Enhancement is Piano Mess of a Spec with NO Identity

Enhancement is Piano Mess of a Spec with NO Identity.

Who’s in charge of Enhancement? They need a P45. Fired!

Since when was enhancement such a cluster??? Why does a Melee DPS Class need so many stupid elemental abilities?!?

Current Enhancement M+ Build:

  • Ice Strike
  • Frost Shock
  • Elemental Blast
  • Crash Lightning
  • Chain Lightning
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Priomordial Wave
  • Sundering
  • Flame Shock
  • Lava Lash
  • Stormstrike
  • Feral Spirits

Then keeping up and maintaining both shield.

And I won’t include totems, personals, hex, dispel and everything else… And look Windfury Totem isn’t meta now? WOW.

And to knock it off, Feral Spirits Cooldown resets so fast it’s barely a Cooldown at all, what’s the point?! They used to be an impactful cooldown not a rotation.

Honestly whoever is allowing this butchery of enhancement to continue needs removing from their job… it is not fun to play, all it does is give you RSI. The multiple interactions per ability is crazy.

Season 2 Enhancement shamans top damage abilities were the same as ele… there are no class fantasy differences now, Crash lightning should replace lightning bolt and chain lightning at the minimum, and feral spirits needs reworking because having it constantly off cooldown, sometimes with 2 or 3 of the CD’s used and active at the same time is literally the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a long time.

This isn’t Enhancement, this is Melee Elemental Shaman.

Augmentation evokers are a thing, yet it’s Shaman should should be the aug/support with windfury and all the other totems they used to have.

Stop trying to make every class do everything and stop giving enhancement a cluster of spells that’s not even, shouldn’t even be used.

Like honestly you said Shadow Priest had too many buttons last season (lol’d irl at that because it was basic enough) and then you still have piano shaman at it?

Sorry blizzard but you’re out of touch.

I’ve played Shaman since Vanilla and I can tell you now enhancement is so far away from what’s good it’s not even funny, it is not satisfying to bash 60 keys a second.

Oh and considering the new M+ build doesn’t enhance anyone it shouldn’t even be called enhancement, I mean why the hell is windfury totem even a talent?!

And you wonder why no sane person wants to play enhance any more. I’m sure there’s so enhancement shaman enjoyers out there who would argue against this, but in all honesty the spec is utterly broken. It should have been reworked in 10.2 entirely.


Literally wrong in every way possible.

Enhance is currently one of the greatest designed specs in the game, if not basically the best.

You are definitely in the minority here. Everyone i talk to likes enhance, and the discords have almost only praise for the spec, there are only a few issues with talents like windfury totem.

Go back to play classic enhance.


Dude he is right, enhancement is just button bloat spec, I have 40+ keys bind to my keyboard/mouse for this spec.

Too many buttons too little effects.


You have obviously never played Enhancement Shaman, and you’re not argueing with a guy who’s played Enhance since vanilla on every expansion. But this is the internet so you’re entitled to your own opinion, even though it’s wrong.

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Seems like you are reminiscing of the “good old days” back in vanilla where auto attack was the only thing we had.

Enh shaman’s toolkit evolved with expansions, just like every other spec. It’s a good thing not having to pray for a WF proc after you stormstrike a player in PvP anymore.
I don’t like gambling, and having multiple spells available to do damage in rotation is a better choice than Auto attacks into WF.

Just like our toolkit has evolved, our spells and abilities have too. Like Feral Spirits, with its old form not fitting the current playstyle and game’s pace. And i enjoy having them up almost all the time.

Enhancement shaman was closer to a melee elemental shaman back then than it is now, sharing all its spells with Elemental.
Now, we have two different toolkit for two different specs, and it is what differentiates Enhance from Elemental. In other words it’s time.
Game had to grow, and left you behind. I like it now.


I have to say as someone that levelled my shaman for season 3 i have a 70 of all other classes and considering my shaman is in the same pvp gear as everyone else due to the start of the season this class kinda sucks the survivability is non-existent you get rekt by all other melee/ranged spell casters so fast and the spell bloat is laughable compared to all the other melee classes.


For you two complaining about button bloat, let it be known that it has always been this way, only it used to be with totems.
Enhancement rotation isn’t hard as Elementalist, and simplistic as Storm (as hard as a warrior rotation can be).
So no, dude isn’t right, it’s always been this way, and this surely won’t change.

I did.

I don’t think you have played it though.

As for “button bloat” Irrelevant, entirely.

Button bloat is frankly a skill issue in this case. The buttons themselves do something cool. Ability bloat is an overused and largely irrelevant word .

coming from a Demon Hunter lol


What? What’s even your point? Have you played dh? Probably not.

Also, i can play literally every dps spec to a high degree, aside arcane, it’s not an opinion when i say i am most likely a better player than you if you wanna make an ironic point about how dh “doesn’t have many abilities” Which you’re wrong. You’re stuck on legion times, these days havoc is one of the harder specs to play properly.

If anything this point is better suited against you, since you’re playing ret pally, apparently.

One of the easier specs.

So, be careful throwing stones in a glass house, especially when you don’t know wtf you’re talking about. Which is something that most people who disagree with me usually have in common.

Like dude, I think you managed the impossible and made the agree with Ilyon:

You could not get any worse takes than those.

I totally support and would agree with you if you said that YOU did not enjoy enhance cause you tried it and did not appeal to you.

But actually coming and complaining for a spec that is currently at the pinnacle of it design. It literally has 2 viable DIFFERENT builds into the same talent tree, and it so well tuned that people are bringing 2 of them in RWF (only time this happened was in SotFO).

Also you are saying you are playing from vanilla but did you skip WotlK, Cata, MoP, WoD, and SL? Cause in all those expansion we have the same class fantasy of using melee attacks and complimenting them with instant casts of our elemental spells (LB/CL,FS,FrS).


I think you misunderstood.

The literally wrong in every way possible was referring to the op comment.

I like enhancement a lot and i think it’s excellently designed.

Although as anything, it’s not perfect, and there are still a few problems.

Enhance has never been better designed.

Or maybe i’m the one who misunderstood? Maybe you’re also referring to the op? Also because i made it pretty clear in that comment that i like enhance.

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Enhance need rework pls blizzard


Yeah you misunderstood, was only quoting you for the part I was agreeing with you.

The reply was meant for the OP, our viewpoints on this matter are in agreement.

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This is because you have no idea about Enhance.

Again, I played Enhance since vanilla. My opinions weights are far more than yours, sorry.

It’s a mess. It is a melee class that does nothing but spells.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Sorry broski you don’t own the spec nor your option matters more.


Uh uh, im certain you know what you are talking about indeed.

Oh wait… actually, you have no idea.

Well since you started playing in Shadowlands and I’ve played since vanilla I’m sure you’re correct…

I didn’t.

Anyway, irrelevant. Saying that you played since vanilla as if you’re an “authority” is about one of the weakest arguments you could ever make.

You know how many vanilla players are terrible to this day? Completely irrelevant argument.

Agree, retail enchantment spec is a total mess. I tried to get into it several times, but it just doesn’t have any flow, any identity, it’s just click shiny button and then go to your 17 button rotation.

Playing wrath ench spec was such a refresher, I wish blizz would come back to that design.