Enhancement shamans are so BROKEN

I have no words… Enhancement shaman most commonly used spells are HITTING 15M at 628 ilvl. The crit chance is close to 30% for most commonly used spells. They can burst nearly every pack. Most casts are INSTA. Their ST dps is also very good. Now look at Arcane Barrage that used to be the hardest hitting spell in game. Just a miserable 5M crits…


I mean, you are doing 1.36m overall with a augmentation my dude


Shaman is doing 3 x tank dps. Do you find that normal? When was a time Arcane did 3 x tank dps? Yet they nerfed Sunfury Arcane that was never even close to such domination in dps charts.

P.S. You can’t do much dps when trash dies too fast because the shaman one shots them with 15M hits from the most commonly used spells. Look at M+ charts every team has an enchacement shaman. This proves the fact that they are so broken atm.

You are not even playing a mage and you came here with your 0 point comment. A typical META reroller…

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Yeah, first boss of Mists my dude…still a lot, but let’s keep it real.


First boss that shaman did 5M dps. But then he did nearly 5M+ dps on every trash. I played with aug + shaman in other dungeons the picture is the same. Doing 3x tank dps is not normal! You tell me when Arcane did 3x tank dps in total chart? Every M+ top team has a shaman. Its so broken.

What was the point in nerfing Sunfury that was not even close to the dps Ench Shamans are showing currently?

Are u ok? XD

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Enchancement Shamans are not OK

Doing 3x as much dps as the tank is normal in 10s. Only prot palas can break 1m dps overall, and the rest of the tanks are between 600-800k. On those runs many specs can do 1,8-2,4k overall.

On your case it’s mostly a skill issue because of being paired with a good shaman while you and tank were underperforming. In such an environment, aug and priest giving pi to shaman is inflating his dps because he can kill the trash by himself.

Frankly in dungeons it is way more of a player skill issue. Some specs have gotten the short straw this season, but there is no spec where a good player will not murder me in overall.


When the group is balanced dps classes are usually doing 2x-2.5x tank dps. Ench. shaman is the only class i played with which reached 3x tank dps. According to statistics only three classes are doing over 2M total in high keys and guess what? Two of them are shamans! Take a look

https ://mythicstats.com/dps

On your case it’s mostly a skill issue because of being paired with a good shaman while you and tank were underperforming. In such an environment, aug and priest giving pi to shaman is inflating his dps because he can kill the trash by himself.

I have been maining Arcane since Shadowlands. Reached 3.2k RIO in DF before TWW expansion. Don’t tell me that i don’t know how to play Arcane. Based on the statistics Arcane is doing 1.3M on average in high keys. Considering that trash died before i could ramp up and my cds were not recovering for the next pulls i did pretty ok. In fact, i rarely do more than 1.5M average as Arcane. The ceiling for Arcane total dps is about 1.7M and you must have Spymaster’s Web trinket to reach this number.

Frankly in dungeons it is way more of a player skill issue. Some specs have gotten the short straw this season, but there is no spec where a good player will not murder me in overall.

If some player beats you in total dps that must be another shaman or a rogue. Otherwise you are underperforming or there is a skill issue. Currently shamans dominate all dps charts. All top M+ teams have a shaman.

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Duh, that was my point. Player skill is a really big part of damage, and there are players out there that can put almost anyone to shame.

Especially in 10s-11s which I am doing, any good ret paladin or survival hunter will slaughter the big pulls before I can reach my maximum dps.

Pasting statistics without analyzing them will not do you much good. Enh damage is top because every top group has the tank playing around the shaman’s cds, priest giving him pi, and aug babysitting him. If you had statistics form back in previous expansion that was the case with fire mage also (aug and priest buffing them while tank puling around their cds).

That is not the ceiling, just what the top arcane LOGS are doing. The top arcane MAGES on the other hand go frost and at the moment are in the top keys.

Also analyzing the overall damage does not indicate much. If you go by damage the 2nd most popular spec would be elemental, which is played less than balance, ret, or sin. Overall does not equate with performance on those levels.

imagine defending enha shamans considering how broken they are :DDD

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You are not looking at things corerctly.

That little “bump” you see in mythic stats from Enh shaman that is PI and PI alone.

Not every class gets the same DPS boost from PI. Enh happens to be the class that gets the best boosts from Aug because CDs align perfectly, AND PI.

In fact, I can give you a reason why Elemental is not the meta and Enh is:

Elemental has a 3 min Ascendance while Enh has a 2 minute ascendance. Guess what else has 2 minute CD ? You guessed it… PI…

So when you analyze things like this, take in mind that its a COMP. Not a Spec. And never forget the problems of “support” gives: Not everyone is boosted equally. And that opens a huge can of worms.

Because what do you do with Enh? Nerf it such that it does competitive DPS in groups with an Aug and Priest? What happens if Enh then joins a group with out an Aug and a Priest? Il tell you what: He will do sub-par DPS.

So if you dont like the situation Enh is in: Dont forget. If its not Enh it will be some other class. Because of “support” spells. So go to the Priest and Evoker forums to complain, not here.

Skardyn’s Grace, not coincidentally used by 45/50 top Enh Shamans in M+.

Blame PI and Aug again :rofl: I wonder why Shamans are the ones getting PI and Aug buffs… :thinking:


You should know. Mages are the ones that have been getting it for like 2 years (for aug buffs, for pi I cannot even count the seasons).

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I said it !

Its not Shamans getting it. Its specifically Enh shaman that got 1 small change: Reduced the DC of ascendance to 2 minutes.

In S2 and S3 and S4 of DF it was mages with their 2 min combustion.

And if you want to nerf Enh shaman, all you have to do is make Ascendance a 2.5 or 1.5 min CD. Thats it.

And here is the crux of the thing: What it took to make mages not OP meta (again for the nth time) was to nerf them bad to D tier. Because IF they have an Aug, and IF they get PI then they perform as well as an A/S tier spec. But if they DONT then they are D tier.

You are asking Blizzard to do what they did to Mages, to Shamans. But some other spec will take Shamans place. And you wont be happy until its mages once again. Trust me.

That is the consequence of “support” stuff. So much easier to simply make PI a personal buff for the Priest. And delete Aug.

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for pvp if you mean broken as just terribad then I agree.

Enhancements are not using Spymaster :smiley: Its an Intellect trink. You seem to be pretty active on Shaman threads! where have you been the last 10 season were mages were in all Meta builds ?


When was Arcane as dominant in dps meters as both Shaman dps specs at the moment?

Apart from the start of the season? Or the start of DF?

But also if you want to compare to both shaman specs at the moment, you better include the other 2 mage specs. Mages have always one spec being meta in any season, and multiple times being in a god comp (way worse than what we have now). Other classes almost never have this privilege, and they mostly have 1-2 seasons where a class can be considered “good” before they nerf them out of the meta.