy… you don’t speak for all the casuals…
I consider myself casual by the definition: someone, who plays, if he/she has time, on an irregular basis, and doesn’t go forextremely hard competition…
and I am certainly not happy were I am now…

I don’t think so… if you are casual, you gear way to fast, so for your skill relevant content is trivial content for your gear… you don’t progress… to progress, you need to do content, which is not trivial for your gear, but WAY to hard for your skill… (you can’t just start doing +10, if you haven’t at least done the dungeons a few times and at least know some of the mechanics and of course you won’t find groups in the tool, because they want players with experience… (I only got an RIO score of 400 or something… I am doing my dungeons with my guild, but on the tool, I wouldn’t get invited… I also play holy priest, the probably most avoided healer in M+))

they want players with experience…, they don’t want to progress again, because they already did that before, now they want smooth runs… I can understand that…
you can’t prove your experience with your gear…

Again, I wouldn’t call the game casual friendly… reasons above

and how are you supposed to do the content you enjoy, if it involves having experience first, because you gear to fast, so you can’t progress with your skill level… like I said, your gear progresses faster than your skill level, so you are not going to get invited into higher dungeons or raids, if you do not have the experience, but you need to do the higher dungeons to progress your gear


if there was no dps meters, logs or raider io, players would still find a way to look up your experience…
back then, there was a gear check in certain places, amory check was also a thing


there is no instant gratification in the real world, at least not from where I am comming… you have to climb up the ladder in real life too… if you want to apply for jobs, you have to have the appropriate education and/or experience… no one is getting you into a job and/or company, without proper education for the job/company

also, someone who does a better or harder job, gets a higher payment (similar to how normal should reward you with higher rewards than lfr AT ALL TIMES)

[quote="Punyelf-draenor, post:104, topic:49070"]

well, I don’t drink alcohol, but I could use a cup of herb tea keep cool


For you it isn’t.
For many others it’s fine. :man_shrugging:

You are essentially saying you want your trivial worldquest content to give as gear as powerful as HEROIC RAIDING with 10+ people, since you defend it every time such a topic comes up, if that isn’t entitlement, I don’t know what is. I tried to explain it nice to you but you absolutley refuse to listen.

Now is a good time to :beer:
Fight your fear

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And if they simply did that without providing an alternative, they’d lose way way way way more people than they do now.

Then we agree to disagree.

For me personally that’s not a thing, because I don’t do any content where I have to rely on others ‘letting me in’.

It’s FULL of it. Literally.
You’re in the mood for pizza? Order some and BAM there it is.
I can give you thousands of examples.

I guess I will ! In an hour or so !

There is these time where I really wonder what would Bukachu say. Where is he :smile: