Emerald Assembly - Closed

Thanks to the people who hosted and attended! I’m looking forward to the continuation and hope I can be there for upcoming ones as well. To me, these assemblies have helped add more meaning to the RP and given a sense of being a part of something greater. A small twig on a big tree. :green_heart:


We all lift-… eh, dream! Dream together :green_heart::green_heart:. And yes, these meetings give such a wonderful dimension to roleplay, I wholeheartedly agree.


Thank you to everyone who hosted the event, I really enjoyed it! I love seeing the world more alive and active like this. Thank you for the RP and for letting me attend, too! I’ll definitely be looking towards anything similar in the future. :green_heart:


Thank you all for coming. I had a great time seeing you all there. Let it be known that a next Assembly is already being discussed and I will probably host this one in Moonglade. I think it is fun if we visit a new zone each time. I will make a new post for all this. But do let me know what you think.


The only thing I will say on this is to avoid the Legion Order hall, even though it does match the druidic vibe - some people play druids IC but are rogues, hunters, and monks OOC, or some druids might not play a druidic race - playing humans instead of kul tirans for example, but other than that I think it’s good to move around the world for these sorts of things!

I’ll likely bring along my druid to a future one of these, it’s been a while since there’s been any real druid RP events that I’vek nown of.

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Karnum’s Glade in Desolace or Seradane are always worth a visit!


I think that’s a great idea. There’s so many places in the world that are sacred to druids, it would be a waste to not make use of them!


Absolutely, the Dreamgrove and even the Dreamway itself are exceptionally good locations to use.

While I suppose this is one possible issue the overwhelming majority of Druids are actually Druids, at the cost of perhaps sounding a mite elitist I don’t think this is a problem enough to avoid using some of the most spectacular locations in game, and by far the best designed Order Hall in the game to boot.


Just get a warlock portal to summon them ez pz

For reals though, this all sounds great. I really hope I have the time to join in next time, no matter where it’s placed.


I definitely second these two suggestions! Great places we could hold some of these meetings in.


Won’t work for the Dreamgrove! Non-druids fall asleep and are teleported away from the order hall :deciduous_tree:

It’s nice to see these initiatives still happening. I used to enjoy the old druid moots a lot — should life and its obligations allow, I might pay a visit to a future event.


You’re still alive?!


Just stumbled upon this initiative and it looks very interesting! The idea of hosting a meet-up in Moonglade sounds good, especially considering it’s a neutral area which means that both horde and alliance druids can attend.

Now with the Emerald Dream and Amirdrassil as the hot topics, these meetings ought to be very interesting. Will certainly try to attend the next one! :herb:

More power to class-oriented gatherings!

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Since 9.0, you can unlock the Emerald Dreamway and the Dreamgrove at level 10 by starting the Legion campaign in Chromie Time. So they can create druid alts for their characters, unlock the class hall, exit Chromie Time, and then participate in RP on their alts.


I hope I can sneak into the next one of these!

Since I’m currently resubbed to the game, I’m also really interested in coming to the next event. Hopefully it’s (relatively) soon! Any news on the plans for the next assembly?

Probably during January preceding Lunar Festival might be best(as I assume there will also be a community event for Lunar Festival as has I think every year happened thus far?) so as not to coincide with any other server events?

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Nifre is planning to do a neutral Lunar Festival event in Moonglade next year. Unsure of the exact dates as of yet, but can forward the question if needed. The in-game event will begin on 3rd of February.

That said, hope to see more of these druid gatherings!


Hello there! I am working on the next assembly, which will be on the forums soon. Thus far I have been busy IRL and with guild stuff, finishing a story with them.

I will make a new post however, as this one is filled with a lot of things that do not bring any contribution to what I tried and am trying to create.