End-Game is a Full-Time-Job (Not for casuals)

You still have 9 months left of BFA how can it be a full time job…!!!

Most people are already bored of this patch cos there is nothing else to do… :joy:

yea, with your elitist and majestic superiority - you must be right!

Wait, could I also possibly be top damage in the groups of players who I play with? WoW, I think I can… Just like I say, the majority of players are casuals - and unlike your highness, I do not mingle with elitist players who can carry my hide and get me all the best items which allow me to be the top DPS in their group.

I feel like you’re just a subpar troll.

But his post actually matches thinking of non-casual players too.

Well sort of, I think the game is tailored from top to bottom to suit the most elite players the most. I think it is far too demanding for the majority of casual players.

I run a guild, and I struggle to get the casual players through the dungeons & raids. Have also tried to get them into PvP, in this expansion, but with no joy.

In season 2 I built a separate community and made some raid groups for runs on the 1st boss on Mythic. But as far as my guild goes, it is for casual players.

Major problem now is that everyone is kinda forced into everything which results mostly in annoyance and exhaustion rather than fun. I focused mostly on PvE (M+ and raids) and started PvP not because I had to, but I just wanted to play something different, rewards weren’t something that brought me into PvP.

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Never been carried on my main the whole 3 weeks of playing it lmao.

You still don’t need to play the game for hours everyday to perform well, you boomers actually ruined the game.

I’ll be happy when all of you are too old to infest this game with awful ideas and complaints.

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Thats cute. But you compare apples to organges. You are right WOTLK didnt had stuff like essences. But do you kbow what wotlk also didnt had? Stuff like LFR, 4 raid difficulty levels, Mythic+ and welfare world q gear. All this and more acelerated content progression to the point that casuals were runing out of content in few weeks rather than months in past so Blizzard naturaly had to create new progression systems to keep players busy.

Yes exactly essences are symptomps of nonstoping chase after acessability.

I don’t mind this if there was a weekly catch-up mechanic, if you miss doing a daily it carries over to the next day and keeps doing this for the entire week.

This way I can do all that content on weekends and not feel pressured to log-in on days that I don’t have that much time to play.


I have never believed that alts should be equal to ‘mains’ or that if alts even need all the jingles. But BfAs problem is that without essences, or corruptions you lock yourself out from any form of party content. Yes, my friends would gladly let my naked alts do things with them, but lets be honest - feeling (stress on word ‘feeling’) dead weight is not very fun. Yes, I can do my pewpew on normal or hc raid, but if you lack corruptions or least 1 of the good essences, you will stand out on the meters. No one would comment among friends, but you see yourself that you have contributed nothing. Being below bar.

And this is what I see problem with alts and 8.2 and 8.3.

Otherwise I wouldn’t care if my alts have essences or whatnot. But for me trying M+ or raids with various classes/roles makes it fun and gives also better perspective/variation. It keeps things fresh. BfA wants to decline this for me.


When is someone a casual? According to you, what defines a person as casual? I feel like a lot of people have different understandings and opinions about what casual is and because of this, the matter if endgame is or isnt meant for casual as well is a bit complicated…

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In my opinion, its not so much the huge amount of stuff to do, daily, but how things are “squezzed” to maximum, dragged down.


  • A world quest giving 75 rep(!) - (how the community thinks this is fine, puzzles me);

  • New patch, Blizzard announces X new mounts, lets say 10.
    You then discover that almost all have a abysmal low drop rate AND the mobs spawn only a few days per week AND have a 2 to 6 hours spawn timer…

Everything feels dragged down in order to increase the MAU’s count and that feels wrong.

For the first time since ever im not activly farming all the mounts i can.
To do so, you need to play a obscene amount of hours per day and basically i only have 3 hours per day to play.

I used to raid (hardcore) but not anymore and thats fine, i dont have the time anymore.
But even to farm some mounts, i have to give up my life for it?
Holy Hell.


Im casual and I have access to end game because Im a good player.

I work full time, do hobbies, study, and got social circle and yet i manage to do end game with minimal commitment.

I see casual based on mindset and time spent in game. Not player skill or content they do. I raid mythics, and I am very casual. I raid only 3h per session and 1 or 2 times a week. This is very casual for raiding POV.

There are “casuals” (according themselves) that spend tripple the time in game as I do, and PUG often normal raid longer and more than I spend in my mythic raid.

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IT is not stop lying.

Yeah, this is what i mean, there is such a difference in what people perceive as being casual, i have friends who play every day but get their gear from world quests because they dont raid or do m+, according to some people the amount of time my friends invest into the game makes them hardcore, but are they?
I dont think so, i think of myself as casual as well but others might not so me like that, its all a matter of opinion.

I don’t see how essences are any chasing after accessibility since they require too much work for what they offer.

WotLK had a good system of combining grinding and catching up. For some reason tho I feel like I have to work more in bfa for gear than I ever had to do in WotLK and that’s because in WotLK all my character power was baked in the talents and spells, not rental gear that changes every patch.


ANotehr whiny crying post from someone spending ridiculous amount of time on forums and in game doing mostly nothing productive whining stuff takes some time to get .

ANd while he is afking/posting crap whines he is not top geared etc.

Just …

Reason why people play horde look at OP that is why .

You are shame to anyone .

You got LFR ,RHC enjoy!

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I have had same argument before. I am from community guild, that raids too. So we are truly a mixed bag. But we have people with 80+ neck, never done a raid outside LFR, multiple alts, and so on. And then theres me who just-just got 1st raiders neck to 78, I do my M+ rally, do this and that. Our time spent in game difference per week is … that if I do full raid week of those 2 mythic raids, I hit same hours he spends in game 1 day.

I know he plays from work and does things between whatever-he-must do at office. So in a way we both casual, but yet very different. Main difference in mindset is that I occasionally do things I hate because I should for the sake of raid (that he wouldn’t) - like me doing M15 in tyrannical, explosive, bolstering week. And that was annoying.


To be honest, if i could play from work my played time would skyrocket as well :stuck_out_tongue:

This char i barely play max 5 hours per week.

So do not come at me you have to play full time to be casual.

Just bunch of excuse making crybabies with 0 idea about timemanagement.

Putting more effort to whining and crying then actually doing something.

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