I’m struggling at +4, there’s no way I would ever play enough to even hit a badges cap and I consider myself pretty hardcore. People who even think about +7 first week are like top-100 world players, they’re super mega hard core.
Eh, not really. People trying to do 10s first week maybe but 7s were fine and lots of people were doing them.
Hardcore and casual have no real definition and are mostly just an individual’s perspective. Hence why they’re almost useless to determine anything.
Bro, i’m not even trying and doing +7-9 with 608 healer, if you are EU add me ing! Don’t play with ppl that are like do this or that cuz its better for gear and its no fun" etc… you got months to play the game, quests are awesome now, open world really lives for some reason. You pay for your gametime and for whole game not your friends. Pay gametime just to afk in city and lfg/ah whole day… Sort of pointless to play and exhausthing in the end. Also try some ground mount and go for a walk too, maybe you will find new ideas of this game tho! Gl on ur adventure’s and i hope this isnt insulting, just sharing ideas on whatever may help you spend your time. Cheers
I agree with you bud. I only do m+ and I’m a casual player and I was happy to get 3000 score every season and I was good but this new expansion and season I’m at 1790 score and boy oh boy it’s been a shize show tbh I pug as well and I have seen it all I sat down today and said I think I have had enough. It’s sad
I had to try. I’m quitting.
I’m kinda plug and play player myself. I got my 2500 almost fully by pugging and it was a challenge, since the days when I was a really good player are long gone, hehe.
I agree with you, this season is made different for - we can only guess in terms of corporate thinking - reasons.
It will probably backfire at devs but don’t think they care that much, since people still play a lot and are addicted.
But they really should do some adjustmens asap - gilded crests at 8 and max vault rewards at 9 also would be really nice. Guess it would immediately make people more happy.
Seems that 12s are pretty much unpuggable
Good news! Blizzard listend and we get mythic crests starting with 8+. They also reverted back my nerf, so i can only say thank you! I’m back into the season baby
wont happen since they got to spin the wheel of useless ilvl uppings instead of getting one ilvl that is it.
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