Have you removed the sounds from especially /train or /laugh? If thats the case that aint classic! Noticed this while running to city innkeepers for the Hallows End quest when you suppose to do certain emotes, thouht I had some sounddriver issues or something.
Yeah. Classic is built up from Legion client or something, so emote sounds are disabled for non-party members unfortunately. I wish they would change this too, but they won’t because not enough people care to see it as an issue, even though you are completely right - authentic vanilla allowed emotes such as /silly, /train, etc to be heard by all players nearby no matter if they were grouped or not.
Yeah I hate it! I miss doing train spam with randoms
What are you talking about? The voice lines are still there.
Nope, only /laugh and probably /chicken voice lines can only be heard by players who’re not grouped with the other player.
So it’s a group thing? Then it probably would be best to include that in the OP. I haven’t tested that.
Yeah all emotes can be heard by group members but back in the day, up until maybe MoP, you could hear other player’s emote dialog out of groups also.
On second thought, OP specifically asks about /laugh. So this thread is not about what you’re describing.
Hmm you’re right, seems I didn’t fully read the OP before replying…
what is wierd is that you cant hear your own sound emotes wich feels silly.
I can and do. Check your volume settings.
Some eg. dwawen females’ are very hard to understand, but I hear them all too – my own that is, I have not noticed not hearing othres’ emotes. I’ll put an ear to it.
Another thing I’ve noticed is the emote sound volumes are all over the place too. Some emotes are too quiet, some too loud.
Yeah that was also the case in actual vanilla.
I don’t understand this thread, I can hear every emote loud and clear.
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