Brothers and sisters of the wild. Last time we discussed how we, druids of the Kaldorei and Gilnean race can aid the Emerald Gardens and the Emerald Dream. A month has passed and in this Assembly I call upon all Druids on Azeroth who are willing to work TOGETHER to further our aid towards this hopefully common goal.
Date: 28/10
20:00 - 20:15: Opening, introductions and start of discussions
21:00 - 21:15: Little break
21:15 - 22:00: Continued discussion
If there is nothing left to discuss, the event will naturally end at the end of the discussion.
Potential topic:
Emerald Gardens: What has been done with the information given on the previous Assembly? Are we able to work side-by-side to fight against this rising enemy? What is next?
Val’sharah - Druidic Circle
OOC Details:
Hey Argent Dawn, time for a new Assembly. This time I will invite every druidic race (willing to work together) from all over Azeroth to come and join this meeting. I will say that, those who end up being hostile will be asked to leave and if not, might result in getting sent away by force. I do not mind banter, but creating a violent & warlike event is not what I am striving for.
I do however have rules, as I do not want this to become a powerhouse club where characters start to command others around. It is a meeting where every character can have their say. I thus hope for a respectful environment OOC and nobody starts to bash on each other because of IC actions/ideas.

I’ll definitely be there. Looking forward to it!
Good luck with this. With the upcoming lore for Night Elves it’ll be a huge help for getting more into Kaldorei rp.
I know who produced to much Carbon emissions after the BFA and those 5 years.
Jokes aside, I WOULD LOVE to attend something Druidic since there is not really anyone involving themselves with meetings like that! Bring some love to Druids
This is an awesome idea. Sadly I may be unavailable on the 9th, otherwise I would’ve loved to attend! I wish you the best of luck and hope to attend the next one if there’ll be another!
Extremely cool concept and brilliant initiative including worgen as well. I hope that Ashenvale’s druids have a wonderful time getting involved 
Will be there. We shall talk like ents in Lotr
We of the Green Flight hope your event goes well and that we may all soon come together, all druids and dragons alike to make the Dream safe.
Have an epic meeting folks! Druid RP always needs love.
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This evening the first Emerald Assembly will take place. I hope to see you all there!
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A shame I cannot join today, I will deffo join the next one when I am free!
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Looking forward to this. Only a few hours to go.
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Thank you everyone for joining me today!
Someone asked if people were taking notes and Meladriss was.
He however took notes the way he usually does it:
Emerald Assembly
Luckily, someone was able to translate the ancient way of taking notes:
Summary of the main points brought up in the Emerald Assembly, Ashenvale 9th night of the 9th month
The druids of the flame have seen a resurgence and have joined forces with the Primalists.
Reinforcements have started to gather in the Emerald Garden on the Dragon Isles due to the threat of incursion into the Dream itself by these forces.
Strategies were brought up regarding how to protect the known gateways into the Dream from those who are not normally able to access it via druidic methods, as well as the Barrow Dens from where many may still be Dreaming and where access to reagents and means to enter the Dream are present.
Recruitment of allies, including the Earthen Ring, to work together as we did during the days of Hyjal’s burning after the last Cataclysm. With the blessings and go-ahead by the Green Flight.
One of our sisters has offered an alchemical product for fur to aid in fire resistance.
A near-victim of recruitment by the Druids of the Flame was present and offered a perspective from those who are susceptible to joining their ranks. A former victim was also present and offered her insight and aid to help us to fight them. A very important point was raised as to how to prevent the vulnerable from being targetted in the first place, and how to help them to resist said recruitment.
A very prolonged debate regarding involving the Horde. The conclusion is that we stand as members of the Cenarion Circle - a neutral organisation- and therefore will work as such.
Second hand reports from the Dragon Isles about the Dream “leaking” into the world. Details are still unclear and investigation will be required.
Thanks for hosting this event! I was amazed how many druids attended, and how things were kept more or less in order throughout with such a huge gathering. There were lots of different and interesting viewpoints shared and it seemed like it could be a nice prelude for druid rp leading up to the coming patch! I hope we’ll have more meetings like this one!
A very inclusive event, which brought druid RP forward.
It was a pleasure to be there.
Awh man, looks like this must have been a really cool event! Would have loved to attend it on my night elf druid.
Hope to see more druid events in the future that I’d love to take part in though, whether on this character (my troll druid) or my night elf! ^^
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There is one in the works where both druids of the Horde and Alliance are welcome.
And for some reason my previous answer is deleted.
The date for the new Assembly has been decided and every druidic race is invited! Read up above to see the details!
If I can make it, I shall try to play nice with the “druids” who joined with the defilers of nature and killers of its guardians! 
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Ah, I see a new event ahead. Really looking forward to it!
Let’s see if this young troll can bring something to the discussion when the time comes. ^^
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