Enjoy Void Stone :D

As said before in the pve i do, i do it alot better than you and in a higher lvl than you.

Im also not even thinking of going pvp because ill meet up and team with mongoloids like you.

Keeping me ignored i see? ROFTL

Actually PvE is more popular because medium level PvE is easily doable by the casuals while they don’t grasp PvP as fast so they’d rather watch good players fight a boss they are familiar with as the can identify with the people they watch, which isn’t really possible in a PvP arena game. Not on the same scale that is. It’s just a matter of what field attracts the masses more.

If pve was easy, the by far most overpowered now dps: Rogue AKA you would have done a 2nd 15 m+ in time.






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Its easy man, dont worry. But in the aspect of it you do or ever did.
You can go alot deeper though.

Pro tip:

Just because 1000 rating arenas are easy that doesnt mean 3000 rating arenas are easy,but thats not easy for you to understand :wink:

The point was my dear, you can get it at some point, the opposite isn’t true even after 10 years. That’s it ! Of course it won’t be handed to you through assaults alone within 2 days how crazy can you be to have such expectations ?

Btw the 385 version was available on week three. If it’s really bis, I hope you seized it.

No social life while assaults are 15 mins long. Okay. Especially with WM off. Okay.

Never said high end pve was easy, it’s actually hard. Medium level pve isn’t ans that’s why so many people are attracted to it. They can be successful there without being inherently good themselves ! That’s the secret of the success of PvE events. Jist listen at what blizzard themselves think about it, it’s available somewhere on the internet. You’ll find if you want to educate yourself on the matter.

Why would I do m15 when I got my loot already if I aspire to play PvP ? :thinking:




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Guys, maybe it Blizzturd’s way of nerfing RMx. That trinket is great against switches.

New PvP dev inc.

He will defo fit their team im 100% sure but becareful what u wish for… :smiley:

True. It’s a pity that it made UH/DH-like comps stronger as a side effect then.

Yeah this trinket is great against rmx so its now off the table…

Now u can just /afk if you play a caster comp or rmx vs these comps dk / melee / healer " But hey, on the other hand u spare a lot of time doing this! " :wink:

The forum was derailed from that angry pleb ultraxide that fails to realize that while its not fair for pvp’ers to need pve trinkets its not equally fair for pve’ers to need PvP trinkets.

As said before, game was always like that except legion that gave it a change and pvp players whined about it as well.

As said before even cdew on a vid of his was whining about these pve devil trinkets from hell while he did beat the guys using them…

As said before its not fair for both sides have to do the content they dont like but its the smarty way blizz came up with to keep us occupied with a minimal content expansion.

As said before its alot easier for a pvp player to join a 20+ man HC raid and get these trinkets just because if not tank/healer it doesnt matter if 1 player out of 20+ sucks bad at while a pve player cant go actually 2v2 or 3v3 and suck at it lol But as i said to that guy, nobody will ever play with his type of toxic-whining-proing-nonsense he does.

Why do 15’s?
For the same reason you doing more than 2k rating arenas ofc, vanity


Dogs do woof Woof
Cats do miaw miaw
PvP players: There is no balance

There are enough possible ways for a pve-er to join 2v2 or 3v3 as long you are willing to spend effort and time in it and there are a lot nice people around who are supportive to help others within pvp.

I for example helped a lot of people getting their rating up for free, i coached a lot of people how to pvp and what to do in certain situations et.

Ofcourse there always people who are toxic as in pvp as well in pve content. “Refer to Rondakungfu as toxic because of the statements he makes and laughing while drinking my tears…

This is a human being who is playing a character behind his or her pc and this “reflects its nature, who the person is and how

So who is the dog here, who firstly defended this trinket and says we gotta live with it how it is… and now come up with that its actualy not fair ?

Idk ? Did i miss something ?

But ill go now enough of this crap and i got more things to do.

Dogs do woof woof
Cats do miaw miaw
But i don’t understand
What are u doing here now ?


Havent said its hard or not doable, i just said its not as hilariously easy to do so.
Statistic: 1 out of 25 suck is nothing like 1 out of 3 or 1 out of 2 being bad at it.

Laughing with your anti-pve trinket rage and drinking your tears.

If your point is that the system is bad because its not possible to get pve trinkets no matter how much pvp u do thats fine.

But if a pve trinket was available the same way the pvp onuse trinkets are available for pveers there is absolutly no way anybody would rather try getting it by pvping than pveing.

Well if u dont want to miss any assault u would have to plan your life around completing the dailys since when your job or a social event is at the same time as an assault timer u cant go. And im also 99% sure u dont get conquest if u have warmode off so maybe u should check your facts too :thinking:

Actually laughed there. Vanity for being above 2k cr. You must be really fun as a person. You got it wrong, some people climb pvp ladder because they enjoy it and would like to face better opponents.

Also, Cdew has those trinkets himself. Now what, Cdew, Blizzcon Winner, beat a random team who had PvE items on ladder while he has some himself ? I can’t believe it mate, how does a Blizzcon Winner even win games on ladder ! That’s totally new, never happened before, just wow !

That WM condition might actually be a thing, I could be wrong on that I actually never turned it off. Thanks for the info !

Well, it’s arguable, people with hate for PvE encounters and social groups, or with not enough time to do anything else than their PvP routine would be happy to get them from PvP activities even if it’s 2 months later. Obviously there will be people who have those trinkets earlier via PvE just like some players in raid have 415 ilvl pvp in week 2 because they happen to also be gladiator players. But then again it’s normal that someone better/who invests more time gets the gear faster. I just wish at the end of the day everyone has it, or no one, not one part of the pop and not the other.

Also, please, return the mace spec, which introduced random stuns on hit.