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Schedule for the Festival from August 28th to 30th

Friday - Day 1 - 2020-08-28T18:00:00Z

Draenei Celebration - The End of the Exodus
  • :sparkles: Opening speech by a Draenei Anchorite and a Lightforged Priest

  • :candle: “Pilgrimage of the Draenei” - walk across Azuremyst whilst remembering the Exodus (story event)

  • :basket: Gathering materials to decorate the festival grounds (side-event 1)

  • :ribbon: Decorating the festival grounds (side-event 2)

Conclusion day 1: the Draenei come together and enjoy a feast, served with Draenor-traditional dishes. This is also when gifts are exchanged among each other. Every Draenei hands out gifts to family or friends and even to strangers.

Saturday - Day 2 - 2020-08-29T17:00:00Z

Festival for all Alliance members
  • :sparkles: Opening ceremony by a Draenei Anchorite and a Lightforged Priest

  • :candy: The two-hour Market opening at about 19:15 server time (clothes / sweets / food & drink / Draenei specialties and goods)

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Workshop hour! (20:00 server time)
    1.) Artificer’s corner with Artificer’s Torahuurn and Talagar
    2.) Anchorites TED talk of the Naaru by Gora
    3.) Draenei jewelery&gem lecture by Tatelia

  • :dancer: About 21:30 server time - Pair and Group Dances with dance coach Kha’raas

  • :bow_and_arrow: About 21:05 server time - Archery competition “The Sacred Hunt” for everyone! We will be using Draenei bows → finalists receive a real price! Event hosted by Vy’luun, Peraamos and Kheevani

:diya_lamp: Conclusion day 2: About 22:30 server time

Grand ceremony of the Naaru

Ceremonial walk together with all Alliance Members and an intense celebration of the Light!

Sunday - Day 3 - 2020-08-30T17:00:00Z

Festival for all Alliance members
  • :sparkles: Opening ceremony by a Draenei Anchorite and a Lightforged Priest

  • :martial_arts_uniform: Jed’hin Showmatch at about 19:10 server time - Hartuum vs. Polemus

  • :dragon: Menagerie of Draenor at 20:00 server time with hosts Kheevani and Peraamos

  • :elephant: Elekk race about 21:00 server time
    (MEETUP begins at 20:45 server time)
    Alliance members bracket + Draenei bracket → finalists of both races do a final race - hosted by Vy’luun, Peraamos and Kheevani

Conclusion day 3: About 22:00 server time :grapes: :bread: :wine_glass: :beers: :clinking_glasses: :cheese: :stew:
Banquet with a closing speech and a gathering of all participants.



Great! looking forward to it!


Saturday - Day 2 - 2020-08-29T19:00:00Z

:bow_and_arrow:Archery competition
The Sacred Hunt” for everyone!
We will be using Draenei bows! Finalists receive a real price!

Event hosted by Vy’luun, Peraamos and Kheevani

Group Stage
Malkaar Amélie Aganaki
Yraclea Cadwell Polemus
Arthur Elogos

Yraclea Cadwell Elogos

:trophy: CHAMPIONS :trophy:

1.) Eye of Zangar 2.) Stalker of Terokkar 3.) Tamer of Nagrand
Yraclea Elogos Cadwell

Trophies: ancient Draenei bows and the honor to carry their titles of their respective regions.

Sunday - Day 3 - 2020-08-30T18:45:00Z

:elephant:Elekk race:elephant:

Event hosted by Vy’luun, Peraamos and Kheevani

:warning: MEETUP begins at 20:30 server time

Alliance Group 1 Alliance Group 2 Draenei Group
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot

Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot
Open Slot Open Slot Open Slot

:trophy: CHAMPIONS :trophy:

1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place
Trophies and prices will be revealed after the races.
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Thank you Kump for posting the flyer!

We are nearing the festival and would like to remind people that the main festival will be held on…



Azure Watch

Azuremyst Isle

Further information on how to get there:

We are offering guided walks to the location, starting in the main hall of the Exodar, close to the flight master.

Those who wish to take a flight to the location will automatically donate their fee towards Draenei charity organizations.

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Final preparations are being made. Come, join us on this weekend to celebrate our Exodus and new beginnings on Azeroth! Praised be the Prophet! Praised be the Alliance! :orange_heart: :purple_heart: :blue_heart:

:warning: REMINDER :warning:

  • The first day of the Festival (28th August) is a DRAENEI ONLY day!

  • Weapons are not probihited on the festival grounds. We’d like to remind you that there will be Peacekeepers put in place who will store your weapons away safely until you depart.

Until then, walk always in the Light! :sunny:


Have fun! :slight_smile:


PRIZE POOL for the Elekk races on Sunday has reached 20.000 gold in wearable or usable items!

There will be something to be won for everyone! On the days of the festival we will reveal the possible prizes! :moneybag:


In the Light we will be one.

This is happening this weekend! :yellow_heart:


FAQ covering the rules of the festivity:

Q: Where does the festival take place?

A: The Festival of Light takes place at Azure Watch. However, the location varies during the workshop hours!

Q: Is there a fixed schedule?

A: Yes, there is a schedule which you can take a look at here:

Q: If I show up on Day 1 (Friday) as a non-draenei, what can I expect?

A: As Day 1 is an event aimed at an Draenei audience (we will be decorating and preparing the market stalls, etc.), non-Draenei visitors will be advised to leave or observe the preparations from a distance. They may be allowed to cut and gather wood for us, but that is about it.

Q: What if my character carries weapons?

A: Weapons are not prohibited on the festival grounds with the exception of our Peacekeepers who will be the only people carrying weapons. Arriving visitors will be directed to the weapon storage, where their weapons will be stored away safely during their stay.

Q: On your poster it reads ‘Void, Fel and Necromancy NOT welcome!’ what does this entail?

A: The Festival of Light is a sacred, holy celebration created and hosted by the Draenei people. Heavy exposure to holy magic and rituals is to be expected and the display of dark magical items is also not allowed.

Therefore, arriving Void Elf/Warlock/DK/etc. characters will be warned about the potentials risks by our Peacekeepers. Void Elves will also be advised to maybe cover their void-touched hair with a hood. They will be asked to discard any dark items & weapons.

All of these questionable individuals will be closely observed.

Q: What if my character willingly goes against the rules/stirs up trouble/starts fighting?

A: As is common etiquette, your character will receive a warning depending on the severity of their disturbance by our Peacekeepers.
However, I would like to stress that our Peacekeepers are allowed to ban troublemakers from attending the festivities any further. Please take consequences in your roleplay seriously! Don’t attend this public event expecting conflict RP!

I hope this explains pretty much everything! If you have any questions, ask away in this thread or contact us on the Draenei Discord (link is in the OP’s first post)!

Be seeing you!


Here to promote Saturday’s gem lecture! Interested in learning more about gems or simply seeing some magically aided demonstrations regarding the subject? Then you’re more than welcome to join me on Saturday at 20.00! The lecture will be held by the pond just outside of Azurewatch^^

Disclaimer: All things presented during the lecture are a mix of real life gemology facts and WoW jewelcrafting lore.

See you on Saturday! :gem: :sparkles:


Archenon poros everyone!

We are meeting in the EXODAR tonight at 20:00!

Close to the portal!

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Tonight was just FANTASTIC! We had a massive turnout! Over 50 Draenei attended tonight!!

The evening of our Draenei-only event started with a gathering in the Crystal Hall. Ancient Bar’uu held a sermon in this shamanistic place to symbolize unity amongst the Draenei people, followed by a history lesson in the Vault of Lights covering Argussian tales such as the rise and fall of the Wakeners, Thal’kiel and about Prophet Velen’s exodus and the emerge of the “Draenei”.

After that, the Draenei embarked on a scenic tour across the Isle. The pilgrimage was led by Kha’raas who shared the stories of how the Exodar plummeted through the skies and crashed on the Azuremyste Isle almost a decade ago. How the Draenei were besieged by the forces of the Sunfury and how they met their Alliance allies in unlikely places.

Once in the Azure Watch, the Draenei prepared the festivity grounds by decorating them and gathering wood from Odesyus Landing. The evening was concluded with exchange of small gifts and a grand feast!

Overall, thank you all for this smooth turn out! On to Day 2! :wink:















It was a great event! I hadn’t attended a proper Draenei event in maybe 3 years. It felt good being among my folks, but also recognizing some faces from back then! Here’s a pic of me and some hunky boi whose name I didn’t catch.
tinyurl .com/yxwsr4g5
(space because the forums don’t trust me!)

Looking forward to day two! Also…what do I do with all the gifts I was too shy to exchange? :sweat_smile:

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Our second day begins shortly! Today is the day OPEN FOR ALL ALLIANCE MEMBERS!

Enjoy a grand market, Draenei sweets, workshops, a sightseeing tour and so much more!

See you all in a bit!

  • :sparkles: Opening ceremony by a Draenei Anchorite and a Lightforged Priest

  • :candy: The two-hour Market opening at about 19:15 server time (clothes / sweets / food & drink / Draenei specialties and goods)

  • :hammer_and_wrench: Workshop hour! (20:00 server time)
    1.) Artificer’s corner with Artificer’s Torahuurn and Talagar
    2.) Anchorites TED talk of the Naaru by Gora
    3.) Draenei jewelery&gem lecture by Tatelia

  • :dancer: About 21:30 server time - Pair and Group Dances with dance coach Kha’raas

  • :bow_and_arrow: About 21:05 server time - Archery competition “The Sacred Hunt” for everyone! We will be using Draenei bows → finalists receive a real price! Event hosted by Vy’luun, Peraamos and Kheevani

:diya_lamp: Conclusion day 2: About 22:30 server time

Grand ceremony of the Naaru

Ceremonial walk together with all Alliance Members and an intense celebration of the Light!

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