Embrace Your Orc or Human Legacy with New Heritage Armor Sets

I mean your free to rp your self as a broom closet don’t make it canon though :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not. But my hunter is NOT a paladin nor a Stormwind footman. So I’m sorely disappointed in this set.

i would buy 12 months sub

If I play a VR game wherein I look like a Pandaren while I play a human in WoW, can I still do the Pandaren heritage quest???

Weird questions can only be answered with even more weird questions!

What pandaren heritage quest?!

Sorry, that was mean.

Hunters and rogues fit into none of these though, and both races have those classes.

The Mists of Pandaria main storyline. :rofl:

Gives not just 1 heritage set, but hundreds!

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Seriously though; a pandaren armor set with today’s tech could be spectacular.

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I agree, but I think Blizzard should go back and upgrade some of the old stuff. A lot of it can be done with AI now with just minor adjustments from artists without losing the style, and even if it couldn’t some better shading would do A TON of the work.

For example, WoW could use some materials textures and physically based rendering. The textures already exist, I’m pretty convinced of that.

Imagine seeing things like the shadows generated by the pillars that surround the center well of souls in Oribos. Imagine them being cast across the ground, the white light creeping around the corner at great distances. Imagine the light from the overhead signs pointing it out to you so you look up. Imagine the shadow of your character dancing in the flames of your bonfire. Imagine going into a house and there’ a mirror on the wall and you can see your character in it. Imagine small puddles of water after a rainy day in Elwynn or even Valdrakken. Imagine looking into the eyes of a Worgen and instead of just being a coloured sheen they actually glow in dark areas.

This game could be GORGEOUS even with minimal further work from artists, and Pandaria would be no exception, armour sets included.


My post might contain some incorrect stuff, since I don’t have the majority of the heritage armour sets. Which I apologize.

If we look at the other heritage armours from other races are they much better ?
I think all of them fit better, certain armour types as opposed to the others.

Also Orcs and Humans have by far more mogs than all the others races.
BFA had an entire warfront theme dedicated to Human and Orc sets for all of the armour types.
If we look back to Vanilla rank 14 PvP set, the most iconic ones are the plate ones.
Orc Warriors and Human Paladins are just too iconic. So obviously their heritage sets would resemble plate sets.


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People keep on saying that but they can be used by any race and you needed to grind 4 x different armour sets as well.
I welcome new looks for all race and classes, i feel sorry for blizzard at times they get so much hassle no matter what they do.
I look forward to the undead and spacegoat sets myself.


You are trolling right?

These armors are ridiculously ridiculous!! Copy paste. Nothing new.

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Well that’s a subjective thing; I personally don’t think the human heritage armor looks good. I like the orc one though. But this will differ from person to person.

The problem is…

This. We already have multiple sets that gave us that exact fantasy.
So it’s very disappointing that they’re giving us MORE of the same.
I would’ve loved seeing something different; even if that didn’t fit my hunter. At least there would’ve been something different to add to my transmog collection. What we’re getting is just more of the boring trope that we’ve seen plenty of times already.

Like I said earlier: When this heritage stuff is over (in other words when all races have a set) I would like Blizzard to start making race/class combo sets.

What’s the difference between a human hunter and a dwarf hunter and how would that show in their preferred attire?

Those kinds of sets could be very interesting imo.

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its somethin subjective. but human plate is very good. a recolour? yes. but i love it


Kind of in the middle of it. It’s okay, the production value for the human set is pretty neat, and the variant versions are absolutely the right way forward. But it’s really just a remodelling of the BFA S1 plate gear that non-plate users can wear.

Bad? No. Innovative? No.

no i’m not, just cause i don’t have your same opinion dosn’t mean i’m trolling.


You can only do generic alliance footman so many ways.
Same with generic horde grunt.

I don’t see a problem with the sets, though to be honest Orcs and Humans are the last races that need heritage armors.

Sums up the forum lmao :rofl:


Manu facit, manu destruo

Except flying in Quelthalas