Emerald Assembly - Closed

The Alliance druidess should be there.

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Hey Aku,
When would be a moment you’re around ingame?
I would like to discuss something with you, if possible.

Hey, sure, when’s best for you / are you online?

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The location has been decided, we’ll be using the Druidic Circle this time.
If you cannot find it, feel free to poke me for an invite the day itself.


moo moo I shall be coming moo moo!

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This still got me giggling, the druids struggling to form a circle last time :laughing:.

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And here I thought druids got around.

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Hopefully the pattern on the ground will aid us this time :joy:

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Definitely coming along to this! On the lookout for someone, or a group, that may have space to take a Druid on her learning journey under their wing!


Coming Saturday we will have our second Assembly! Hope to see you all there.


Bump, it’s tomorrow.

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Very excited for this - I can finally attend too! Hope to see many of you there ^^

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Can’t come, sorry to all my fans eagerly anticipating my presence. Maybe next time.

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For those attending, do not forget to bring your elixers. It’s cross-faction and it would be nice if you were able to understand the friends on the other side. :upside_down_face:

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(The following summary is pinned in the Dreamgrove and delivered to Cenarion bases of operations for the information of any druid who is interested.)

Summary of the main points brought up in the Second Emerald Assembly, Val’Sharah 28th night of the 10th month:

  • Via investigation and research, the leaks have been confirmed to be energies from the Emerald Dream. At present there is active effort on the Isles to push back the leaks.

  • There is confirmation of attacks directly by the Druids of the Flame in league with fire Primalists on the Isles. There is concern that they may attack the Dream directly next.

  • The Fire Primalists are confirmed to wield flames tainted with shadow, in line with their leader. The Druids of the Flame appear to continue to wield that from the elemental plane as they did on Hyjal.

  • Contact has been made with the Earthen Ring. Their response has yet to be finalized.

  • The Druids of the Flame are confirmed to have very specifically targeted displaced druid refugees of Teldrassil.

  • Concern has been raised that they could be also recruiting while their targets are Dreaming.

  • There is a report that their influence has also reached a furbolg tribe in Ashenvale.

  • Protection must therefore not concentrate on just the Dragon Isles but extend to other regions, including groves and barrow dens.

  • Status of known Dream gates: Secure: Feralas. Secure and will be further reinforced - Grizzly Hills, Seradane, Nordrassil. Awaiting confirmed reinforcements: Duskwood.

  • Debate was made regarding allowing Illidari into the Dream. An important reminder was raised that when the Nightmare was a genuine threat, that any and all who were willing to aid were welcome.

  • Suggestions on how to more effectively communicate outside of the assemblies:

    • Via animal denizens from the Dream - Kelatriel Starfeather is willing to teach whoever wishes to learn to do this.
    • Objects/Stones etched with a nature rune attuned to the forest’s song. Meladriss Moonclaw and Thane Thornhoof will outsource the making of these. Those who wish to have one may collect them at the Dreamgrove once they are available.

Conclusions and recommendations:

  1. Await response from the Earthen Ring regarding their aid.

  2. Those who wish may utilise the methods of communication suggested to facilitate especially emergency contact among us.

  3. Reinforcements to the Gates where they are most needed.

  4. Prioritise the Barrow Dens, Groves, and other areas where the Druids of the Flame may target.


The assembly was very nice, but holy heckin’ cows

The amount of 10.2 spoilers shared like it already happened and common knowledge was really infuriating. I hope the next assembly will solve the issue.

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Wowpedia players are really annoying at times yeah. This kind of thing happened with the Argus patch’s run up with the big scary green planet in the sky and people screeching about it suddenly appearing when
 it wasn’t there. Or later with people posting novellas on the forums about how they personally burnt down Teldrassil, when
 they couldn’t have.

Shame that these kinds of “main character syndrome” players spoil things for people.


10.2 PTR reveals to us that every time a mortal falls asleep, their dreaming mind wakes up in the Emerald Dream near the Eye of Ysera. Druids have the gift of lucid dreaming and remembering what happened when they wake up, and lucid dreaming as a child is a sign of future druidic potential.

Given the new lore, it actively requires you to perform gymnastics for a druid to not know about what’s going on with Amirdrassil, because they see it every single night they fall asleep. The concern is valid, but not applicable here.

Moreover, the prequel quest currently live confirms that all Dream portals are currently being guarded because it’s known that an attack on the Dream is imminent.


Answering a complain about spoilers with spoilers.

Can’t say I read the rest of what you wrote.