Elitists are destroying the game!

Well I hate the stuff. And I hate what it does to people.
I wish it didn’t exist.

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Don’t take away my nice 1 weekly Belgium beer. Like with everything. Enjoy and don’t overdo it.

Disagree, should be a huge gap between a raider, Normal, Heroic, or Mythic, versus someone who jus tdoes world content.

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Then you are an elitist. :man_shrugging:

(and part of the problem imo)


I’m seconding chapchap on your view being very pestimistic based on how you claim to look at things

I also wanted to look the five points you mentioned

  1. Yet that isn’t neccesarily good for the game, I’d say its caused the game to feel worse for more players then it made the game feel better, simply looking at like ratio’s on specific ideas that have been posted in the last few months, the way Blizzard’s own media is received vs how more critical media is being perceived. The way people talk ingame about the game.
  2. There is no lower difficulty content in the open world because there is no varience of difficulty in the open world, it all scales with you. Therefor that gear upgrade you’re getting, unless you’re actuall entering a dungeon or battleground or other instanced content it matters for nothing.
  3. It doesn’t, it really doesn’t, because gear isn’t what causes the gap, it’s experience and skill. Gear won’t make you move out of the fire any quicker. It won’t make your uptake sharper on interupts and most hardcore content in higher difficulties have a lot of things that cause wipes if not handled properly. Gear actually postpones your necessity for skill and only makes you fall harder once you hit a difficulty level you can no longer outgear.
  4. Helping a friend should be enough incentive for helping a friend.
  5. Only if you don’t really care about what the prize is and with that I also agree with chapchap, that sounds like a slot machine would be a fine alternative. When I get a 390 ring that I could replace a 360 ring with, only I won’t because it’s itemization is so wack it’s actually a downgrade despite the 30 ilvls, I’d rather wish I hadn’t gotten it at all. It leaves a sour taste, it’s supposed to be an upgrade, the numbers tell you it’s an upgrade, but it’s not because the stats are off.

Let’s say you work, You have worked for a year and earned awesome stuff for your office, suddenly a new guy start, and gets everything upon starting the job, without even having towork for it. Even with pay, You get payed 20k a month, but the new guy, literallt started yesterday, suddenly gets 40k because of luck, and the other months 20k, even if he is in a mich lower work position and does not work nearly as hard as you.

I like your desire to safeguard people from evil alcohol, tiny justice champion :wink:

I dont mean all content, I’m fine with people doing lfr, normal and heroic. If they want to clear mythic there needs to be proper effort.

I have no problem with people climbing the mythic + ladder but theres plenty of people here that moan they have 410+ gear but they never get invited to +15’s when they’ve never completed anything over a +10. This is the kind of thing I mean.

And you are a communist :man_shrugging: And part of the problem.

At least that means there is more beverage for me ! cough I mean us !

Yeah we don’t need players like this. Everyone deserves to see the content, not just guild bound raiders.

Remember; he was talking about reasons for casuals. I’ve deliberately left out other reasons. This IS a good reason for many casuals. Might not be for you, but that’s not the intention here.

This is simply not true.
There’s a BIG difference in how you go about the world content if you’re geared or not geared. I know this from my own experience.

WoW is and has always been very much based on gear. OF COURSE it closes the cap. And yeah if you’d put a casual and an elite player in the same gear, of course the elite players will perform better. That’s not up for discussion.
But ilvl is very important when it comes to content and perfomance. And it DOES close the gap.

You would think that, but yet here we are…
(with Blizzard actually having given that very reason themselves)

Again, you’re looking at it from YOUR perspective.
A casual who isn’t going to min-max will be thrilled to get a 30 ilvl upgrade.

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Everyone can easily raid Heroic or do atleast mythic 10+ id they even put in a tiny bit of effort, If I did m+ 10ns on my feral at ish 380 gear, anyone can.

You sure you can handle all this bad fiery water on your own?
Oh wait, dark iron Mon, ofc you can :smile:

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This falls apart so easily. “You’re entitled”.

(and part of the problem imo)


Why is he elitist? Whats elitist about appropriate rewards for appropriate content? Hes kinda saying the same as me, its just degrees.

This is going back to nursery school where everyone has to have a participation medal to feel special and schools ban races so Porky Pete doesn’t feel bad about losing (hint, he probably should)

What entitles you to good gear for no effort or skill shown.

And again we fall into the “you’re elitist”, “No, you’re entitled” circle.


I read Mom… I was like. ”???”

WoW isn’t work. So let’s not.
It’s a game. For fun. Not a job (not for the average player anyway).

So stop with these silly analogies because they’re based on entirely different reasons for doing what you do. You don’t work to relax and have fun. You work to get income. So you can live and then can relax and have fun at home (or where ever you prefer doing that).

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Maybe look at the message instead of falling over of the word “work”.

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Ebony iron mom get drunk with Zandalari pal next door.
You know what site I am suggesting to search :wink:

Also why do you keep calling me elitist ? I haven’t called you bad for only doing casual content, Infact I am critizing the gear you get from casual content, not casual players. If I am ”Elitist” then you are ”Entitled”. See how easy I can reply to that ?

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