Enhancement Shamans

Dear Enhancement Shaman players, i feel like so little of us playin PVP aspect in this game, less of us doin some feedback to Blizzard how to help improve this spec in PVP.
Solo Shuffle - Enhance most unplayable spec, same for 3v3, not even talkin about 2v2 cuz its even worst to play.

I feel like other classes have more and regular changes cuz more people playin on that classes/specs its more popular so simply more feedback etc.

What am I leading to. If you like to play Enhance shaman and u want to enjoy PVP lets Share our exp as Enhancement Shaman player, weak parts of it, what you want to improve, which spells feels weak to press for you and more. You can do it InGame, on PTR Servers, Twitter, here on Forums etc.
Not matter how good you play Enhance Shaman, Gladiator player level or you a Newer, or R1 player, Blizzard should get all the sort of feedback to make it good for every player.
We should be like a Wall of Shields work together, and i am pretty sure we will have result.

While i was playin Solo Shuffle i see that other specs/classes can do some cross CC with other players. And they have Multiple Defensive CDs, so they can survive, and do some setups to make a go with any classes.
Enhance right now does not have some proper CC to setup go with any class, or Defensive CDs, to press it often, to reduce DMG taken, to help Healers deal with our HP pool

I Would Love personally instant HEX for 5 sec. with 5-10 maelstorm weapon charges like back in the days.
Astral Shift cd reduced by 30sec, or give us old and loved by every shaman Shamanistic Rage instead of talent called by Astral Bulwark i don’t think people use that even in PVE.
Lightning Shield should reduce dmg taken by 10% like back in the days for enhance shaman since it melee spec.
No global cooldown on Bloodlust, Ascendance, Doom Winds Cuz almost every class have their offensive CDs off GCD right now Enhance has still a lot of offensive CDs and they are all on GCD.
Feral Lunge 2 chrages (possible option to make this talent 2 points on Enhance Talent tree) or some Freedom effect, to connect targets, amount of spam CC in current meta is insane.
DMG wise spec feels completely fine if we would have any of this changes, so we can survive, do a setup go, and do a bit more dmg cuz no GCDs on Offensive CDs.

In my opinion this changes should be enough to help perform Enhancement shaman in Solo Shuffle since its the most popular bracket in the game, also in 2v2, and 3v3.

So Dear Enhancement Shaman Players! Blast Twitter, PTR server, in game suggestions on Retail, Forum with your feedback and together we will make this spec work on PVP.



Was it ever great?


in WOTLK, CATA, MOP, WOD, LEGION, even in Shadowlands was not that bad.


Enhance have very bad survivabillity since the remove of shamanistic rage and the wolf that heal a little bit could be great to have this back , the mobillity is also a issue , I see that alot of classe Damage have no gcds in their burst and enhance is the only one left ( Bloodlust , doomwinds , ascendance ) .


Totally agree Stormgod,

I would like to add, some baseline damage increase on Stormstrike and Windfury weapon, gives also the chance to have 2x Windfury Weapons or add Frostband Weapon, Grounding normal Talent (so we have 1 slot for PvP Talent, Grounding is so mandatory) and maybe some passive healing, or increase damage from Wolf.

And, if they made ES and Lighting shield undisplleable, would be great <3


Hey, this is my like 2nd post ever.

The situation with enhancement in pvp is really bad. Its unplayable in 2s, it’s above the average in 3s, and if we check EU stats for soloque - enhance is the least representative melee spec in the entire game above 2.4.

So what s the main enha problems right now

1 - Survivability. We have only one def ability with a 1.5 min cooldown which can not be used while stunned. How you can fix that? Give us the option to choose either 1 min CD astral shift or 1.5 CD OLD DAYS shamanistic rage. One more option - OLD DAYS 10% damage reduction lighting shield talent

2 - No abilities to CC players and set up. We have only hex (and it’s hard to land when you are facing 2 meeles) and clunky 3 sec aoe stun totem that usually gets destroyed. How you can fix that? Give us talent for 1 min CD insta hex for 6 sec. That’s it

3 - Mobility. Now literally every spec in the game can kite you, bc they have tons of sprints/freedoms/roots/stuns/portals/etc. And the only option you have as enchance to connect - feral charge (without any root) with 30 sec cd and spirit walk. But you still can be rooted and slowed in a sprint, so you still can’t connect. And if you don’t have uptime - you cant do damage and win the game. How you can fix that? Give us freedom with 30% speed instead of just 60% speed boost

4 - Solo kill potential. To set up a kill as a DD spec you should have either a target stun or mortal effect. Or Both (like rogues, warriors, dhs, ww monks…). How you can fix that? Give us a talent option to choose between lasso (5 sec channeled stun with damage) and 4 sec target stun (without damage)

5 - CLUNKY BURST - All of our burst abilities in GCD, means that we need to spend like 5 sec to actually start doing damage. but Shamanism used to have no CGD, can we please remove it from GCD list again

And about the healing(mb ppl still complaining about healing) - i would 100% choose something from my list over any self-healing in the game





Unplayable in 2s, bad in 3s, and awful in soloque. If you check EU stats - enha is less representative melee spec in the entire game above 2.4

What can help us

1 - Give us freedom on wolfs. Not 60% speed boost, not root breakers but freedom. Every spec in the entire game can double root/stun/slow you and you ll never have uptime

2 - Give us passive damage reduction mechanics. For example, like it used to be in MOP - 10% lighting shield damage reduction.

Or other def CDs/Shamanistic. Or make Astral shift 1.5min CD baseline and 1 min cd with a talent

3 - Target stun/Insta hex. Like EVERY melee spec in the game have stun. Not a clunky lasso or totem stun, but actual stun dat allows you to do damage to ur kill target or CC healer/peal s1. So insta hex with 1 min cd for 6 sec or 4 sec stun would help a lot

4 - Remove GCD from doom winds/Shamanism as it used to be in Legion. Now i need to spend 5 GCD and only after that i can start doing some damage

And would be great if we will have some dmg buff to WF weapon / Storm strike




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Right now we are Literal Worst mele with Outlaw and Frost DK (but his others Specs are GOD so…) We need Huge Changes, I’m tired of losing vs 1800 exp dks/dhs/sp/assas/feral only because his spec is better than mine, 0 skill.



Thats because blizz is gutting enhance so that its only masochism to play it.

Uhm no, thats bountiful. Its just that blizzard do not care.

No, its because enhancement is never allowed to be good. Its supposed to be a support bot for warrior and then stay in the back of the trash can in every other aspect.

It will not happen.

Honestly i think the case is that it requires so much more of these classes to get the same performence in PvP. Then it comes to a certain level where you just can keep up because the rest requires so much less for the same reward.

Meta means minimal effort for maximum reward.

On topic, Enh defintely deserve some kind of a buff. Can’t say which though because i don’t play Enh

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I started this expax as Enhancement Shaman. Went in PvP and asked myself what I was doing?

Why play a melee class that is the most squishy, has the least survival and mobilty while also having poor cc. Every other melee spec does a better job and has an easier life.

I respect people for sticking to ench shammies though. It’s like everybody plays on easy, normal or hardmode while ench are playing their own hardcore version of the game. They should be rewarded for it. It’s insane.

Full PvP gear and and 40% damage reduction and a MM hunter can still kill you with just 3 of his abilties from range while you only touched him with your frost shock. Fun!

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Is it this bad?
Saw an enhance who:

  • summoned big rock and HP boosted for quite some time
  • insta-cast heal himself up from ~30% to ~70%

Not in SS just wPVP
IDK the cooldown or condition

I feel you


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In wPvp there’s no dampening and yes it is possible to heal yourself for that much if you talent into healing modifiers. The issue with enhance is its survivability as a whole. You cannot withstand getting trained in arena. It’s not even possible getting 2.2k in 2s as an enhance, in 3s you’re very reliant on your teammate since your class doesn’t offer much and in solo shuffle you’re just a training dummy waiting for your demise.

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What about WOTLK u as hunter should remember it (Best comp for Hunter was with Enhance),CATA, MOP (Same as hunter should remember that). WOD was Insanely Good for Enha, even Swapxy said Comment that like “EZ Blizzcon Win”. LEGION (Ez Blizzcon win by swapxy) What do u mean by Never ? Even in shadowlands 1-2 ssns was not that bad.

Yep its easier to say that instead of try to do smth.

We will see. Atleast i am Up to try.


Few more things

1.PVP talent

Ride the Lightning
PvP Talent

Requires Shaman (Enhancement)

Requires level 20

If there are more than 2 enemy within 8 yards when you cast Stormstrike, you also cast a Chain Lightning on the target, dealing (50% of Spell power) Nature damage. THIS PART IS GOOD

Otherwise, you conjure bolts of lightning to up to 2 furthest enemy within 40 yards dealing (50% of Spell power) Nature damage.
THIS PART LOOKS USELESS. Instead of hitting 2 random targets can it please hit ur actual hit target? One target, but that you are actually hitting. It makes more sense

  1. Grounding totem

Can you move this from PVP talents to shaman talent tree? Like you already did for a bunch of specs (for example mortal dance for DH). Bc in 99% of games you are forced to play Grounding and it looks like mandatory pick

  1. Undispalable slow

We used to have it. Called Frostbrand. We need uptime in PVP, it can help with uptime. Simple
