Embers of Fyr'alath Empowered - 21 February

So the main point is… If it takes forever for no reason then it’s good? Also, what quickness are you talking about as there are people who got it week 1 of lfr fyraak going live on lfr from lfr?

The problem isn’t quickness, it’s rng. Was shadowmourne quick and easy to get back in wrath? Yet the difference between it and this lego is day and complete and utter void outside the existance of our universe, it was more challenging, in a lot of cases it took more time. But if you were in a trustworthy guild it was guaranteed. You needed to put in as close to the same amount of effort as everyone else with shadowmourne to get it as possible. Someone who has done 9/9 mythic, cleared heroic week 1 and mythic for multiple weeks doesn’t have a lego yet. How is that fair? How is that a good system? How is that rewarding players for doing more challenging content? How is this better than simply making a quest chain starting from week 1 that requires both raid and/or m+, making some quests fill the bar quests, higher difficulty means a higher reward a.k.a. bigger % of the bar gets filled, Myth raiders take a few weeks to get it, heroic take a month, normal takes a few months, lfr gets it towards the end of the season mostly for mog… How would that not be better?

Tried lfr after seeing this, legendary did not drop, literally thinking about quitting, idk.

1 try zero legendary, unacceptable.


Fomo rare drops should not even be a thing if people heavily rely on a player to own it.

only for the 0,1% mplus player maybe…for mythic raiding its not mandatory

crazy how many 0,1% player are in the forum

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Hmm, that’s one of the 37-ish reasons why I think it’s better.
But since we’re on this topic, yes, cause I truly believe we, who killed it every single time since it started deserve better than what we got (didn’t get).

Yeah, getting the legendary from LFR is such a display of excellence and skill. Absolutely abysmal system

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I see you trolling in pretty much every post about the legendary. Claiming how the legendary should be super hard to get because this is an MMO.

Let me catch you up to speed. WoW retail is not a real MMO anymore, like WoW was back in Vanilla and TBC, where you progressed through almost all previous content to get to the current end game content of the patch and many of the best items from earlier raids stayed relevant until very late into the expansion.

WoW retail is a seasonal game with competitive elements and the seasons are fairly limited in their duration.
There is end game content that you will only be able to participate in if you put in the effort to be on an adequate gear level.
Unfortunately, this adequate gear level for plate classes has a little bit of a bump nowadays, because we got a legendary this season.

Some people like myself have put in the effort and killed Fyrakk on heroic difficulty every week since it was available and are still gated from participating in the highest end content, while other people, who just have the money to buy some boosted alts, or the time to level alts, can essentially roll the dice X times a week and get the legendary earlier, then gear out their alt in a couple of weeks and participate in said content.

Anyone should be able to agree that this desgin is not something that rewards players “who demonstrate a display of excellence in the most challenging content”, but rather is completely antithetical to what used to be a pillar to a good MMO, the identity of your character.

For all I care the axe should/could be super rare and maybe be mythic only. That would still be better than making it fairly easy to get, but only if you win the roll of the dice.

I’ve played my warrior as my main for almost 20 years and I’m not planning to change that. So it’s a huge frustration, that I can’t support my team as much I’d like to, simply because I’m unlucky.

Edit: typo


Thats fair and bis changes every season which is true but how often do people actually get full bis. Sure if your pushing the highest keys or mythic raiding you need it and the improved drop rate would help but otherwise most content is doable without it.
Am I stuck in an old school way of thinking possibly but I feel wow has slowly lost rpg factor and don’t want it to lose even more to the pointing when it’s not even the same game anymore.
Also it’s not trolling I just have a different opinion. Ik that’s trolling here but I won’t be silenced cos “everyone” else disagrees

I havent bothered reading all the comments so i could be repeating someone else.

Legendary is not legendary anymore. It doesnt mean anything and it hadnt for a very long time. Remember that expansion where we were all running around with like 6 eqipped leggos? We get legendaroes now for completing storylines. HOW CAN IT BE LEGENDARY IF EVERY MAN AND THEIR DOG HAS ONE?

They need to put these items under a different label. We can still have legendaries for the hardcore player base, but keep them seperate from these easy to obtain items. I know it will never happen because people cry about fomo all the time. Not everything should be handed to you.

Indeed everything should not be handed to people, but Blizzard has catered to those lazy welfare item gamers for too long and it’s now become part of who they are.

Gone are the days of effort = reward

for me what is most frustrating is doing the HM raid every week, all the bosses, looting tens of BLP tokens so that in the end, it is the PU with its 460 reroll who obtains the weapon (which he already has on his main character and on another alt). I know I’ve never had luck with the rand but the RNG is crazy

Why not just give the weapon for everyone for free?

You are speaking for all of us. This comment should be read, digested and actioned by Blizz.

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at least do a 100% drop on normal in the last week on normal so people can get it for transmog as it will be useless anyway in next season

I still haven’t got my legendary meanwhile one evoker with 5 hc Sark gets it :joy:

What “display of excellence in the most challenging content” are we talking about. We zerg down a dragon weekly for over 3 months, rolling a virtual dice without skill or whatsoever. Should i even still care to obtain the legendary the following weeks, i won’t feel anything if it drops, i won’t even finish crafting it. There will be no fun, no fullfilment, no satisfaction, no feeling of prestige or overcoming a difficult challenge.

Whatever Team came up with the idea of how to obtain the legendary is hopefully included next time you lay off 1700+ workers. It is a miserable experience as a player. Miserable enough for me to quit WoW until you get your s**t right.


That’s kinda how I feel, lol. We’re like halfway through the season, I’m not paying to craft the legendary when I’ll only have a short time to use it. Depending on how season 4 goes it might just be a season to just do everything on +20 and then play something else, because I absolutely hate RLP and halls of infusion.

Another week of dissapointment after clearing every single week on heroic and being 8/9M. You have failed so hard with even trying to improve this system. For someone that pugs m+ at 29/30+ keys this just becomes an obstacle for even getting invites.

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Again, no axe this week.

Max Heroic kills, 25 lesser embers and 6/9 Mythic progression.

A guild member of mine just got his second axe on an alt before I obtain one on my main.

Truly farcical.

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whoever in your budget garbage company came up with this axe should get fired on the spot, maybe even publicly shamed out of the office, no wonder your game is dying you deserve it at this point