I am raising an issue on enhancement in hopes that some developer reads this. This is not a performance issue but rather a gameplay/fun issue regarding the fluidity of this spec. The issue is the damage breakdown and I will suggest how to fix it.
Currently enhancement has an incredible hero talent (stormbringer), and tempest is one of my favorite abilities of all time that literally feeds players with instant dopamine on each press. However, this comes at the cost of all your other damage sources being near insignificant, let me elaborate:
Currently LB and Tempest make roughly 60% of your overall damage breakdown. On aoe Chain Lightning and Tempest make 65-70%+ of your damage breakdown. This is essentially coming all from one button. As a result, your stormstrike, lava lash, crash lightning & all your passive dmg procs (wf, flametongue, stormbringer, tempest strikes etc.) all make a miniscule part of your damage and feel very insignificant to press and only just a means of gaining maelstrom stacks.
Even though i love tempest, i think ALL of your buttons should feel significant to press and not hit like a wet noodle. A good representation of how the spec should feel is current enhancement in pvp. Stormstrike, wf etc. are heavily buffed in pvp and actually pack a punch compared to pve (meanwhile tempest and LB still feel incredible to press). I think this spec needs to transfer an amount of the damage from the spenders into the builders in order to make all of the buttons feel like they deal some damage.
Right now I can actually feel my damage go down when i press stormstrike, until i press Lightning bolt ofc. I firmly believe this shouldnt be the case. Currently 1 press of stormstrike on a 626 ilvl character, results in roughly 150-300k dmg on each press with all the passive procs included (with no cooldowns active). This is EXTREMELY low. Please look into it. I think each stormstrike press should result in around 500k-600k damage on each press with all passive procs included, and that damage should be removed from LB and CL respectively to compensate.
A target dummy test (Single Target) looked like this:
45 casts of LB/Tempest = 62% of breakdown
75 casts of fillers = 38% of breakdown
This means that each cast of a spender resulted in 1.4% of total damage, whereas each cast of a builder resulted in 0.47% of total damage. This is a HUGE disparity, probably more than any other spec in the game atm. Spenders are almost resulting in triple damage effectiveness than builders per cast.