Enhanced level 70 character boost

Seriously?! Is this what Blizzard has come down too? Have you no dignity left? This was once the best game on the market. Look what you have done with it. Leading people at Blizz are now completely incompetent and out of touch to say the least.


They’ve been selling and including boosts for a long time now… And people have also been asking instead of a minimalistic boost to have an advanced boost.

Now there is one I don’t see the problem, people can still choose to do the content or returning players can instant warp forward.

And this time, they even included quite a lot of info with what you precisely get and then still being dissatisfied…?


I’m not saying they shouldn’t improve on the levelling experience, or rather more importantly: The ease of guiding (returning and new) players into the current mechanics and catch uppers.

They should pay more attention to that instead of dumping a guy in the middle of Mister Alliance and Sir Horde fully decked out looking to the middle of them and then both looking at each other like during Mists of Pandaria Trailer like what just happened.


Didn’t ask, we have always had boosts, what’s magical is you don’t actually need to buy it, though you’ll probably still go on about how its damages the game.


This really doesn’t seem any different from the previous boosts we’ve had. Last one included gear too. The use of raid ready, seems to be the trigger for some. However it’s just so players can take part in LFR. For example my guild had a much higher ilvl requirement to do Normal when we started. I dare say PuGs wouldn’t want to take you either at that level.

The renown is only for the original DF factions. You get a bit towards Loam Niffen and nothing towards Emerald Dream which is the current end game.

Dragon riding everyone gets when they start levelling in Dragonflight at level 60. All they’ve done is included the other models with the boost. Something most will have unlocked already if it’s not their first play through and a meaningless catch up for those that are just starting now.


yeah but them including renown boost shows that people don’t choose to do those :smiley: this boost is not the same as other boosts because it gives you a complete pass to raids . this kinda shows that they don’t trust their content & know it sucked this expansion.
i’m not against it being sold on the shop i’m just sad a game like wow came to the point where they can’t produce engaging open world content so they’re selling skips .
other than that yeah people can buy the same gear from ah too so that’s just fine

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I don’t get it.
We’ve had this, like exactly this for ages now, I would say if you have something to say it should’ve been said a while ago, not after literal years, cause at this point it’s simply a part of the game that whenever the last patch of a expansion gets released the boosts get modernized.

I understand if you dislike people being able to “skip” content but, at this point rep isn’t the content, neither is the 424 gear, like you can literally just enter lfr, that’s it. This hardly differs from what we’ve had, which doesn’t make it ok mind you, still something I don’t agree with but, just confuses me that this is where you draw the line.

Personally I think the worst thing here is that this is terrible for new/returning players, I recently used my TWW boost on a mage and I have to say, if you had not played any DF so far and you just logged on and boosted your main with this, you’d be incredibly lost. A ton of quests around, some intended for lvling and some intended for endgame, which is which, you simply wouldn’t know without having some experience in DF.

I don’t quite know why we don’t has some basic tutorial/ ease of way into the max level when using a boost, instead it just slaps you with gear and says: “Alrighty now go play the game!” like this person is gonna know what to do, having never done any of the main zones, or zaralek or Emerald Dream. And that’s just the Story part of it, mechanically a new player will literally give up upon looking at all his abilities he should’ve known somehow.

It’s just a shame that it’s not better dealt with, given that the biggest focus the devs should have right now is new players/returning ones having the best possible time discovering the game and getting invested, obviously still have the actual playerbase in your view but I just think that it should feel better using it instead of just overwhelming.


I agree, I can not understand the fuss about this specific boost. It’s same old same old. I get that some people don’t like boosts in general or anything in the shop, particularly if it’s from Blizzard (all fine when it’s FF :wink: ).

Years ago a boost would make you fight target dummies on an airship, and most players disliked this, we literally found work arounds to avoid being trapped there. I guess something in between would be good. Optional refresher but tbh it was so basic, you’re literally better off going to wowhead and reading up about your basic rotation.


it’s literally not the same boost that’s why it’s called enhanced raid ready boost but okay


Its a paid boost. Use it if you want to, dont if you dont.
Thats it… Its literally irrelevant unless you need it.


ye cos 424 will clearly get you into raiding…


you can start queue for lfr the moment you wear that gear which means yes it gets you into raiding but you can buy that gear from ah anyway, the issue i them giving away the content skip because of how boring it is xd

Who cares if there is a content skip, people pay for it so it comes at a cost.


i didn’t farm main 5 renowns to 20 they’re at like 14-15 in two chars so the boost will come as handy to me tbh with the account wide reps . my point is if we had better content maybe selling a skip wouldn’t be appealing . i wouldn’t want to skip sl covenants for example

People can get into LFR, the horror!

Even my guild expected people to be at least 440 for Normal. I have no idea what requirement PuGs have for Normal.


So dont buy a skip, other people might want to so they can. what difference does it make?


I prefer to have a minimum of 481 for normal and 485 for HC

i do want to skip dragonflight content it’s boring , that’s my issue here . if it wasn’t this boring or if it was somewhat relevant like covenants, they wouldn’t sell it xd
the gear is not the issue here

So what is the issue? There is an optional boost. Buy it, dont buy it. What difference does it make to you if someone buys a skip?


the issue is content being so boring that they’re offering a skip . it’s something new with how bad the open world content in dragonflight was .

Nah its not about world content, its about offering something in the shop so that people spend money on it. Thats what you do when you run a business.