Problem is lads, you have elemental shaman, an S tier non stop damage churning class in pvp.
Most specs are happy if one of their dps specs are S tier, but you want 2?
Only way for enhance to get a boost is if Ele gets a nerf. Also I’ve been up against some enhance shamans as a melee, that damage cranks and bursts. If you up the defence, it needs to take a hit somewhere else.
This is not how it works though That would mean for example, that if Mistweaver is good, WW is justified to be bad. People who want to play enhancement don’t necessarily want to play ele. These are different playstyles.
Enhancement should be balanced completely separately from elemental.
It’s like outlaw and sub asking to be as strong as Assassin.
Majority of people who play dps shaman will pick ele, simply because it’s S tier dps. That’s why no one plays enhance. Majority of priests play disco now, majority of rogues play assassin, warriors armsmen and so on.
If ele gets levelled out you’ll see more enhance, same with all the other classes.
Sure, MW isn’t a DPS spec, but elemental isn’t a melee spec either. There are thousands of people who play shaman only for enhance, and would not switch to ele just because it is strong.
that argument is fair to pure dps specs because your playstyle / theme is fairly similar. Hybrids its so different, like as Enh I probably have more in common in playstyle to a FDK, but it does represent a problem now with Class trees, Blizzard can’t buff our class tree without making Ele more OP than it already is and 90% of mobility and Survivability (the 2 things we lack) are all in the Class tree
our damage is only cranked during DW + Ascendance and it is bursty as hell but fairly easy to counter, we lack consistent pressure which is already the trade off for strong burst
I have my doubts Blizzard will ever try and fix Enhancement in pvp, any time we even get to the stage of being a glass cannon they nerf the cannon aspect to the ground, which in turn makes us completely and utterly useless.
We have one wall that cannot be used in CC.
Our mobility is now trash compared to other melee.
We have to use our resources for self-healing to survive, which has a massive impact on our damage.
Earth Shield can be purged.
We have a 15% health bonus tied to a 5 minute Earth Elemental that’s designed for pve taunting, a glorfied Stoneclaw Totem.
They’ve gutted the spec since MoP and it’s only the last season of SL and DF that it’s started to come together again. But it’s far from being able to compete in PVP, in PVE Enhancement is actually great already.
In the past having active self-heals was a bigger deal than today. In modern WoW PVP there are two “working models” - either passive tankiness (DH, DK, Fury) where your damaging abilities also heal you and/or you have passive mitigation; or alternatively you can’t heal but you have a vast array of defensive cooldowns to use strategically - rogue, WW, mage.
Having to use your resources for active healing abilities rather than damage (Enh, Ret) does not work well in PVP nowadays.
This is also evident by the upcoming datamined Ret rework - the spec is being “demon-hunterized” in a sense that a lot of single target abilities will also do AOE, your damaging abilities will also heal you, you can opt out of crusader strike and your auto attacks will generate resources instead, when you fall below a certain health % you get an auto heal, etc.
So why are they doing it? Because it is “modern” and proven to work well. Enhance will be the “last man standing” then, and hopefully will be reworked in a similar fashion down the road.
Enhancement should have a frostwolf resilence type passive like Thrall from HoTS. Each time we spend MSW, it should heal for a percentage of our health. That way we can stay toe to toe with other melee.
Also, mortal wounds should be shelved or nerfed. It’s far too widespread that now if you don’t have mortal wounds, you’re severely underpowered.
Shamans need better mobility, something like Thunderous Paws should be a passive, work with roots & snares and only activate if you are currently debuffed.
Feral Lunge should just be baseline for enhancement.
Winds of Al’Akir should work if 1 totem is down, how many times do we have 3 totems down at once?
WF totem should be turned in to a passive Enhancement buff.
Feral Spirits should provide healing for survivability, we can then use them for sustained damage and as a defensive.
Earth Elemental should always be Priomordial and we should get access to Earthen Wall again. It’s CD should be lowered to 3 mins as well.
That’s some of the changes I’d make to give Enhancement a much needed hand in pvp.
Just out of a Solo Shuffle (im brand new to Enhance PVP in arenas but have a little experience on other specs)
Holy moly… now I know I am a noob but I have never felt as squishy on a class. Everyone roaring abuse at me dying over and over and I know at least partially it was not my fault haha
I feel for you, I really do. Enhancement is by far the worst spec in PvP currently, it’s farcical how Blizzard can leave the spec in this state.
I recommend switching elemental for PvP and if you enjoy enhancement, either find a good team for 3’s or just stick to PvE.
Solo shuffle players lack the game knowledge, it’s mostly a melee zerg with fotm classes. As enhancement you need players that will peel and help you, you won’t get it.
Yup, and you have to put two points in to it. Even then with the state of the game, 15% movement speed won’t do much in PvP, but to get it to activate you need 3 bloody totems down. Horrendous design, why would anyone think this would even be enjoyable? The fact you have to count your totems on short CDs for it to activate.
Imagine being a melee, based entirely around attacks and autoattacks and then out of nowhere you are forced to cast a 4 sec (or how long it lasts) spell completely stopping your entire class design. And you can also get interrupted on that too locking 90% of your spells since everything you do is nature based.