Enhancement shamans

Is there class fantasy basically a warrior?

Truth be told, that could be a generalization for any of the melee warrior archetype classes.
Paladin - Basically a Warrior, only Light Magic.
Death Knight - Basically a Warrior, only Death Magic.
Survival Hunter: Basically a Warrior, only with a pet.
Luckily for you, Enhancement Shaman flat out states that it is a “Totemic Warrior”, so I don’t know why you had to ask.


A stun totem and a earthbind totem makes us a totemic warrior?


To say they’re “just” warriors is an oversimplification imo.

They’re capable of many things us plain warriors are not while at the same time also able to fight up close and personal.

It’s like what Thrall says to Garrosh; “I do not rely on strength alone”

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actually survival hunter seems to be more like a rogue… with a pet and ability to aggro things 50y away.

When you go from a mana based caster-melee hybrid to a class that basically uses faux-rage mechanic while getting rid of almost all the spells and totems from before and making all of the new ones melee, it tends to feel like you’re little more than a warrior with lightning motif and a purge bolted on top of it.


Enhancement is pretty bland in BFA, so I don’t blame you for thinking that’s all they are.

The way I see it, their class fantasy is basically augmenting (or enhancing if you will) themselves and their attacks with the power of the elements. Being a host of the elements wrath/power rather than a conduct for them like Elemental shaman.

If you think about it, they’re actually closer to Paladins than they are to Warriors. A tribal Paladin that is.

Ummmm death Knights don’t use “Death magic” we are rune weilding rune magic abusing undead warriors thank you very much.

If you want somthing that uses “Death Magic” then let’s hope for a necromancer class.

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And having elemental effects with your attacks, heal with elemental waters, elemental wolves to fight with you… Yeah, Totemic Warrior.

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Warlock are bascially warriors too; look at that massive axe artifact skin for Affliction! They just like a bit of a breeze between the knees so wear robes instead of armour and they like to fling magical snot or set their mishappen dogs on targets instead of hitting them with a good stick!

I think people kinda misunderstood why my silly generalizations are there, it was to make fun of the OP’s simple generalization of an Enhancement Shaman.

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“…I have an archmage gf”


That too :wink:

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Well, the totemic warrior name gave in cataclysm where shamans got more totems than nowdays… seems blizzard forgot rename it.

Hopefully 9.0 will bring back totems again to its glorious era!


I honestly doubt that will happen. I would love to see it happen though, the Totem-Bar was the best thing about Shamans.

One can hope!

I’ve been trying to figure that out myself. It’s extremely sparse and vague, unless you’re an orc.


/10 char

Elemental Fury warrior maybe…