Emerald Assembly - Closed

Unfortunately it overlapped with another event I participated in on the same night, or I’d have come on my druid. But there’s always next time!

As for the 10.2 spoilers, I don’t see the problem. We see night elf civilians already inhabiting Amirdrassil before the player character goes there, so I treat its existence as perhaps not common knowledge, but definitely something that was revealed to at least some night elf civilians (possibly those who lost their homes on Teldrassil). As for druids, they’re connected to the Emerald Dream, and Amirdrassil has been growing there for a while. I agree with Telaryn: knowing and talking about it beforehand makes perfect sense.

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“I am ruining the surprise for those who like to enjoy discovering new lore, zone at release and I don’t see a problem with it.”

Least egoist role-player.


t. person who took up half an hour of the gathering dumping paragraphs that ultimately state the same thing other people already confirmed:

Dreamsurges are happening in Dragon Isles


Facepalm. Dreamsurges are not 10.2 spoilers.

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it’s more about this, chief + the weird ooc emotes about ignoring the existence of other people attending the gathering


Sorry, next time I’ll join with my Manari.

I’m sorry if this sounds rude — I don’t intend to be.

But if you have a problem with 10.2 spoilers, maybe it would make sense to avoid going to a gathering of an organization that, lorewise, by its very nature* has advance insider information on developments that most adventurers will only discover in 10.2?

The patch is in ten days from now. It’s not that long a wait if you’d rather avoid spoilers.

* Pun not intended!


“Don’t participate to an event with zero warning of 10.2 spoilers, they are thrown at you because spoiling xpac content is what is expected from all roleplayers, and we totally made sure everyone was on board with it before starting the event.”

Not. The same issue happened on the first assembly, with no excuse of being ‘close to the patch’. Ruining the surprise is ruining the surprise, if your RP is weak to the point you need a new patch to feel important/relevant, it’s time to revisit the way you roleplay.


Ah because a Man’ari TOTALLY equates to a druid meeting of DRUIDS of, what I assume, all races that CAN BE DRUIDS.

Okay, so you knew about the risk going in? Is that what you are presently telling us?
Fantastic you truly are the main character of your world.

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And people complained. Friends of mine left. Sometime the issue doesn’t affect us personally to raise it. Amazing, right?

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It is up to you to moderate who and what you involve yourself in to avoid spoilers. You knew from prior experience that there was a risk of it, and lo and behold, the risk came true. You had every option not to go, you knew what might happen, and now you blame anyone but yourself that it happened.


All right, gather the consent of everyone who joined. If you do that and all agreed to be spoiled, I’ll consider it as common knowledge?

Oh you can’t? Perhaps because it’s just egoists forcing it on everyone else without asking first. Eh. Forum posters.

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Everyone who joined isn’t complaining. You alone are. You knew about the risk.

You truly aren’t capable of grasping the slightest bit of responsibility for your own actions are you?

I think it’s fairly obvious, atleast to me, that this was what the gathering was going to be about. It’s setup for what’s to come in 10 days. Like be serious.


Yes, I am alone to complain therefore it’s invalid. Well, seeing the reactions here I can understand why no one wants to complain.

Once again, it happened two months ago, this doesn’t work.

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Personally I think that Meladriss hosted a very enjoyable event and from what I spoke to friends who attended, they enjoyed it very much as well! :slight_smile:

The only complaints they voiced however were concerning some person who hogged the spotlight for half an hour to repeat what everyone else had already said, made constant snide remarks, and ooc emotes jabbing at other attendees…

strange how that soiled the mood more for them


Yes sorry, I should have just slapped some 10.2 spoilers like my character is friend with Ysera and Malfurion instead of spending two weeks in events to prepare for the Assembly. Lemme take notes for next time, I’ll bring a PTR Sandwich to go with the flow.

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I don’t RP a druid, so out of curiosity, what was spoiled 2 months ago?