Greetings fellow forum users! It is I… Dio---- well not really but that just seemed like something to put.
Myself and another night elf RPer are currently on the hunt for a roleplay guild or other people to join and just generally RP with.
We’ve been a package deal for almost two years now. Often on either doing content (we love us some mythics) or doing the whole RP.
After venturing to duskwood to visit the moonwell both Kaldorei have now returned to Stormwind in search of work. With little coin to go on inns they are finding themselves struggling more and more and may even resort to having to camp in the wilds.
For reference
We have a druid (me) who has been learning the art for just over 15 years. Currently a member of the Claw but was not one who went the way of the Night Warrior (Reasons to be found out in RP). She trains daily in her bear form, often travelling as such… she has one other form but this is much weaker and she can only remain in this for minutes rather then hours (travel form - flight)
The other pairing of this duo is a Hunter. She is an excellent archer and has trained in mounted combat. A priestess of Elune she would often go from Moonwell to Moonwell and aiding those in need. It is only recently that she has moved towards her own goals with the help of Mallaes.
What we are looking for:
A guild/people who follow along the aligns of good/chaotic good and support the way of the world. Ideally the guild would need to be influenced by Elune but this is not a requirement.
If you want to join us for mythics then feel free too! We love doing them and I enjoy doing the tankie stuff whilst my fellow night elf does the survival spanking stuff. In an ideal world we would love to find three more people who do both RP and content to push our mythic skills to the highest.
If ya interested please message or post here! Any questions do lemme know!
Hi there! I am the GM of The Wayfarers Bond. We travel around the world with a small but lovely group. We have quite a few kaldorei and a worgen who are loyal to Elune. We also have an elder druid traveling with us who aids us and teaches our druids who need more guidance. He has a lot of knowledge of druid lore ooc. You can find information about us on our AA page: node/232044?
I do want to say that druids cannot speak in animal shapes. An animal doesn’t have lips or the same vocal cords, so it simply isn’t possible. A strong druid who is well connected to the dream, can speak to a person by connection to them through it. But that is just to one person. I do not see a druid who has only been training for a few years doing it. Of course you are free to roleplay it you the way you prefer, it is simply a tip. Feel free to whisper me in game if you wish to know more! ^^
Thanks for the reply! I am curious where it states this? I’ve not found any information about the whole druid not being able to speak (I’m not saying ya wrong just that I haven’t seen anything on it)
Try read some novels of Knaak about the kaldorei. Never do you see them speaking in animal form. Even Malfurion shifts out of his animal form to speak. Of course when guesting we hear the druids speak, simply because we do not know what to do if they say grr grrr grr roar. How could an animal without the voice cords and a normal mouth be able to form the same words we speak? It is physically impossible. I believe it is fun to focus on emoting more like the animal would and leaving that form to speak. Try to study the behaviour of the animal your form is and see if you can find some fun things to use in your emotes. ^^
The opinion of the community on this topic is often split and it can result in long, heated discussions.
However one of the more recent short stories published by Blizzard, Elegy, states the following:
Ferryn was beside her in his favorite shape—that of the nightsaber. For a moment, Delaryn rejoiced. But then she realized that he was speaking. He should not have been able to.
Back in vanilla druids couldn’t speak when shifted iirc, but at the same time we have time and time and time and time again seen NPCs who babble away in their animal form (several in Legion alone) so I really wouldn’t worry about it, seems to just be something some druids can and some druids can’t.
Echoing this sentiment. Blizzard’s writers don’t seem to have a common consensus on whether druids can or cannot speak when shapeshifted, so, I wouldn’t stress over it. Remember that we’re in a magical setting; worgen for example have lips very unlike humans, but can communicate just fine.
If it suits your story to have druids that can speak in their animal forms, then go for it. I doubt you’ll ruffle any feathers (pun intended).
We would love to have you in the Dirge of Teldrassil but I doubt you could call us ‘good’, lawful or otherwise. We are a group of Night Elves and Worgen whom still fight against the Horde, even if they are no longer affiliated with Sylvanus.
On the topic of druids speaking in their animal forms. They can, Legion pretty much confirmed this as a good few were speaking in their forms. The reason this has been changed from Vanilla WoW? You’ll have to ask Blizzard I’m afraid .
Indeed. And for those who did not read that. Ferryn is dead, that is why she didn’t understand how he could speak. Druids cannot speak in animal forms. If Malfurion cannot, no one can.
Sorry, they cannot. Elegy has confirmed this. Legion has not confirmed it. You cannot use a questgiver for this. Like I said earlier, we cannot understand a questgiver if he goes roar roar grrr. They have no choice to let them speak. Also through a connection to the dream, they can speak to you, reaching your mind.
Druids are able to speak in their shapes, some might not be
I sleep on u
Also to add to this: not just questgivers, they are the plot of the entire zone
Also kek, feline mouths cant form words? But canine (worgen) dragon (dragons) cow (tauren) malformed (orc) megateeth (trolls) no mouth at all (most voidies/elementals) EXTRA malformed (ghouls) can?
Elegy’s writer just fumbled, same as the one that wrote about worgen tails (though unironically worgen should have tails they look wack in that regard)
Man, I can’t wait to see a druid NPC talk in their animal form at some point in the next expansion or beyond, completely overwriting what was said in Elegy.
Blizzard have been going back and forth on this particular matter for years. They are consistently inconsistent regarding speaking in druid forms.
I’ve RPed a druid on and off for a long while (Blows a kiss to Kalwyne, currently gathering cobwebs). It’s a real headache keeping up with it all. Easier to just RP in a state of ‘some can, some can’t’ and at least keep my own RP consistent.
I simply do not use quest givers as my lore source when it comes to wow roleplay. Malfurion himself shifts out of his animal form to speak in cinematics. I rather stick to that and elegy. But it is indeed a subject that has been going back and forth. It would be nice if blizzard cleared it up. Everyone is free to roleplay their druid as they like. And I am free to cringe a little when I see a talking druid. All is well!
As for Menysea. I forgot to mention that when it comes to alignment we are very much in the good area. This is different for every character, the guild offers that freedom. You will not find an evil or war hungry person amongst us how ever.