I mean Blood elves being on the Horde just doesn’t “fit in” with the other races, aside from Nightborne who only joined recently. But it was done for gameplay purposes as the factions was unbalanced in Vanilla, plus some Horde members wanted a pretty race for their Girlfriends to play.
I mean the idea of allying with Trolls, Undeads, Orcs all of which have hurt Quel’thelas in some ways doesn’t make sense.
And then you have the Actual allies of the elves, like the Humans who have a long history with them since the Troll wars and the second war.
And even the Night elves such as Tyrande, helped them escape the scourge.
In Burning Crusade however, it was like they added so many quests in eversong woods that doesn’t make sense lorewise, just to justify the Blood elves moving Horde.
For example: the Darkspear guy who was captured by the Amani because his village nearby got attacked. (Where do the Darkspear live? All the way in Kalimdor. So it’s no where near Eversong woods therefore goes against lore.
Another example: the Dwarf alliance ambassador who came to spy for no reason.
Another example: the Night elves who came to spy for no reason. Again, let’s remember that Tyrande helped them only a few years ago. She became friends with them, so she wouldn’t send spies.
and another example: The Blood elves in Azuremyst doing who knows what. I mean Blood elves being all the way in Kalimdor in early BC doesn’t make sense to begin with.
and then you have the fact that ALL of the elven buildings, ALL of them even the ones ruined in the Ghostlands was changed from Blue to Red. Even the flag was changed from Blue to red.
Meanwhile, if you look at Sylvanas’s heroes of Storms video it clearly shows Quel’thelas has blue buildings. AND the early description of Silvermoon was described to be blue, until after BC when comics showed it to be red when Dath’remar Sunstrider moved there.
Another proof is that the Thalassian Buildings in Outland, which was built in Warcraft 2 are clearly blue and not red.
They could have at least made it a mix of blue and red buildings, but nope. All of them is red. So what does this suggest?
There was many changed lore to justify the Blood elves moving sides.
And yes though players may use Garithos as a example, many many times. They seem to forget that Garithos was from the Kingdom of Lordaeron which is now Horde and majority of its people became the Undead that they now ally with.
Other human kingdoms didn’t have any beef with Quel’thelas, otherwise the statue of Alleria outside of Stormwind would be destroyed. And there are even 2 High elf NPC’s living in Stormwind since Vanilla. Clearly showing that some High elves who fled Quel’thelas took refuge in Stormwind.
Ok rant over