Enemy buffs ClassicAuraDurations missing

I saw another post on here about not being able to see enemy buffs in classic. Tried both addons and neither worked.

Is this intentional or a bug?

Is it related to this trash retail version called SOD?

its normal. its the entire reason for the existence of this spell https://www.wowhead.com/classic/spell=2855/detect-magic

Were there release notes saying addons would no longer be able to support this?

I get it, but it’s kinda dumb cuz you have no idea if you’re facing a HWL with wbuffs and flasks. The ability to know this through addons has existed for 4+ years…

So, again only mages have an advantage.

its not something an addon has the ability to change since it’s not something loaded on the clients side. the only way you can see other peoples buffs is if the game tracks it through the combat log, or as already demonstrated, the spell above. i’ve never really seen it as a problem though as someone who exclusively pvps.

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