Emerald Assembly - Closed

Way to show your age.

I just love that film and all it’s 70s jank and cheese okay

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It still means “Ownership”

Hostile? You literally are saying you “Own” this Inn.

Stealing a tavern? You mean, Stealing FROM a tavern. There is clear difference.

See my first post. You said “I clearly offered to share the tavern.” Which means you have some ownership of the said tavern so make your mind.

that’s so cool that you own a building in world of warcraft how did you arrange this with mr kotick i want one also

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While pure, hard, ownership can’t be defined, it’s basic etiquette not trying to replace a guild by using their own creations while they are away in an event.

I am not a native speaker. I am sure my explanations are enough already.

I do canonically own that one gnomish airstrip bit in the Borean Tundra in Northrend because it’s such a fugly zone that I don’t believe anybody would take up my challenge to take it from me.


What gnomish airstrip? That’s is clearly MY airstrip. But I suppose I could share…

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Working in a tavern, yes. But it can be defined quite easily in dialect. It is owned by Alliance forces of Duskwood. Not some random tree hugger that snorted felweed way in. Yes, you can DEFINE owner of the place. You aren’t it.

Good time to learn From and a difference then, aye? I am not either native speaker as english is my second.

Reminds me of when someone tried to claim ownership over The Wyvern’s Tail, and they instantly got dunked because obvoiusly, everyone knows that Gravy is the rightful owner.

I do believe ownership can be defined by whichever NPC has the < Innkeeper > tag under their name


Nobody messes with Gravy

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Or just whoever runs the town in the case of goblin settlements. Any building in Booty Bay? That’s property of Revilgaz. Gadgetzan? It’s all Noggenfogger. Say otherwise? The bruisers can be paid to educate others through blunt force trauma.

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I pay you one gold to piss off

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Did I just spend ten minutes in-game just to travel to the spot and show how UGLY it is?



Just go to En’Kilah instead. It’s nice there.

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I’ll have you know, this was STATE OF THE ART back in
checks notes
back when i was in kindergarden.

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Awesome to see druidic meetings/moots happening again! Sadly I couldn’t be there, but I hope all my fellow druids had a good time :evergreen_tree: :green_heart:


Are you rping a door on your main account or an alt?

Throws me back to duskwood rp, with luciase selling houses like its a hot commodity. Didn’t think it is still a thing in 2023

I look firward to the next one! :evergreen_tree:

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Another victory for the PCU

I hope the best for this going forwards may there be plenty of assemblies in the future :heart:

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The trout population has recovered.

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